
UPDATE 1/9/25: Hopefully, the LA fire is the final straw, spelling out the disastrous consequences of hiring people on the basis of their Victim Group Identity status as opposed to actual ability to do a job. Californication is just the canary in the coal mine. Elected solely on the basis of her race and sex over a competent businessman, the LA mayor has proven herself beyond stupid and useless, but the seriously stupid ones are those virtue-signaling  ideologues who voted for her intersectional make-up, not her competence. Ditto the fire chief.

Is there no one on her staff to tell her about this new thing called “The Internet” and strange words like “website” and “URL?”

Entirely relevant to both the recent election, RBG’s replacement on the Supreme Court and, bringing things right up to date, the LA Apocalypse, here for the record is a classic takedown of the absurdity of hiring a black lesbian (triple intersection!!!) as spokesperson for the President of the United States only because she’s a black lesbian (or whatever), not because she’s any good at the job. Here is warning of the lethal consequences suffered in bestowing power on people on the basis of all the right Woke “ticked boxes.”


UPDATE 1/3/25: The Biden Justice Department has forked over $100 million of DEI-related grants, funds hopefully soon to be re-directed in a worthwhile, not evil, direction.

Ability, competence, merit, knowledge, skills…The Death Of DEI. 

UPDATE 12/10/24: Business is bad for the race hustlers these days, judging by the public’s support of Daniel Penny’s innocent verdict and the conspicuous absence of the hoped-for BLM-generated riots after George Floyd’s fake martyrdom. Blessedly, a rapidly growing number of Blacks are totally wised up to the grift and damage done to THEM by the race industry. When Black women on that subway car get up and thank Penny for protecting them against a drugged-out garbage head threatening them, the most guilt-ridden White apologists are forced to look in the mirror and be ashamed of what they have stupidly, destructively advocated.

Going out of business.

UPDATE 12/4/24: Spirits soar in anticipation of eliminating the hydra-headed monster of ID politics. Woke, as nicely defined below by both Sowell and VDH, is the Marxist’s newfound substitution of racial/gender divisions for class/economic disparities. In mobile, thriving societies, the latter (poverty) is changeable while the former (skin color/sex) is forever, the perfect ingredient for Obama’s legacy of permanent civil war and division.

UPDATE 12/2/24: Race divisions, Obama’s satanic legacy, have proven to be much more encompassing and sticky than class differences. Poor people who become prosperous are unlikely fans of Marxism and “permanent” class struggle. On the other hand, you’re White? Forever an oppressor! You’re Black (or “other”)? Forever a victim, no matter how rich and famous you  are. Think the Obamas, Oprah, Whoopi and the rest. Without the luxury of playing the race card, these public nuisances would have to content themselves with being simply rich and famous, not uninvited meddlers in people’s lives.


UPDATE 11/29/24: Two among many happy changes that the election has already effected: the sane decision of corporate America [Walmart being one] to give the old heave-ho to  ridiculous, rotten Woke/DEI policy; and the realization that ID Politics, the “Black Girl Magic” integral to BrandonWorld-flattering/hiring/conferring power on people as symbols, not talented individuals-is over.

UPDATE 11/18/24: NZ stands out in unpleasant memory as the site of one of the world’s most brutal, shameful crackdowns on basic rights during all the lockdowns. Remember Jacinda Ardern, the wannabe dictator PM during Covid, who announced to her Kiwi subjects that her administration would henceforth be “your single source of truth” and that all other sources were to be discounted and severely punished? She was also gleefully in the process of creating an apartheid society to punish uncooperative citizens refusing the Covid vaccine. Fortunately, a sensible, hefty portion of the population made clear she would be tossed out in the next election, and we were suddenly informed that this tireless control freak was “exhausted” and got out overnight to avoid certain embarrassment at the polls.

Should we be surprised that lovely double-island nation stupidly enmeshed in cradle-to-grave socialism also finds itself in the throes of the predictable civil strife that Progressive, ID politics guarantees? For NZ, the “systemic victims” are the Maoris, the Kiwis’ “indigenous” ethnics, who have been propagandized like their non-White counterparts in America and Europe to believe that they are entitled to separate and special treatment along with lavish reparations for past sins against them. Simple full equality as citizens of a representative democracy will not do. Below, we’re treated to a rather theatrical, staged disruption in their parliament in response to a bill guaranteeing them those full rights. For the DEI crowd, nothing is ever enough.


UPDATE 11/11/24: Sad to say, ID Politics, the RedBull tonic of the contemporary Left, is not entirely dried up, dead and buried as it should be after the fake/faux/phony [10%?] “Black Woman” got her fanny waxed. The high-paid racist whores of the MSM still think it’s effective to diss White women AND, in their desperation, to slime renegade Blacks & Latinos who correctly perceive that DJT/MAGA is their best bet, not a brainless DEI hire. Give it time for assuredly good consequences to take hold, and we can confidently take heart Obama’s Civil War cancer is going into permanent remission.


UPDATE 11/6/24: Meet “Dr. Arlene, Political Analyst” and smug know-it-all cackling away like her DEI hire candidate, vomiting up the snotty disdain for MAGA Normies that has been standard fare from the TDS monster, now mercifully neutralized by Election 2024. Great fun seeing her shocked sobriety the morning after. Naturally, she attributes the loss to sexism and misogyny. What else?

UPDATE 11/6/24: Muslim-Americans have provided a surprising poke in the eye of ID Politics as they celebrate Trump’s victory and the Kamaleon’s political demise.

UPDATE 11/5/24: It’s no accident that Barack and Kamala, two of the three dastardly Dem candidates of the last 16 years, have both been DEI stooges, hired to bring about a Third World America. The White guy missing his marbles in between that dynamic duo was allowed there to hold the place of power for the next subversive Trojan Horse.


UPDATE 10/28/24: Fulfilling Obama’s sinister “transformation” promise made on the eve of his election, the deadly Identity Politics virus has clouded the most basic thinking that allows our society to function, including a sober choice of leaders. It was once thought that the first ones breaking the so-called “glass ceiling” holding down females or non-White ethnics from high political office would have to be extraordinary. Instead, American Dems have allowed themselves to fall for a trio of impossibly shabby mediocrities, all nasty far-Left tools.

First came a smooth Black hustler with little to offer but a pleasant facade masking a fanatic hatred of America and western civilization in general. Eight years later, we were handed a charmless, White, power-starved woman only in the running for having ridden in on the coattails of her slick con man husband. And now, we get a 2-in-1 combo, a (sorta) Black female effortlessly slinking her way up the political ladder way off there in California politics, now suddenly exposed on the national stage as an empty-headed fraud devoid of any real communication skills, substance or authenticity. Normal Americans of all political persuasions are decidedly unimpressed. To the annoyance of the detached Dem establishment, such Normals have real-life problems that require real-life solutions posed by personalities guided by their own real-life experience.

