2000 MULES, documentary on stolen Election 2020, out the first week of May.
UPDATE 11/13/24: Those who insist Election, 2020 wasn’t stolen will surely be able to explain those millions (9? 15? 20?) of votes marked “Joe” in 2020 conspicuously missing from last week’s tally for Kamala.
Perhaps now the general public will have to admit something was seriously awry in 2020.
UPDATE 10/27/24: Aside from those trunk loads of newly discovered votes in the wee hours all coincidentally marked “Kamala” and in precisely the right quantity to achieve electoral college victory, the greatest threat to a fair election is/are the masses of fraudulent mail-in ballots sent out to every potential Democrat voter, thereby duplicating votes already cast in person at the polls. The Covid scam allowed close to half of votes cast in 2020 to be courtesy of the U.S. Post Office. Are Republicans prepared to avoid a repeat of this? And then there’s the permanent, ongoing campaign to smear anyone exposing the Big Cheat.
Dem interest in proper ID requirements varies greatly according to circumstance.
UPDATE 10/26/24: One state (Mississippi) rules that votes must arrive by Election Day. What an idea. And the other 49?
UPDATE 10/21/24: Ominous to contemplate. CA has outlawed ANY display of voter ID. Voluntarily flashing your driver’s license or passport at the polls is actively forbidden. With the help of those 10 million+ UNDOCUMENTED illegals Kamala & Co. have waved in and distributed nationwide in small communities like Aurora CO or Springfield OH, there are no limits to massive voter fraud and social chaos.
UPDATE 10/8/24: One of the robotic memes spouted routinely against the MAGA movement is the highly selective accusation of Trump & his followers “shredding the Constitution.” Problem is the Dems have themselves made clear their goals of dismantling at the very least the first two Amendments (free speech and armed self-defense) and abolishing the Electoral College. “Needs to go,” says Tiananmen Tim, echoing election denier Hillary. Seems the founders’ wisdom regarding safeguarding true representative democracy is the sort of “democracy” they find inconvenient.
UPDATE 10/8/24: VDH, that most meticulous and trustworthy of historians, goes over the various desperate measures the Dems have been using to destroy all opposition and permanently steal elections since Trump’s epochal escalator ride nearly a decade ago. Ominously, all such measures have now been dialed up to the max to sneak in their historically worst-of-all-time (that’s saying something!) candidates by any means.
[About 25 minutes in, for serious history buffs, this academic treasure offers a clear & concise outline of the Battle of France, 1940.]
UPDATE 9/27/24: The distance now between Normal America and our once beloved Hollywood is apparent in the obtusely woke declarations of its overpaid, bubble-wrapped stars. Now, we are informed these Elite Bigs are in on helping to steal the election…again.
UPDATE 9/22/24: We must return to Election DAY, not “days,” not “weeks,” not “however long it takes to create a sudden surprise appearance of ballots, all coincidentally marked ‘Kamala.'” The likelihood of delays guaranteed by steadily increasing mail-in voting gives us all something to worry about between now and November 5.
UPDATE 9/6/24: It’s no secret that the Dems will do any and everything to thwart Trump’s re-election. They’ve done it once, they can do it again. God willing, they fail miserably and fully this time.
UPDATE 8/6/24: The stolen Election of 2020 still sticks painfully in the craw; millions of us did the math that night, and four years on, it still literally doesn’t add up. A detailed Israeli editorial concurs. The specter of another corrupted election looms, threatening to make America’s vox populi permanently irrelevant.
UPDATE 7/19/24: The Republican Convention went beautifully, and given the opportunity for the voters to decide the upcoming election (as opposed to those Deep State scoundrels engineering another Big Steal), the future looks bright.
That’s Election DAY, not Election DAYS.
