Check out what prominent Democrats had to say about “vaccines” before THEY were in a position to weaponize their use against the public. …
A CoronaCrisis Road to Serfdom? A warning.
UPDATE 4/13/20: Forget about China. Forget about England. The Orwellian nightmare has arrived in CoronaCrazed America. Adding a diabolical Stalinist touch to the already sinister …
“Democratic Socialism” and Sweden: Look again.
The siren song of “Democratic Socialism” is repeatedly accompanied by the ignorant notion that “It Works!” in the reputed earthly paradises of Scandinavia. An honest …
“Class Struggle” obsolete? “Identity Politics” too overtly nasty? Try CLIMATE CHANGE!
As Trump’s low tax/limited regulation/free market capitalist economy surges and record numbers of Americans (especially minorities) are working, the Left finds itself seriously short of …
What a week!
Quite the week, here, in Israel and in the UK. How dare we Deliverance Deplorables act on the notion that LESS CONTROL from the One …
Density Control: Leftist Commissars’ Master Plan of Master Plans
UPDATE 6/10/21: And then they came for the suburbs. Too bad for you slobs who worked and slaved to get out of the Inner Cities and …
Giving thanks for America, 2019. Taking heart in Newton’s 3rd Law.
UPDATE 2/28/21: The pejorative term “reactionary” has traditionally been used in reference to the rigidly hidebound, racist, religious fanatic. In days of yore, the good old …
Codevilla and Samuels: Keeping the American Republic.
In a very long, wide-ranging conversation, New York Jewish Liberal David Samuels and California Catholic Conservative Angelo Codevilla engage in the ultimate bull session about …
The triumphant American Jew at the crossroads
Is the time far off when the majority of American Jews change course and fully embrace America (and Israel) in all the rich variety and …