Given a Trump victory next week, Dems might be forced in the future to consider talent and substance, someone worthy of a great country and its people, when putting forth their next candidate. Perhaps a friendly voice might remind them that no one worth mentioning cares about color or sex, just getting the job done.


UPDATE 10/23/24: Just a few reasons why DEI hires are proving to be bad bets. 

UPDATE 10/21/24: Spotting the otherwise very unglamorous wife of the recently dispatched Hezbollah chief crawling through a tunnel toting a $32K Hermes bag provides yet more proof that these so-called champions of the oppressed taking in all those Western billion$ in sympathy aid have always been just grifting Mafiosi filling their Swiss bank accounts. The Al Sharptons, Yasser Arafats and their metastasized ilk leap immediately to mind, savvy role models for this Sinwar monster now mercifully roasting in hell.

UPDATE 10/21/24: Matt Walsh’s docu-comedy AM I RACIST? already has driven some of the exposed race-baiting grifters into hiding. Allowing these political profiteers and their lunatic followers to simply be themselves in plain daylight gets the job done.


UPDATE 10/15/24: Behold, the Dem idea of masculinity. Actors-bad, totally unappealing ones-occupy their very own testosterone-free zone in this rock-bottom attempt by a Jimmy Kimmel associate to win male support for the Word Salad Queen.  Initially it seems like a spoof, but reality these days is far outdistancing anything even the Babylon Bee can concoct.

Is it any mystery why self-respecting men of all ages and colors recoil at the very thought of being one of “Kamala’s Boys?” One almost feels pity for the emasculated likes of Ben Stiller and his fellow “White Dudes For Harris.” They provoke the same question raised in rational response to all guilt-ridden Lefties: Why and to whom do you feel obliged to apologize with every breath you take?

Sad little Ben plumbs new depths of groveling, Liberal self-abasement. 


UPDATE 9/21/24: One needn’t invoke Yeats and his “Second Coming” to determine why “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.” Just check the ever-growing list of DEI hires foolishly placed in millions of key positions requiring skill and conscientious professionalism to figure out why we’re going to the dogs. 

UPDATE 8/11/24: To their credit, millions of non-WASP ethnics are unwilling to be browbeaten into opinions expected of them by the Obamaic ID Politics tyrants. That includes authentically Black men unimpressed by Kamala’s Fauxcahontas-like exploitation of her thimbleful of Jamaican blood.


UPDATE 8/6/24: In the bad old days of Jim Crow America, one drop of “colored” blood was a guarantee of second-hand citizenship. Nowadays that one drop alone, devoid of any merit, can get you a lot of money and even entree into the most hallowed halls of political power.


Black when convenient.

UPDATE 7/18/24: Hand-picked by Dr. Jill’s office, Secret Service DEI hire Kim Cheatle’s only qualification was/is being female, her severely limited intelligence and competence as evident as the left side of her face. Consequences of the job done (or better stated, NOT done) prove to be more sinister by the minute…as legitimate suspicions now arise that this studied incompetence is more than just bumbling/fumbling by BrandonWorld.

Want To Be A Secret Service Agent? Here Are The 12 Job Requirements…that is, in OBrandon’s WokeWorld, not the one we’re actually living in.

UPDATE 6/27/24: Our civil wars, Americans pitted against Americans, are the historical points at which we decide if we remain a UNITED States, Home of the Brave, Land of the Free or yet one more grim, grey outpost in a socialist archipelago reaching around the world. The Fundamental Transformation promised and being implemented by the Obama cabal, fiercely countered by Trump, is one of those pivotal moments in which we currently find ourselves.

UPDATE 5/14/24: In dramatic response to the divisive plague of Identity Politics normalized by Obama and his Dem successors, Florida has made an authentic gesture of unity, celebrating a class/group/common identity known far and wide as AMERICAN. A bridge formerly changing colors every other day with some new symbolic nod to this or that chic cause will now be red, white & blue ALL SUMMER LONG. Radical Leftist ideologue heads are exploding en masse while normal, sensible Americans are simply breathing a sigh of relief at this one small sign of sanity and defiance of the Wokeness/Virtue Signaling pandemic besetting America and the rest of the world.

Celebrating America benefits all people, not just the victim group of the week.


UPDATE 5/9/24: It’s long been obvious that the so-called victims celebrated by “Identity Politics” on the basis of race/sex/class are of no use unless they fall into totalitarian lockstep with those pushing the phony victim/oppressor narrative. What, in particular, has happened to “feminism” and women’s basic rights in general when a blind eye is turned by radical females to men invading women’s sports and private spaces, not to mention Islamic females living as men’s chattel? Where are the outraged, privileged Western women in all this? Actually, they comprise the majority of the mad mob cheering on Hamas against Israel. Why?

UPDATE 3/23/24: There was a time when the civil rights movement was steadfastly devoted to the dream of a color-blind society. MLK stated that with undeniable, immortal clarity. Bayard Rustin, echoing Booker T. Washington, warned of those power-hungry frauds who would corrupt that worthy goal with a deliberately divisive, hyper-racist ideology, the Identity Politics Trojan Horse that freely entered our gates with the election of Obama.

Bayard Rustin, prophet and authentic civil rights hero.

UPDATE 3/14/24: DEI is nothing but an outgrowth of the Obama Doctrine of permanent civil war, a newly hatched religion,  revised Marxism, rationalized bigotry posing as virtue, expanded beyond class struggle to involve race/gender/age/”climate consciousness”, victims and oppressors eternally at war with one another. We are a culture that has rejected an absolute, unassailable God and filled the intolerable void with a cheap, toxic, man-made imitation. Such a dystopian society entirely constructed on divisive ideology cannot last long.



UPDATE 2/10/24: FAA officials have been caught on a Zoom conference pushing for a reduction in White pilots. One point made by a female Black conferee is her vision of more cases of “ramp to cockpit,” meaning more (presumably non-White) baggage handlers becoming pilots. Standards guaranteed to increase customer confidence in the training of its pilots! Skin color and sex first, ability to fly a plane down the list a bit.

The consequences are not as potentially deadly when hiring an inept Black lesbian rather than a competent person as your press secretary, but the point is the same.

UPDATE 2/9/24: This surreal episode brought to you from the all-American hamlet of Dolton, Illinois can’t possibly be real life. Surely, this is an actress acting from a script, a Black mayor (bearing the distinguished name “Tiffany Henyard”) living high off the hog on her little community’s treasury, shrieking in an unknown Ebonics dialect at her fellow Black council members for bringing certain objectionable things to her attention. This is Identity Politics in its fully-advanced toxic stages, the DEI/Race Grievance industry’s (and the Babylon Bee’s) idea of “a Black woman in power.”