UPDATE 7/12/24: The way out of the Dem Party prison we find ourselves in starts with a fair election whereby a lot of decent people come to their senses and vote in their own best interests, not as their guilt-ridden consciences compel them. Such an essential turn of events will happen only if the overwhelming majority of votes are cast IN PERSON on ONE SINGLE VOTING DAY. Ominously, millions of absentee ballots are very likely to materialize in convenient numbers after the fact…just like they did in 2020 when the election was transparently, blatantly stolen AFTER Election Day, allowing an incoherent bag of bones to squat illegitimately with his blowsy blonde nurse attendant in the White House.
UPDATE 7/11/24: Aside from correctly criticizing and warning against a corrupted voting process, Elon is putting his money in the right place, having made a substantial donation to the Trump campaign. It doesn’t hurt having the world’s richest man in your corner.
UPDATE 5/14/24: The decrepit imposter in the White House can barely function, and with no stated plans to replace him, one can’t help wondering whether confidence in another fixed election is so strong that the Dems aren’t bothering with a campaign. Surely, the polls reflecting a roaring groundswell of support for the real President can’t be lying.
UPDATE 5/3/24: The fix is clearly in process when voter registration forms are now being handed out to that tempest-tossed wretched refuse being invited over the border by the millions precisely for their votes.
…including voting cards of course.
UPDATE 4/24/24: Among the pile-up of disasters visited upon us in the last four years of BrandonWorld-Covid, open borders, Ukraine, 10/7, the Green New Deal to name only a few-full exposure of stolen Election 2020 may be the focal point around which the fate of a free America (and free world) revolves. Self-blinded members of the electorate must be made to see and acknowledge the present administration’s all-out war on its most threatening political opponent, the stuff of tinpot tyrannies, not of a civilized republic ruled by law.
UPDATE 4/17/24: The Electoral College, put in place by our forefathers to keep the power spread around, remains a source of major aggravation and a target for destruction by that political Party focused on permanent centralized control. Logically, everything and everyone standing in the way is “corrupt.” May they continue to fail on an operatic scale.
One can only hope.
UPDATE 4/11/24: Fingers crossed that the new Congressional bill limiting the census [and voting rights!] exclusively to American citizens is passed. Imagine if all those illegal aliens, deliberately imported to swell the Dem voting rolls, turn out to be (dare we say it?) illegal and summarily deported! For those honorable ones among them, there should be the possibility of citizenship, but sorry, folks, you’ll have to do it the legal, official way and go to the back of the line.
UPDATE 3/20/24: Election 2020 remains a blaring emergency siren warning that a lawless cabal in control of the Dem Party will continue to steal elections unless fully exposed and stopped.
UPDATE 3/8/24: In the name of “voting rights,” the nation’s leading law enforcement officer (AG Merrick Garland) has announced his intention of waiving any voter ID requirement for the citizenry. And no need for the so-called “disenfranchised” to show up in person since millions and millions and millions of pre-marked paper ballots are already being printed up with drop boxes aplenty available all over to ensure there are just enough votes on the day after to score another Dem “victory.”
The news of Trump’s clear(er) path to the nomination is heartening. The ominous plan-in-place to steal yet another election from him is not.
UPDATE 2/21/24: As usual, the Left projects onto Trump and MAGA its own actively “fascist” tactics and goals in taking over our elections and imposing its own totalitarian agenda onto an unsuspecting America.
UPDATE 2/20/24: If the South Carolina voting (Trump vs. Haley) goes as one hopes, it may provide a real indication that state referenda, left relatively uncorrupted unlike our national elections of late, reflect an overwhelming MAGA undertow about to sweep BrandonWorld out to sea, no more to be seen in our lifetimes. Ditto purple states such as Michigan. Fingers crossed.
UPDATE 2/6/24: If any one thing looms most ominously about the Biden years and our way out of this Sovietizing of America, it’s the corruption of our electoral process: “from mail-in ballots, to Zuckerbucks, to censorship, to Big Tech censorship, to Democrats trying to put Trump in jail.”
