UPDATE 8/30/24: Poor Little Sir Keir, the latest PM clearly no friend to the average Brit shunted aside in favor of unassimilated immigrants, is feeling …
BITA(Bitten In The Ass): Epitaph of “Nice” Leftists
It hurts, Monsieur Lib? Quel surprise. UPDATE 1/17/25: It really sucks for the MSM when their lying, malicious history of being the lapdog mouthpieces for …
If they lie about The Virus/Israel/Fill In The Blank, they’ll lie about everything.
UPDATE 5/17/20: We find ourselves beset by a worldwide plague of destroying hundreds of millions of healthy lives to save (maybe) thousands of the sick. …
Communist China: Told ya so.
Bring back the good old days of full-bore totalitarian rule and terror! Free enterprise? Capitalism? Independence? Pride and power of ownership? Free speech and expression? …
They’re all Big Gov Totalitarians.
UPDATE 8/6/21: Here we go again, letting down poor little Cuba making another attempt to break free of Castro’s Marxist tyranny while America yawns. Restating …
“Democratic Socialism” and Sweden: Look again.
The siren song of “Democratic Socialism” is repeatedly accompanied by the ignorant notion that “It Works!” in the reputed earthly paradises of Scandinavia. An honest …
What a week!
Quite the week, here, in Israel and in the UK. How dare we Deliverance Deplorables act on the notion that LESS CONTROL from the One …
Leftism: Filling the void.
UPDATE 12/23/21: Beware when Leftists praise the virtues of “democracy” and wring their hands at “threats to our democracy.” They do NOT mean a de-centralized, …
The Myth of “Palestine”
UPDATE: 2/4/20: For the difference between a legitimate state and decent way of life (Israel) and a fraudulent, fictitious one (“Palestine”) made up solely for …