UPDATE 1/26/24: The Obama Transformation underway has been made possible by the injection of permanent division (Identity Politics) into everyday American life. Our strength is in those things we share in common, our unity, not diversity, and those things that unify us are the prime targets for those working overtime for an end to a UNITED States as we have known and loved it. Ominously, we approach that point where we may be in as crucial a make-or-break moment on our timeline as the Revolution and Civil War were.

UPDATE 1/16/24: Obama’s diabolical legacy: “As long as the Arabs [or Americans] fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, heartless and cruel.” T. E. Lawrence

UPDATE 1/5/23: Asking all and everyone if they oppose “White Supremacy,” is now the central strategic premise of the New Racism practiced on steroids by the Left. 

UPDATE 1/3/24: Naturally Claudine Gay blames it on her skin color. Rather she should credit it for getting her to the point where she could rise far beyond her level of competence and character. Harvard finally buckled on this one. After all, she cost them at least a billion bucks or so in contributions, so it’s all about the money and power in the end, and little or nothing is about to change regarding ID Politics and DEI within these academic corporate behemoths.

“Inclusiveness” at Harvard and everywhere Woke is actually the exclusion of those individuals and ideas that run counter to the prevailing Leftist dogma. And Harvard has no plans of abandoning it. To do so would mean junking virtually every embedded policy and everyone currently running the place.

Then again, money talks, and this dramatic exposure and Gay’s removal may be just the beginning of the end.

UPDATE 12/31/23: Funny how ID politics opens the doors to anyone, even universally acknowledged savages like Hamas, to portray themselves as “victims.” Restating the obvious, that is the essence of Obama’s ID Politics legacy: everyone is now an oppressor or victim, defined by “context.” Just make up word meanings and objective reality itself as you go along. to suit your agenda.


UPDATE 12/30/23: The essence of Obama’s legacy is the permanent wedge of race/gender/class/climate hysteria driven between all people, guaranteeing all-out social chaos on multiple fronts remedied by rigid, centralized control. A central tenet of the so-called “anti-racist” part of this civil war is that successful (ie, capitalist) Whites are the ultimate bad guys, and that has expanded to include those historically reliable scapegoats, the Jews, Israel specifically, the oppressor of those “colored” people called “Palestinians.”  By this mad, demonic logic, a climate fanatic like Greta Thunberg finds herself marching in solidarity with economic Marxists against the White capitalist patriarchy (including Israel and all those rich Jews) who oppress the colored, the poor and the sexually deviant. Pick your spot! EVERYONE a victim or an oppressor!

UPDATE 12/26/23: Judging by the unfolding case of one token Black hire named Claudine Gay, it would seem that skin color and political affiliation are less than ideal qualifications by which one picks the best person for a job. Not that it matters to people like her nearby fellow “Elected Of Color” Boston Mayor Wu who are proudly making racial segregation and strife cool again. 

Back to the good old days. Note date. 


UPDATE 12/18/23: One more major negative exposed last week by Claudine Gay, the token Black President of Harvard, is the injustice actually suffered by people like her who must realize they are where they are due to skin color and a carefully crafted PC facade/resume, not because of hard-earned competence or character. All the world now knows she is a mediocrity thrust with her full cooperation into playing the role of a respected eminence, an imposter. This privileged entitlement is Obama’s vision of social progress, diametrically the opposite of meritocracy envisioned by MLK where character counts, not skin color.

UPDATE 12/18/23: One’s jaw hits the floor observing this klatch of wealthy White women willing to pay a pair of seasoned race hustlers $5000 for an evening of Woke-style S & M,  all politely seated at a toney dinner table of course. My, my, what kinky indulgences are available to empty heads/emptier souls with too much money.


UPDATE 12/15/23: The core of Obama’s satanic legacy is a toxic ingrained Identity Politics by which the young and malleable mutate and re-define themselves from day to day. Today, a Pro-Hamas Muslim, tomorrow a trans woman, the next day Black, the following day perhaps all three even though born a White Christian male. No more influential example exists of such a sinister human amalgam than Obama himself. 

UPDATE 12/13/23: In case anyone hasn’t caught on that Anti-Racism/Identity Politics is the New Racism, check out the HyperWoke Boston Mayor’s “Electeds of Color” Only Christmas [oops! HOLIDAY] party invitation. Presumably, White members of the City Council will be turned away at the door.


UPDATE 11/29/23: Reality and the most minimally musically attuned ears easily upend the nonsensical claims of a new movie touting the supposed existence of an unappreciated Black Mozart back in the 18th century. Like “Amadeus” recounting the envy and hatred mediocrity holds for genius, this project appears to be just one more revisionist stab at demeaning the greatness of Western Civilization and the genuinely talented people who really did create it.  

UPDATE 11/22/23: Identity Politics is nothing new to anyone recalling the Sixties and the alignmentof  various grievance groups however unrelated under the single, united banner of “liberation.” Now, it is known as “intersectionality,” everyone a victim, everyone entitled to an equal share of vengeance against “The Man” We wish a lot of luck to those Queers For Palestine going for a friendly confab of solidarity with their Islamic comrades on the top floor of some very high buildings in Gaza or Beirut.

UPDATE 10/30/23: The inherent hate and resentment making up Obama’s legacy of permanent civil war is becoming a mainstreamed norm. How else to explain the Woke city elders of America’s capital city sprucing up the BLM street banner in the wake of the Race Grievance Industry’s flagship’ endorsement of the 10/7 Hamas slaughter? Meanwhile, the organizers and poison pushers, Obama himself preeminent among them, become richer and more influential.

UPDATE 10/30/23: Celebrated 60s folksinger and longtime Lefty Buffy Sainte-Marie has been lying about her Native American Cree background for all these years. Will she be lauded as a martyr like Sacheen Littlefeather (see 10/23/22 entry down this post) or rewarded with a Senate seat like a certain other Fake Indian from Massachusetts? 

UPDATE 10/18/23: A gutsy Australian pol named Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, herself half Aborigine/half White, has led the charge in resoundingly striking a blow against the “anti-racist” racists pushing for blanket special treatment and privileges to be granted Aborigines and denied Whites. Stalwart Aussies, led by Price, voted NO, affirming that equality for ALL is preferable to permanent Obamaesque civil strife, making former underdogs the new overlords.

UPDATE 10/19/23: It may come as a surprise to some that enslavement and torture of Black Americans was not strictly a White sin but one actively practiced by supposedly “pure-spirited indigenous” Americans.

UPDATE 10/5/23: The collapse of Kendi’s race scam is a hopeful harbinger of more failures in the race war industry. 

UPDATE 9/29/23: A final obit on chic race hustler’s Kendi’s rise and fall. Good riddance…until the next high-priced offer for self-abnegation and racial absolution is presented to stupid, guilt-ridden White Libs.

UPDATE 9/24/23: We’re told, very convincingly, by Robert Menendez that making a fuss over his pockets full of influence-peddling cash, is all about his being Hispanic. Racism!! Uh huh, ok, Bob. Sure.