UPDATE 12/21/23: Since the Party of a demented, corrupted Joe Biden can’t win an election with legal votes cast by American citizens and the Electoral College, it must cheat in any way possible. With the assistance of a locked-down electorate compelled to mail in their votes over a prolonged period of time, they succeeded in 2020 with magically produced fake ballots suddenly appearing overnight and for weeks after Election Day in a handful of key states in just the right amounts to win those states’ Electoral votes. Now the Dems have resorted to a clause from the 14th Amendment entirely removing Trump from the running due to his part in a fake “insurrection.” Portraying a disorganized riot lasting a few hours as purportedly the greatest attack on American “democracy” since the Civil War has proven to be a godsend to the enthused architects of an ongoing second American Civil War, an actual insurrection of their own making.
UPDATE 12/20/23: Restating the obvious, serious human folly can be summed up as the refusal and/or inability of people to distinguish between friends and enemies. Our present-day predicament with its off-the-chart irrationality and absurdity passing for “conventional wisdom” is a war between those championing a civilized, free life for all and those inclined to lionize their executioners.
UPDATE 12/11/23: Considering how far down we’ve gone since 2020, it will be well worth the anarchy and widespread agony that surely awaits us if an honest election can be pulled off, and Trump returns to the helm in Washington.
We await potential good news in November. But brace yourselves for the mother of all temper tantrums.
UPDATE 12/8/23: There’s no way Americans have ever legitimately voted in Joe Biden to the highest office. Despite the desperate plight of the country, even more obvious now than it clearly was in 2020, we may be in for more of the same if our electoral process is not somehow rescued from those who got away with stealing Election 2020.
UPDATE 9/28/23: THE overriding issue these days is corrupted elections. Does all the campaigning/politicking matter if the result is sinister Deep State ventriloquism, the voice of tyrants replacing Election Day vox populi?
UPDATE 9/9/23: In 2020, rather than Election DAY, we were treated to Fool Me 1.0, a mass mail-in voting Election MONTH, time enough to allow the miraculous appearance of just enough paper ballots in just the right states to provide an Electoral College win for the Democrats. Lo and behold, a concerned MSM is treating us to an equally miraculous appearance of Covid 2.0; and being an election year, Fool Me 2.0 looms ominously on the horizon. How else is a UniParty senile puppet candidate to steal a second election? The American electorate falling for this brings us once again to the edge of the cliff.
There is one, and only one, hope.
UPDATE 8/9/23: So mail-in voting isn’t an invitation to mega-scale fraud? What an idea! Print up millions of physical, hard-copy votes for your candidate and have them ready to stuff ballot boxes precisely where and to whatever extent they’re needed? Couldn’t possibly happen…except it did, it does and will happen again until showing up in person ON ELECTION DAY with photo ID becomes the overriding rule.
UPDATE 8/2/23: Imagine if they threw an election and those voting had to show up in person and prove they are who they say they are.
UPDATE 6/15/23:
UPDATE 5/1/23: The collusion of Big Tech with the now-Leftist Democratic Party is THE most pressing political issue. Choice of candidates, however conservative and worthy, becomes meaningless when elections can now be stolen with such ease.
UPDATE 4/22/23: Fox’s humungous pay-out to Dominion is NOT proof that Election, 2020 was fair and square. Who needs voting machines when you have thousands of “mules” to deliver a few fake ballots here, a few fake ballots there? And that’s only one simple way that has nothing to do with machinery.
UPDATE 4/5/23: Hard to believe that New York City, once the glory of world culture, has become just one more filthy Democrat termite nest doing its part to eat away at American foundations.
UPDATE 3/22/23: Election, 2020 posed too many unprecedented irregularities that have given us the disastrous result of BrandonWorld. Not to thoroughly audit it leaves a permanent black stain on our Republic.
UPDATE 2/18/23: Lest we forget: the results of Election 2020 remain an open question in the minds of tens of millions of American voters. And that question has been posed once again to the Supreme Court. Looking around America, we’re seeing the dire consequences, not just of a stolen election but of a stolen, disintegrating country.
