UPDATE 8/30/24: Poor Little Sir Keir, the latest PM clearly no friend to the average Brit shunted aside in favor of unassimilated immigrants, is feeling …
Are we to be The Gormless Guilty or free Americans?
A couple of scenarios, hypothetical of course. A danger to the public from abroad is discovered (a contagious virus from the Far East for instance) …
If they lie about The Virus/Israel/Fill In The Blank, they’ll lie about everything.
UPDATE 5/17/20: We find ourselves beset by a worldwide plague of destroying hundreds of millions of healthy lives to save (maybe) thousands of the sick. …
Rush Limbaugh, American.
RUSH UPDATE 6/19/21: Friday was a sobering occasion for millions of Dittoheads as Rush’s final broadcast was publicly aired. The full inspiring significance of his …
Codevilla and Samuels: Keeping the American Republic.
In a very long, wide-ranging conversation, New York Jewish Liberal David Samuels and California Catholic Conservative Angelo Codevilla engage in the ultimate bull session about …
Trump: The Perfect President For These Times
Never Trumpers and Progs notwithstanding, their feet planted firmly in the air 8 miles high, Trump is proving to be “the perfect President for these …
The triumphant American Jew at the crossroads
Is the time far off when the majority of American Jews change course and fully embrace America (and Israel) in all the rich variety and …
Renewable energy=another hoax. But then, coming from the Left, what isn’t?
10/5/19: Surprise, surprise. Solar plants increase pollution. A little problem about the chicken and egg: one needs energy to operate these “energy-savers.” ORIGINAL POST 9/22/19: …
The Dems go all-out Brave New 1984: Big Brother dispensing Soma.
As the Dem Party 2020 wannabes continue to scramble over one another for the most insane, impossible $MultiTrillion promises to the masses, one can only …