UPDATE 9/22/23: One more big bucks race hustle operation is quietly going broke, and wised-up rats once devoted to the cause are fleeing the sinking ship. This one is that Kendi character’s DEI/”anti-racist” scam. 

Where, O where did all those millions and millions and millions go, and is one Black person (other than the high-living hustlers) better off?

8/27/23: Obama’s vision of “Transformation” has always been permanent division, permanent civil war. The Soros approach to such societal suicide has been underwriting the installation of racist, crime-friendly DA’s guiding their respective cities into lawless chaos while blaming it on White Supremacy. Oakland CA is just one more successful Obama foray into subversion. 

Oakland crime-spotting map. Blame it on Whitey.

UPDATE 8/3/23: Obama’s signature legacy of permanent Civil War, setting one against the other, continues to metastasize, thanks to official “hate lists” compiled by REAL hatemongers like the Southern Poverty Law Center. However, there is some comfort in seeing the DEI industry failing as companies run headlong into a stone wall of angry consumers reminding them that Going Woke can mean Going Broke. 

UPDATE 7/12/23: The first Black female Supreme Court Justice who’s also not a biologist once again exposed herself as an intellectual midget and dishonest DEI propagandist spouting an absurd, entirely made-up statistic claiming higher survival rate (double!!) of sick Black babies treated by Black doctors rather than White ones. In other words, skin color determines competence and, undoubtedly in her Woke brain, basic human compassion. Sounds vaguely racist.

UPDATE 7/8/23: No doubt it comes as a surprise to big-hearted advocates of Affirmative Action that the majority of people of all races would prefer being given a job or position based on their qualifications and competence, not their race or sex. The Obamas and their similarly over-privileged bigtime cronies on the Left secretly know they have gotten where they are thanks to their skin color or sexual orientation, not the contents of their characters. Quite the opposite of MLK’s noble dream, a level playing field is really the last thing mediocrities like them want.

UPDATE 6/30/23: The great “post-racial” POTUS remains actively devoted to permanent civil war, most currently calling for Black “reparations” lest we forget we’re forever a racist nation. Does being half-white cut Barack’s “fair share” in half? Any comment from him about  shelling out equal amounts to the descendants of Irish convicts sold off and arriving in America as slaves in the 17th century? Or, being a conscientious citizen of the world, some serious dough to relatives of those 6 million exterminated Jews in Europe?

UPDATE 6/23/23: Squad member and all-round hater of all things American Rashida Tlaid exemplifies a different sort of intersectionality being an Islamic fanatic, a Marxist and now an enthused advocate of eco-terrorism wrapped up in one ugly carcass. 

UPDATE 6/17/23: After trillions in aid and welfare and sundry social programs since LBJ’s Great Society launch in the 60s, one can logically counter that reparations have been paid, and it’s time those seeking more should go and get a job. Admittedly, it would be a blow to those grifters living high and higher and higher yet off of Race Grievance, Inc. Curious there’s no similar set-up for permanent compensation in Germany for the descendants of 6 million exterminated Jews.

UPDATE 5/5/23: Academic honesty is becoming a rare commodity on increasingly Woke college campuses. An admirable example worth repeating involves a brave Wellesley professor twenty years back upending a Wokester revisionist attempt to claim (very White Macedonian) Cleopatra as a Black African. “Cultural appropriation” is a good thing when it fits the Left’s mission to rewrite history, but don’t YOU dare think about wearing a dashiki.

UPDATE 4/6/23: Victor Davis Hansen goes to the heart of our current socio-political predicament pointing out the permanent civil war that began with the Trojan Horse “post-racial” Presidency of Obama. They [the Progressive Left] are turning America toward a Balkanized war-of-all-against-all.” 

The Obama legacy: the ongoing 21st century American Civil War.

When we’re threatened with a scheduled “Day of “Vengeance” in response to an imaginary “Trans genocide,” things have moved beyond mere words. 

UPDATE 4/2/23: Cultural “inappropriation” that will never happen.

UPDATE 3/22/23: DEI has invaded the entire society via the corporate and academic worlds like the viral poison it was meant to be…and with all the good results poison is intended to have.

UPDATE 3/20/23: Sad to say, a hefty percentage of Americans have no idea what Obama proposed and what has transpired since his Presidency. It probably would not matter since the essential Leftist mindset is only comfortable with centralized control, not individual liberty.

UPDATE 3/19/23: He’s just one of many DEI tokens, celebrated and rewarded not for talent, industry or any achievement worth noting. Ignoring all laws of healthy, self-preserving nature as Leftism by definition does, this loser has been elevated far, far above his bottomless level of incompetence. Behold! The face of useless Woke. 


UPDATE 3/18/23: A pix vs. 1000 words. All one needs to know of DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) and Affirmative Action.

UPDATE 3/5/23: We all feel secure knowing how expertly Buttigieg has it covered on the ground while the latest DIE/DEI nominee for FAA administrator would have the happy skies looking like one big, slick Blue Angels display. Definitely time to go national with this brilliant approach.  [Sarcasm OFF.] A sane future depends entirely on abandoning Affirmative Action and DEI and re-defining excellence upward. 

I majored in CRT, gender studies and crocheting. You? 

UPDATE 2/24/23: If there’s even a grain of truth to Buttigieg’s Woke boiler-plate assertion about too many White construction workers, it’s that Democrat-controlled unions tend to exclude minorities. As union power is checked, minority upward mobility increases. One more lie about Leftist concern for the “common man.”

UPDATE 2/24/23: These hyper-Woke days if you tick the right boxes, you can insult anyone, even another “victim group” and get away with it. You can even be one of the dumbest people ever to read from a teleprompter on a major media outlet and keep your job! Ask Don Lemon. Even though he has a problem with anyone female, it was Nikki Haley, a Republican woman, he most shamelessly insulted, so who cares?

He’s “grown” and fully rehabilitated. 


UPDATE 2/17/23: One day Obama’s primary legacy/curse of ID politics will be seriously studied and verified to be one of those moments like the French Revolution when the world went mad. Thanks to compulsory hiring for color/gender/victim status rather than merit and competence taking over all levels of business life, routine daily life for consumers has become dangerous. In the name of “diversity, history is  being erased worldwide; racial discrimination against Whites has become an acceptable norm. Dare we hope for a majority of the population recoiling from  and rejecting this ominous “transformation?”

UPDATE 2/6/23: To the horror of MLK and other true champions of a color-blind society, Tyre Nichols’ family can thank the virtue signalers of Affirmative Action and DEI for his senseless death: hiring criminal, unqualified scumbags for the police department based on the color of their skin, not on the content of their characters. So-called “diversity” is proving to be the curse of competence, and the results are lethal to individual victims like Tyre Nichols and to civilized society at large.