UPDATE 1/12/23: With the Supreme Court refusing to look at the Brunson case, we’re once again denied any serious examination of our corrupted elections.
UPDATE 1/6/23; Our election process, now successfully undermined twice by the Covid excuse of universal mail-in voting, is no longer a reliable vehicle for lawful, peaceful transfer of power. We’ve heard it many times before, but it becomes more and more likely that we may be just one election away from no return.
UPDATE 12/27/22: Some Americans are making the concerted effort to restore the Election process to what it was meant to be: living/breathing registered voters at the polls on a single day, results by evening. The ruling in favor of precisely that in Delaware is cause for hope.
UPDATE 12/22/22: Perhaps we’re on the way back to legitimate elections since a Delaware court ruled same day and mail-in voting unconstitutional. If this goes national, fixing elections the next day with truckloads of magically new ballots all conveniently marked for your candidate is going to be a bit harder.
UPDATE 12/14/22: If anyone will fight back against the corrupted election process and not give up, it’s Kari Lake. And she’s making headway in the courts which certainly beats fighting in the streets. No wonder they hate her as they hate Trump’s never-say-die attitude. They are both fighting a pervasive corruption and irrationality in government and the culture once considered unimaginable in America. We have always had faith in the checks and balances put in place by the Founders for perilous episodes such as these. Who would think those safeguards would be taxed to the critical limits they are now?
UPDATE 12/13/22: Using projection of their own criminality as cover, the DC establishment in collusion with globalists are staging their own Insurrection, quietly, slowly, insidiously. We are living through the unthinkable.
UPDATE 12/10/22: There is a movement long-awaited by millions for justice regarding Election 2020 (not to mention a lot of other injustices running rampant since then). With Twitter now in responsible, freedom-loving hands and open to exposure of its serial misdeeds, revelations of collusion between social media and the DC establishment are emerging daily. A case now before the Supreme Court has the potential to overturn the 2020 election, punish culprits on multiple levels and restore the Presidency to the man who really won it. A major long shot, probably unlikely, but should it succeed, the reaction from the transgressing side would be…um…er…unpleasant. And too miraculous for words.
UPDATE 12/10/22: Yes, the 2020 election was stolen, and no, it’s never been seriously, honestly investigated. To ignore either point is to condemn our free republic to death.
UPDATE 11/24/22: Returning the election process to its original form [not mail-in, not a week long], Americans might be surprised to find their fellow Americans actually do vote in overwhelming numbers for leaders who inspires strength, confidence and have the best interests of the country in mind. Under present corrupt circumstances, we are stuck with a pathetic Potemkin POTUS, rendering us the laughingstock of the world…and easy prey for our sworn enemies. The America haters are having their way, and we Americans must bide our time.
“Stupid, dull, slow.” Projection on steroids. And let us add “creepy.”
UPDATE 11/23/22: Like almost everything forbidden or banned for others by the Left, free speech and opinion is reserved exclusively for them. Conservatives may not point out corrupted midterms while the Left has been doing that regularly since 2000.
UPDATE 11/16/22: In a total counter response to the rather depressing midterms, just imagine an election when only registered voters will be allowed to vote in person and then only in their registered precincts and only on Election Day. Exceptions could be made with absentee ballots issued to those pre-registered voters with a provable infirmity or actual absence from their home towns on that day. And only those mailed-in votes postmarked no later than midnight a week before Election Day would be counted.
Pre-registered voters (including absentee ballots) only on that one Election Day. Is this not a modest proposal?
Admittedly, these few old-fashioned (pre-2020) protocols and strict rules will be considered oppressive, fascistic and all-around unfair to those getting entirely too accustomed to a cheating, lawless, disintegrating society that is the inevitable legacy of the Left
UPDATE 11/13/22: Starting in 2020 and now in 2022, the American electorate has not been allowed to choose its leadership. If we’re ever to have an honest election again, the Election Day laws prior to 2020 must be re-established: in-person voting on Election Day with the exception of proven absentee status of illness or being out of one’s home state. Otherwise, no vote.
