UPDATE: 2/4/20: For the difference between a legitimate state and decent way of lifeĀ (Israel) and a fraudulent, fictitious one (“Palestine”) made up solely for …
“Saving The Planet,” “Democratic Socialism”….Nice names for totalitarianism.
We were struck recently by Good Catholic Nancy “Defarge” Pelosi’s snarling profession of “a loving heart” when questioned about whether she hated Trump. Add to …
This just in: Donald Trump is still POTUS and has been since 2016.
As the Trump haters giddily gloat & sputter out their half-finished, half-assed, wholly hypocritical “impeachment,” the rational stay the course…like Trump himself. Sorry, folks. He’s …
MBGA, Making Britain Great again. On the road to Brexit courtesy of Boris.
It’s good, great, stunningly wonderful news for Great Britain, and delivering it is wild & wooly messenger Boris Johnson, now officially the British Donald Trump …
Giving thanks for America, 2019. Taking heart in Newton’s 3rd Law.
UPDATE 2/28/21: The pejorative term “reactionary” has traditionally beenĀ used in reference to the rigidly hidebound, racist, religious fanatic. In days of yore, the good old …