UPDATE 2/23/23: Mere tolerance is not enough when it comes to ideologies such as Environmentalism, Equity and Gender. We are required to fully embrace and bow before these new false idols of worship, the golden calves of Woke. 

UPDATE 1/15/23: That the MLK memorial statue in DC  is as off-putting as the newly unveiled Boston atrocity (and another unpopular one in Buffalo) suggests a desire to remake Martin Luther King, Jr. in some perverse, distorted way pleasing only to the new racists of CRT/BLM/DEI/Identity Politics. Think of how far the Left has deliberately strayed from his basic, great message of a color-blind society; and these dehumanized, avant-garde depictions of King make sense. Is the source of funding for these expensive, highly publicized projects, by some slim chance, always from Leftist foundations and Big Gov agencies riddled with socialists? These eyesores are as soulless and cold as the figurehead idol worship of Stalin’s U.S.S.R. and Mao’s China, and the message sent is a far cry from King’s admirable, universal one. To quote a disgusted cousin of Coretta Scott King, our Progressive moral superiors are “building expensive, new statues…and tearing down others for no good reason…”  These new “artworks” happen also to be ugly and insulting.

WASHINGTON, DC (not even the work of an American but farmed out to a ChiCom sculptor.



UPDATE 1/1/23: A dumb, emboldened female bully of our Woke times deservedly gets back as good as she gives from her male target, and one thinks of every individual and nation refusing to be the victim of the new bigots/bullies created by the scourge of Woke/DEI/Identity Politics.

UPDATE 12/29/22: Sorry if I’m not Woke enough to get what KBJ, the Supreme Court’s newly installed Wokester, is getting at when making some incomprehensible point about “It’s A Wonderful Life” in reference to a legal case involving a website designer refusing to do a gay wedding site. The only point understood is that everything The Woke utter or demand must be accepted as holy gospel lest you be labeled Hitler/Nazi/White Supremacist/Colonialist/Bad/Worse/Worst.

UPDATE 12/29/22: Thanks to Obama’s primary focus on turning us all into victims & oppressors, a new Black Supremacy has now gained legitimacy and is growing like an aggressive, metastasized cancer. So much for the so-called “Post-Racial Presidency.”


UPDATE 11/23/22: This Jones woman with her 1619 Project scam has hit upon her own hot hate commodity, making piles of very capitalist dollars, garnering awards and massive attention. There’s money and sinister power to be accrued from Obama’s Permanent Civil War legacy.

There’s gold in them thar teeth and the poisonous scam that paid for them.


UPDATE 11/18/22: Hats off to the millions of brave folk determined to retain a strong grip on their own common sense and decency. The video below is the testimony of a self-professed social liberal pursuing her psychological counseling degree at Antioch and finding herself in a fight for her career and soul.


UPDATE 11/11/22: Mark Twain’s little observation below more than adequately describes ID Politics (aka Permanent Civil War) and its purposes. Title of Top Shaker goes to Obama with many close runners-up.


UPDATE 10/23/22: The whiff of fakery surrounding the celebrated Oscar night debut of Sacheen Littlefeather from the start in 1972 was not an olfactory hallucination. Now, following her death, her two biological sisters, sick of seeing her “venerated as a saint,” have burst the bubble and revealed the whole Indian act as part of a life that she “lived…and died in a fantasy.”  In addition to concocting the Indian story, Marie Louise Cruz also invented abusive, mentally ill, alcoholic parents (Hispanic father, White mother) who were neither abusive, mentally ill or alcoholic which prompted her siblings to come forward and clear the record. Wearing a whole henhouse of rotten eggs on its Woke face, the Motion Picture Academy recently staged a groveling, virtue-signaling evening of “apology” honoring this Great Pretender.

Like many an empty soul these days, Cruz-Littlefeather created an ethnic/victim identity for herself, not unlike White girl gone Black Rachel Dolezal, to give her colorless life some color (in both senses). Sad to say for pitiful Cruz and Dolezal, this is small time stuff compared to the unabashed opportunism and ruthless ambition of an Elizabeth Warren who has parlayed an identical lie into political power and ill-gotten wealth, neither of which has been rescinded as of this date despite full fraud exposure. Who says life is fair and just?

A White/Mexican girl playing make believe; a sad song-and-dance act, looking for her big show biz break.


UPDATE 10/4/22: No informed person will deny that American Indians have had a tough time, in no small part due to their own corrupt leadership in the tried and true style of an Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson getting rich off American urban Blacks or Yasser Arafat and friends salting away billions in Switzerland via their long-running “Palestinian” scam.

However, times being what they are, the antennae of rational skeptics everywhere sprang up a few weeks back with all the renewed fuss over that famous Oscar incident a half century back of Marlon Brando sending a stereotypically costumed Indian (albeit White on her mother’s side) up to refuse his award and make a statement of safe, socially distanced political correctness on the great actor’s behalf. As Candide knew, this is the best of all possible worlds, and things only improve with time. So now 50 years later we get a whole wampum bag of forked tongued BS from Miss Sacheen LittleFeather, now suddenly morphed into an “almost” martyr at the hands of no one less than John Wayne, supposedly about to assault her on stage only to be held back by 6 security men. Or so the story has gone. This is in fact an urban legend hatched by a blustering Oscar show producer who proceeded to embellish on the “marvelous story” for years afterwards until it assumed some sort of sketchy reality.

Now in 2022, Princess Sacheen has received an official apology from the newly Woke Motion Picture Academy for her fantasized narrow escape from a pummeling by the Duke. Having momentarily regained her second and final 15 minutes of fame, this very distant cousin of Elizabeth Warren, in timely fashion only weeks later, passed on to permanent canonization in the annals of Woke.

In the process, another revered American personality has been slimed for the sake of a totally made-up tale about-what else?!-White Male Supremacy and systemic American bigotry. Even Left-leaning Snopes has to agree her suddenly revised and updated story smells like a mountain of hot, steaming buffalo chips.


UPDATE 9/21/22: Divide and confuse with regard to people’s “color” is a mainstay of the diabolical Obama legacy.


UPDATE 9/17/22: If permanent civil war leading to total societal breakdown is the goal of our enemies within, they are well on their way to achieving it. The very reason CRT, BLM and their ilk exist is to establish an American self-identity as a rotten, racist hellhole despite the fact America has never been freer of racism than the present. A recent accusation of racism, using the N-word by crowds at a BYU volleyball game, has proven to be a total fabrication. But don’t expect the general public to know that any more than they will accept that George Floyd died of a drug overdose. The damage is done, one  step closer toward fulfilling Obama’s legacy of permanent division in the American fabric.


UPDATE 9/3/22: Just in case you hadn’t noticed, the American Psychological Association (APA) has declared that we have been living in a “pandemic of racism” thanks to the “disease of capitalism.” And if that’s not enough Woke social engineering passing as “science,” you should know that these  “health inequities compound the risks to people of color because of climate change.” Thanks to the already highly questionable orthodoxy of these mental health avatars, we are compelled to conclude that America is one rotten place to live.