UPDATE 11/11/22: One battle does not determine a war. The wall is leaking and must eventually collapse.
11/11/22: Florida knew results on Tuesday evening. Arizona is going to take a week. Apparently, Arizona doesn’t have the modern conveniences that Florida has, having been unable to update its voting procedures and hardware since perhaps…1920. Or maybe, just possibly, perhaps an extra week beyond Election Day allows certain characters to discover the bushels of lost votes they need to win that governorship and hold that Senate seat. It gets even murkier than that when looking more deeply into the globalist links to Arizona politics.
UPDATE 11/6/22: An Australian pundit asks how can the most popularly elected POTUS ever suddenly be so unpopular. The answer: he was never popular. That so-called record number of ballots cast for him in 2020 were as genuine as the demented, nasty man himself.
If the mail-in production of fake ballots (helped along by an Election DAY extended into a week or just enough time to create fake votes) is thwarted this time, the real “popularity” of this loser will come clear.
UPDATE 11/5/22: It’s safe to read from Brandon & cohorts’ threats to anyone planning to challenge the upcoming election that the fix is in with mail-in voting providing all the votes necessary for key Democratic wins a day or two later. It worked in 2020; why not now?
UPDATE 10/29/22: Let it be, let it be.
10/17/22: The only consistency in Dem/Left propaganda is its projection of guilt onto Repub/conservative opponents. Claims of a stolen election dominated the airwaves in 2016 without any evidence (“Russia hacked the election!!”) while the 2020 Election is deemed “legitimate” despite hard evidence to the contrary. We know Hillary paid Russian operatives for the utterly fake “Russian dossier” that was designed expressly to discredit Trump throughout his Presidency. At least projection is a pattern that unerringly pinpoints and exposes their specific criminality.
UPDATE 10/16/22: We’re “election deniers.” We’re “Covid deniers” and “anti-vaxxers.” Except little by little, the truth will come out about the blatant manipulation of Election, 2020, proving that BrandonWorld has been an historic miscarriage of justice. Unlike the aforementioned accusations routinely coming our way from the usual scoundrels, our accusations have factual evidence upon which they are based, not just a devious strategy of shutting up people unwilling to be silenced by lies.
UPDATE 10/15/22: Trump’s unique historical place in the present and undoubtedly in the future will be secured by his refusal to back down from those intent on destroying him…and our American way of life.
UPDATE 10/13/22: In anticipation of the upcoming midterms, the nervous Dem Powers That Be are intent on exploiting “emergency” measures still in place after the ginned-up “pandemic” hysteria of the last few years. With his usual subtlety, the sleepwalking ghoul posing as POTUS is entreating the Saudis to provide the public with the oil and gasoline we should be producing ourselves. That’ll get the votes!
Countering these desperate moves to mollify the public, manufacture fake mail-in votes (plus sudden new voters!) and perhaps even suspend elections, the Delaware Supreme Court has happily stricken down universal mail-in voting and same day registration. And, by the way, the Saudis have refused El Demento’s hapless plea for their black gold.
Seeing real poll numbers are panicking the scoundrels. If it’s a trend and a wave, let the tsunami roar.
UPDATE 10/8/22: The Delaware Supreme Court has ruled mail-in voting and same day registration unconstitutional. How odd that Biden’s home turf, of all states, is one of the first to make such a decisive return to election integrity.
UPDATE 9/30/22: While we still have a chance, elections still offer us a chance to save the country from the wrecking ball crew commandeered by the mainstream Dem Party and their Trump-hating RINO comrades. Will we make a mockery of the protective measures put in place by our Founders and let America go? Or will a total turn-around in leadership serve as a grateful tribute to 18th century genius and foresight?
9/24/22: Savor an encouraging shot of optimism regarding the upcoming midterms from Newt Gingrich, as reliable and knowledgeable a source as any. Dare we hope his high hopes are based on real grassroots protection of voting nationwide?
