UPDATE 1o/24/20: If the latest figures of 46% Black support for Trump are true (or even half true), this is ecstatically good news, not simply for Trump …
Updates 7/19-26/20
DITTOVILLE.COM Mike Adams UPDATE 7/24/20: There are no limits of evil to which the Left won’t go to ruin anyone challenging their march toward totalitarian …
The Self-Indulgent Vanity (and MADNESS) Of “White Privilege,” “White Guilt.”
Vanity of White Privilege, White Guilt UPDATE 9/22/20: The nice White neighborhoods of Minneapolis, [and Dallas and wherever else the privileged, guilt-ridden cozily reside] now dotted with …
The Sinister Message of Mask Nation
Check out what prominent Democrats had to say about “vaccines” before THEY were in a position to weaponize their use against the public. …
Jobs, not mobs. Throw in law and order, and you have one choice in November.
Listening to those “concerned,” “compassionate,” “woke” [and GUILT-RIDDEN] souls anywhere to the Left in this writer’s social circle need to answer a question: “What are your political …
“The bells rang at Mt. Rushmore. The witches’ sabbath is coming to an end soon.”
As the Left desperately seeks to be our absolute slave masters (regretfully having missed the opportunity in the country’s earlier years), we are about to …