UPDATE 8/29/22: We are being divided and conquered. The answer is NOT accommodating the ideology poisoning the other side against us. Quite the contrary. If and when reality dawns on them, they will need us to lay out the truth.

UPDATE 8/27/22: A celebrated biblical quote (Matthew 12:25) from Abraham Lincoln during the the Civil War predicted a strategy of permanent division, a second American Civil War as implemented by Obama and ID Politics. The battlefronts vary, but the goal is always the “transformation” (ie destruction) of America as Lincoln foretold:

UPDATE 8/2/22: If Blacks or anyone of any race, color or creed in this world wants to be treated like everyone else, they will have to admit they can be called out for being total screw-ups just as fairly as being praised for excellence. Lloyd Austin appears to be our Secretary of Defense due entirely to the fact he is, firstly, Black and, conveniently, a mediocre Organization Man in the right place at the right time. And, to the point, an eminently untalented one.

Patton, Eisenhower and MacArthur are cringing in their graves.

Armed in plastic, cloth and employing a fist bump, the head of the American military fearlessly confronts some germs.

UPDATE 7/21/22: They’re getting them younger and  younger. Watch this shocking video of diapered, foul-mouthed Black toddlers screeching and physically attacking (Black) Minneapolis police officers like surreal, midget versions of violent Inner City teens.

UPDATE 6/16/22: Brainwashing confused, tormented people into believing they’re in the wrong bodies is reaching epidemic levels and is just one more deliberate attack on mental stability in the general population, most specifically among the young. This is just an outpost of Identity Politics, further dividing/alienating people not just from others but from their own most essential nature. 

UPDATE 6/12/22: Identity Politics was given life and legs by the so-called “post-racial President,” and Biden has been installed to see that it grows into the permanent civil war it was intended to be.

UPDATE 6/2/22: Lowering standards, bending rules go hand in hand with Identity Politics, and, as practiced with medical standards is bound to result in bad doctors. And medical disasters. One highly respected college Dean finds himself under fire for suggesting that racial minority medical residents performing at a sub-standard level may be….sub-standard residents. And lousy doctors.

5/18/22: The Great Uniter, purportedly on hand in upstate NY to comfort and heal after the Buffalo shooting, has only succeeded in surpassing his own nasty essence fueled by senility. What else to expect from the propped-up figurehead of a fully corrupted Party? Other than advancing an agenda of permanent racial strife and all out civil war, what use do Blacks (or any of the many phony “victim” groups) have for the Dems?

4/25/22: The Walt Disney Company has wandered into a danger zone of brainwashed perplexity, amazed and horrified that their embrace of gender Wokedom has blown up in their face. Such cluelessness is proving to be the characteristic shared universally by those self-styled elites in entertainment and politics dedicated to destroying the way of life that has created their own wealth and power.

UPDATE 4/22/22: To the delight of decent folk, Disney is feeling the consequences of caving to The Woke.

UPDATE 4/17/22: Mayday! Mayday! Black man caught by hyper-alert, sharp-eyed Wokesters posing as a…gasp!… Black man!!

UPDATE 4/16/22: Had the Brooklyn terrorist been White, we’d hear no end to the America-hating rant about White Supremacy and racism. But he’s Black, a profound disappointment to at least one race-baiting pundit. We’ll be lucky if he’s simply locked away for good as one more loon. We certainly won’t hear about his insanity being helped along by the Woke (and false) narrative of a “fundamentally racist” America.

UPDATE 4/1/22: If approved as a Supreme, SJW Ketanji may prove to be the worst of the rotating Weird Sisters act.

3/31/22: Will on Chris, Black on Black: The Slap heard ’round the ‘hood. What a admirable example for young Inner City Black men prone to assault & kill each other in vast numbers that continue to go studiously ignored by BLM and their fellow occupants of the worldwide Woke asylum. Leave it to the Babylon Bee to provide a solution to this dilemma.

UPDATE 3/28/22: Ketanji Brown Jackson’s ridiculous non-answers to all questions posed are both simple evasion and pandering to the Woke Left manipulators infesting our cultural narrative. Can’t risk offending all those 964 other possible genders with a straightforward answer about “What is a woman?” And certainly can’t pinpoint a real judicial point of view which is one of social engineering judging by her history. Meanwhile, she’s being sold as a pioneer and a genius when she’s just a cookie-cutter black lawyer marinated in Ivy League PC and served cold for immediate consumption.

UPDATE 3/26/22: O the absuridity of it all. The Saga of Ketanji or What They Don’t Teach Affirmative Action Recipients At Harvard. The NY TImes morning editorial tells us the Ketanji Brown Jackson’s interrogators in the Senate are giving us an unfair portrait of her while completely ignoring any mention of her abysmal ignorance of American legal history (Dred Scott) and, more to the point, her inability (or unwillingness) to engage another lawyer (Ted Cruz) in debate about a hypothetical legal issue. You don’t suppose she might ever have to do that as a Supreme Court Justice, would she? Most disturbing is revelation of her place on the board of a private DC school that teaches CRT. This woman is the standard mediocrity mass-produced by newly Woke elite schools of the past few decades, and her pro-American statement now comes off as conniving subterfuge for a bitter, radical outlook.

This is just one more instance of the Affirmative Action curse coming back to embarrass and bite unqualified people like KBJ, fast-tracked to the level of their own incompetence. Does this symbolic showpiece ever face the reality that she is not valued for anything more than being Black and female (and Leftist), her real talents and competence (or lack of) irrelevant?

3/25/22: IDP (Identity Politics) is definitely the place for KBJ (Ketanji Brown Jackson) since she is the focus of national attention entirely due to her racial background and her sex. But don’t ask her to tell you why she’s considered a woman and not a man. She says she’s not a biologist and isn’t qualified to answer such a head scratcher. Tellingly, she didn’t say, “I’m not a psychologist.” We are in Ketanji’s debt for unwittingly admitting what her kindred Wokettes in the Gender Dysphoric wing of Wokedom deny: it IS all about biology, aka science aka reality aka the objective truth, NOT what you or I think it might or should be.

It’s bad enough she doesn’t know the difference between boys and girls (which she does), but when you’re auditioning for the Supreme Court, it’s not a bad idea to be acquainted with at least the basics of American legal history (the Dred Scott decision), particularly as it relates directly to civil rights.

UPDATE 3/24/22: Unfortunately, the latest Supreme Court nominee’s grilling falls under the category of Identity Politics, having absolutely NOTHING to do with putting the best, most qualified people into high governmental positions. Of singular interest to those running this circus is that she’s female and Black. To her credit, she does admit her own life achievements are a testament to American opportunity. Does this REALLY square with her overall view of things as expressed through her judicial rulings? It is probably too much to hope that she rises or falls based on a record of judicial impartiality, not radical politics.