UPDATE 9/24/22: Voting fraud is as creative and varied as those determined to win even elections they’ve clearly lost. Count the ways these scoundrels count AND create votes.
UPDATE 9/19/22: After being called “semi-fascists” in 2022, Repub voters are, for SOME reason, not cooperating with pollsters. Are the Dems in store for a major jolt in 2022 & 2024 as in 2016 when Hillary’s pissed-off “Deplorables” also went mum?
UPDATE 9/8/22: Short of giving up all hope for America, we must believe that the upcoming midterms will provide a watershed moment leading to a real restoration of America’s soul.
UPDATE 8/27/22: Bribing voters with student loan forgiveness is one more way to steal upcoming elections. How naive to think this just might be considered way, way out of legal bounds.
UPDATE 8/25/22: Republican candidates for high office can now look forward to permanent investigation without any particular cause. They managed to bring down Nixon/Agnew with some relatively minor scandal but no luck since until Trump when they were able to foil his re-election. Since their unrelenting hail of silver bullets starting in 2016 hasn’t worked, they’ve resorted to a dawn raid on his property looking for…um…nuclear secrets! Oh yes. THIS time, they’ll find something really indictable. If that doesn’t work, Big Tech will see that the votes THEY count do the job.
UPDATE 8/17/22: As anyone supporting Trump/MAGA is now targeted by the DOJ & FBI as a domestic terrorist and political extremist, Election 2024 is shaping up to look like “1984.”
UPDATE 8/10/22: There is no Dem election strategy involving issues positively affecting people’s lives. There is only a strategy of litigation and prosecution against a certain 1600 lb orange gorilla who just won’t leave the room.
UPDATE 8/7/22: Rumor has it that we’re again about to be caught in the throes of a national “emergency” requiring everyone to shelter in place in their basements while printing presses will be running 24/7 to provide each victim with roughly 1000 pre-addressed, postage-free ballots. And while the presses are running, expect stacks of fresh, new Benjamins to tide everyone over. For those refusing to admit Election, 2020 was a Big Steal, it’s a convenient, comforting lie that that elections can only be stolen by Repubs or conservatives this time around.
UPDATE 8/1/22: Soothsayers on staff at the USPO just predicted that the House & Senate will be securely in Dem hands by mid-November thanks to millions of mail-in ballots being whipped up in some back room just in time to steal the midterms.
UPDATE 7/22/22: BigGov panic over independent states like Arizona demanding uncorrupted election procedures (like picture IDs) is as strong an argument for federalism as exists. States and their representative legislatures strongly asserting their independence may very well be THE path back to an America we recognize.
UPDATE 7/15/22: A discouraging number of the public are programmed to reflexively roll right back into their domiciles and behind their masks at the first mention of THE PLAGUE’s return. What better way to steal what should be a Republican grand slam in November?
UPDATE 7/13/22: An October surprise designed to rig the upcoming midterms is now in the works. Pray for the right people in the right places doing the right things to prevent this from becoming our permanent undoing.
UPDATE 7/7/22: Just the imagery evoked by the heading “Biden and the circular firing squad” warms the heart. This is said at the risk of being labeled another MAGA gun nut when it’s just an unforgivably negative response to the assault on basic American rights and customs. We’ve long ago gotten used to being branded Nazis for simply disliking the Woke and their destructive ways.
UPDATE 6/28/22: There has to be some good and serious follow-up that comes from the exposure of election fraud in “2000 Mules.”
UPDATE 6/24/22: Is the fix already in for the upcoming midterms?
UPDATE 6/20/22: Bill Barr and his Swamp cronies may laugh away what makes them uncomfortable, but Election Fraud 2020 and the attendant use of J6 to eliminate any trace of Trump and MAGA is not a done deal. Deniers will be hard put to counter the evidence permanently laid out for the world to see in D’Souza’s documentary “2000 Mules.”