UPDATE 3/16/22: There is a real war on The Science, and it is a cult-like cancer that goes by the name of Identity Politics. As evidenced by recently revised, guilt-ridden mission statements, innumerable strains of the Woke virus (CRT, Gender Equality, etc) have entered the bloodstream of our major medical and scientific bodies, turning science and the pursuit of truth into tools of a political agenda.

UPDATE 2/25/22: Biden, beholden to the antiracist racists, has nominated a Black female as promised for the Supreme Court, eliminating all those women and men who just don’t check the right boxes and intersect properly. How flattering for the nominee to be picked because she is the right color and sex for the moment, not necessarily great at her job? How great for the country and the stature of the Supreme Court? Black, female, dumb, mean, incompetent? You’re 99% there, baby.

UPDATE 2/18/22: A totally qualified albeit personally unpleasant scientist with a successful record of running an important government agency has been tossed out the window because some women got their feelings hurt. Inevitably, he will be replaced by someone whose major qualifications will be not professional experience & expertise but skin color and/or sexual proclivities. And, of the utmost importance, a generally Woke outlook on things. Not exactly the keys to any successful operation.

UPDATE 2/13/22: As “anti-fascists” have proven to be the worst fascists over a century, so the new “anti-racists” are pushing race war and segregation. They are quite simply the worst sorts of racists.

UPDATE 2/10/22: In response to one more heavily funded scholarship in the name of George Floyd, Minnesota college alums restate the obvious about who that pathetic, drug-soused loser was and take their philanthropy elsewhere. One small but welcome step away from the “Race Crazy” Left’s takeover of our national outlook on liberty, equality, responsibility, being fundamentally American, being a decent citizen.

UPDATE 2/4/22: Attractive and rational Dem up-and-comer Tulsi Gabbard has choice words for Brandon on the disastrous use of ID Politics pandering in place of merit, citing Kackling Kalamity as Exhibit A.

UPDATE 2/4/22: Poor Whoops has really flunked Rudimentary Racism I. Nazis? Jews? Race driven? Uh, yeah. That’s what you get from people who are so race-obsessed and driven uncontrollably to wild virtue-signaling over ID politics at every opportunity. The final word on WhoopiGate. Turns out she’s just dumb, not evil. 

UPDATE 2/1/22: The View’s Whoopi Goldberg has just turned herself inside out, exposing her own self-serving brand of racism now so common among Black Leftists and their sympathizers. According to her recent display of wise compassion, the only real racism is that inflicted on multi-millionaire, ultra-privileged Blacks like herself due some reparations. Meanwhile, regarding that little dust-up between Jews and Nazis about 80 years ago: “The Holocaust isn’t about race. No. It’s not about race….This is White people doing it to White people. So, this is y’all go fight amongst yourselves.”

In other words, the only REAL racism of concern is against Blacks, and antisemitism just doesn’t compare. Aside from threats of losing her career (which isn’t going to happen as it did to others like Roseann), someone might bring the former Caryn Johnson (a Karen by any other name is just as obnoxious) up on charges of cultural appropriation, stealing that very Jewish last name. 

Black & female candidate for the Supreme Court in British jurist drag. 

UPDATE 1/31/22: Wanted: race hustlers interested in raking in huge amounts of money for no reason other than to spend it on fancy houses and lavish vacations for themselves. Special perks include being praised as Social Justice Warriors without benefiting a soul except themselves. A good business to be in, but the IRS is not fully on board. 

UPDATE 1/28/22: Sorry, Mr. Breyer, you’re out. We need to get a Woke Black female in there, and you’re just too…um…White and male. 

UPDATE 1/6/22: Speaking the truth these days about the destruction wrought by BLM and its violent ilk will get you fired in Woke territory. In this case, an honest, objective statistician at Reuters news service has found himself terminated when criticizing the company narrative embracing the burning of cities and destruction of Black lives and businesses.


UPDATE 11/22/21: V.D. Hanson makes the fascinating (and chilling) observation that the New South has become the Old North and the New North is now looking like the Old South.  

…and depending upon who your governor is….

UPDATE 11/5/21: That the elections in Viriginia of Winsome Sears (Black, female) and Jason Miyares  (Hispanic) has drawn barely an atom of attention let alone celebration from the MSM only proves once again that ID politics is not about improving life for whatever victim group-of-the-week but solely about advancing Leftism.

Being ignored is the least of it when media Leftists desperately resort to calling Sears “a Black mouth” for “White Supremacist practices.”  Politically independent and expressing her own negative opinion of CRT has elicited similar sputtering contempt from another MSM stooge for Condi Rice.

We know the Left hates conservatives, but a special hatred is reserved for those “victims” who refuse to play victim.  The only good (FILL IN THE BLANK) is a Leftist (FILL IN THE BLANK). And the only solution for a (FILL IN THE BLANK) who refuses to be the (FILL IN THE BLANK) mouth for Leftist practices is a silenced or, better yet, dead (FILL IN THE BLANK).

UPDATE 10/27/21: An excellent man-on-the-street video from Florida isn’t just contemptuous hand-wringing about how stupid young people are but beautifully demonstrates how simple, calm logic can suddenly enlighten them. In this case, it’s about quotas and “diversity.” When confronted with who they want playing on their basketball team (or flying the plane), people suddenly realize merit/skill/competence trumps all ID Politics diversity. 

UPDATE 10/17/21: There is no conflict of interest or even hypocrisy in the world view of Leftists. However and whatever they do to impose their “just,” “equitable” point of view (and prerequisite force & controls on the unwilling) is acceptable. After all, they are “on the right side of history” which is always the Marxist/utopian vision of top-down Master Planning.

So, no surprise that Attorney General Garland, chief law enforcer and knee capper for the Biden Mafia, has targeted American parents resistant to CRT propaganda as “domestic terrorists.” After all, his son-in-law’s company, Panorama backed by Facebook’s Zuckerberg, has a multi-million dollar  contract with 23,000 public schools nationwide distributing CRT propaganda. How could concepts like “conflict of interest” or “hypocrisy” apply or deter him and his relatives when their causes of “racial justice” and “equity” are so nobly Woke...and there’s so much money to be made. Profits? Money? Anti-capitalism? Income equality? All in perfect harmony when  some animals are more equal than other animals. 

Follow the money, especially that of the anti-capitalist Marxist Woke.

UPDATE 10/9/21: Permanently incited civil war in a variety of forms and guises is the means; socialism is the goal. United we stand, divided we fall. And the Left no longer feels the need to hide its destructive intentions.

UPDATE 10/7/21: Can it be that once impeccable charity organization, the Salvation Army, has gone Woke and confessed publicly that there is “little doubt as to whether racism has impacted The Salvation Army in policy and practice?” Yes, it can be. Another sad instance of the Left’s reverse Midas touch as bluntly described by our real President.

UPDATE 10/1/21: Upcoming Columbus Day offers a fresh new stir of the racial pot, heavily seasoned with lies, distortions and convenient deletions that comprise the main ingredients of the now-standard Woke narrative. That meme is that Chris was just the first of a horrible, unbroken line of White sadists & murderers leading up to the present who exist only to  wage fulltime mayhem and destruction on the non-White American population.

UPDATE 9/16/21: Biden’s medical apartheid-pitting the vaccinated against the Deplorable UnVaccinated-is  just one more outpost of Identity Politics and Critical Race Theory, all designed to create permanent civil war, chaos justifying totalitarian crackdown.

UPDATE 9/10/21: Larry Elder is running for the California governorship and for his trouble had eggs thrown at him by a White creep in a gorilla mask.  This would be world headlines and grist for the media mill over weeks of outraged round tables and angry editorials deploring American racism IF….he were a Leftwing Democrat, BLM activist or the next serial criminal offender turned international celebrity/martyr involved in a hyper-publicized altercation with law enforcement. As once again evidenced, the Left’s Identity Politics has nothing to do with righting wrongs against genuine victims and everything to do with advancing the Leftist agenda.

UPDATE 8/30/21: Larry Elder, a prominent Black conservative, has a chance to unseat Gavin Newsom in the California Governor’s race. So, naturally the usual suspects are pulling out every slime and slander (and voting fraud) they normally use on White conservatives, portraying Elder as an Uncle Tom racist White supremacist tool,  yada yada yada. All they’re accomplishing is giving lie to their persistent claim that Identity Politics is about helping Blacks or Gays or Women or The Poor or whatever Victim-Of-The-Moment. The Left never helps the victimized group it claims to champion but only exploits it to advance Leftism.

UPDATE 8/11/21: The permanent civil war of ID Politics, the Left’s reliable road to the absolute control it seeks, now includes the manufactured strife implemented between the Vaxed & Unvaxed.

UPDATE 7/17/21: Class is now passe as a talking point of Marxist subversion and division. After all, some of the loudest spokesoids for revolution are billionaires. So, let’s make the rich/poor thing irrelevant while white/black, LGQBTWTF/straight is now a matter of existential urgency.

Save history, save our roots, Get rid of CRT. Taking poison or forcing others to take it is not covered under any rational definition of free speech.

UPDATE 7/7/21: Ground Zero of the ID Politics virus and Obama’s injecting of it full blast into the American bloodstream can be sited at the moment the so-called post-racial POTUS said, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” Here was the first in a string of young, mostly male Black criminals magically morphed into martyrs readymade for Leftist agitprop. In the ensuing dozen years, we have a new race war raging as a consequence of that deliberately subversive narrative.

UPDATE 7/6/21: It’s a good omen when someone on the Woke side gets fed up with the insanity about the evil of All Things White.. Time will tell if more Left-leaning libertarians like Bill Maher really recognize the direct connection between the lunatics running the cultural asylum and the political one. Perhaps they are one and the same.

UPDATE 7/2/21: A simple and clear description of the Leftist/Democrat Master Plan history: divide the races and sexes just as Marx suggested dividing people by class. Then establish Whiteness and Maleness as existential crimes! Let’s hear it for the Party that has united and healed us all!

UPDATE 6/4/21: “Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated, can long endure.” No, that’s not just Abraham Lincoln at 1863 Gettysburg. It’s every concerned American today, contemplating the consequences of the prevailing Identity Politics put in place and now carried out to keep us permanently at one another’s throats.

We are living out The Hunger Games” and Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm, the dystopian nightmare of centralized control by the totalitarian few over the many kept in place by making all family and social life a chaotic cauldron of fear and suspicion. Dickens provides the bookend to Lincoln’s timely quote: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

UPDATE 5/9/21: The newly empowered “Systemic Racism” of CRT, BLM and fellow travelers continues to get under the skin (presumably White) of anyone sufficiently self-hating to play obsequious slave to their cruel overseer. Obama was the Trojan Horse who snuck in under the guise of being “the first post-racial President” only to deliberately foster a universal world view of victims and oppressors, everyone included and complicit.
Anyone now remotely critical of this view that America is essentially a hateful country is targeted as one of Hillary’s celebrated Basket of Deplorables. A parent speaks out to jeers & catcalls of “Racist!” when removing his daughter from the high-fashion brainwashing she was undergoing at her $50K+ Manhattan private school. A prominent Black conservative such as Senator Tim Scott not playing along with the Woke narrative is branded an “Uncle Tom.” A fair, fully legitimate trial for Derek Chauvin has proven impossible when the jurors and the entire city of Minneapolis find themselves with a literal gun to their heads if a guilty verdict is not reached. The Chance Gardener impersonator from Delaware cheers on this extortion from his delusional basement lair. A white policeman saves the life of one Black teenager clearly caught on camera by shooting another Black teen  about to plunge a long knife into her intended target. The usual sociopaths portray this as wanton police violence on a peace-loving Black child. A similar incident of a Black on Black teenager murder doesn’t merit a moment’s notice.

UPDATE 3/28/21: Obama’s Legacy of Permanent Civil War (aka ID Politics) coupled with dissociative thinking updates. Woke Ivy League outpost formerly known as Columbia University now has separate, segregated graduation ceremonies for various blocs of The Victimized. Soon to assume prominence on the cultural scene: gender-fluid Mermaid Lives Matter. And as a San Francisco high school scraps merit-based admission in favor of an open lottery, excitement grows among eager short White near-sighted nerds as rumor has it that the NBA may consider a similar hiring policy. Or not, if ticket sales lag.

ORIGINAL POST 11/18/18: The American electorate hath spoken, and an unfortunately large segment of it has chosen again to give socialism one more chance.

So the parasite Left will continue to ride on like a blood-engorged tick desperately stuck to the back of its reviled MAGA host, sucking life from the industrious,creative and prosperous. To its own detriment, of course. Killing the Golden Goose & all that. After all, who really needs whom?

Parasite, Sowell

Flawed human nature being what it is, this suicidal farce will continue as long as deluded people are encouraged to join The Permanently Victimized (aka the Dem/Prog/ID Politics Left) …and choose never to become winners, individuals.

Kindly reminder: there would simply be no Left without ID politics. It’s taken the place of the original Marxist rich/poor dialectic. Poverty is potentially temporary, the sort of progress that makes the theory of permanent class warfare irrelevant. Being Black/Brown/Yellow/Colored/Gay/Trans/ is forever! Now you can get as fat & rich as your Capitalist “masters” all the while continuing to Hate The Man AND collect reparations (money & prostrate apologies)! Unto perpetuity! A pitiful  Victim For Life!

Beat that deal!

Bass-ackwards. Who really needs whom to survive?
The BIG Bass-ackwards LIE. Who really needs whom to survive?

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