UPDATE 5/31/22: Justice still denied. And one more essential American institution (FBI) disgraced and undermined. Our official government protectors have become the institutionalized enemies of The People.
UPDATE 5/27/22: But we can dream, can’t we?
UPDATE 5/19/22: Are we to be a country underpinned by laws or a tinpot regime run on the evil whims of a Marxist Mafiosi? The next elections will be the test.
UPDATE 5/16/22: Pennsylvania ruling mail-in voting unconstitutional is a good start. Perhaps another 49 states, and we’ll have something that approximates a fair election, on a single day, called Election Day.
UPDATE 5/14/22: The most crucial, dangerous times lie just ahead going toward Election, 2022. Don’t be shocked if, sometime just prior to November, the Dems suddenly announce a new emergency calling for a return to the joys of “safety” and the necessary precaution of Mail-In Voting. Sad to say, there are a substantial number of Americans eager to jump in frightened obedience once again.
UPDATE 5/9/22: “2000 Mules” is out and available for public consumption. Will it matter? What can we salvage from the unparalleled damage of Stolen Election, 2020? For millions of businesses, life at best is just starting over. At worst for too many other businesses and individuals, it’s over.
UPDATE 5/5/22: Not hard to understand the Dem desperation for an Orwellian Ministry of Truth as the facts of Stolen Election, 2020 are now available to the mainstream via Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules.”
UPDATE 5/5/22: High Noon in America? Safe to say, it would be a great relief for anyone caring about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness if BrandonWorld with its Clean ‘n Green/Zero Covid/Year Zero/One World/Marxist bent were soundly routed. Those still swallowing the Big Lie of BigGov’s good works will never change their minds, even as they starve or freeze to death masked & locked away in their hovels. Shanghai or bust!!
UPDATE 5/3/22: Warning: there’s nothing that will deter the ruthless, powerful forces behind the mealy front of BrandonWorld from stealing another election. Certainty of a “Red Wave” is not a given.
4/25/22: If stealing the election worked in 2020, the same culprits are seriously asking, “Why not try it again in 2022?”
UPDATE 3/28/22: Is vindication for Fake Election, 2020 on the horizon?
UPDATE 3/18/22: Rasmussen says Repubs have a 11 point lead if elections were held today. Dare we hope?
UPDATE 2/20/22: When blindly loyal liberal Dems can no longer deny what their Party managed to pull off in their zeal to destroy Trump and corrupt the electoral process unhindered since 2016, we have a chance of living again in a country where voters get the leaders they really need and want.
UPDATE 2/14/22: Despite dwarfing Watergate in both scope and influence, evidence of Hillary, Inc. spying on Trump with the full intent to destroy him will be totally ignored and buried by the MSM.
UPDATE 2/13/22: Hillary and her cohorts have been caught. But the jaded cynics among us keep asking, “Will she/they pay?”
UPDATE 2/12/22: Hope springs eternal that undeniable evidence surrounding the stolen 2020 election sinks into consciousness of the general public, and that includes the collusion of those standing to gain the most by seeing Trump out of the picture, including the questionably “loyal” Mike Pence. Naturally, as 2022 looms ominously for the Democrats, their projected accusations of Republican voter fraud are already sprouting all over.
UPDATE 2/4/22: We find ourselves slowly, slowly feeling that “boot stamping on the human face forever” thanks to election fraud which robs us of our choice of leadership and desired form of government. The Globalist Left’s ability to nationalize elections and subvert the Electoral College will eventually make the subterfuge of Trojan Horses like Obama (“first Black POTUS”) or Biden (“nice guy Everyman, The Unifier”) unnecessary. Like the banana republics and totalitarian dynasties blighting the darkest spots on earth, the American public may eventually have to take what it gets, not what it chooses.
UPDATE 1/27/22: Like everything else, the Dem Left’s only effective tactic is accusing its opponents of the crimes it has itself mastered and committed. Voter suppression! Russian collusion! Ye Olde Projection. So it’s going with the upcoming elections that are already being declared illegitimate as they face an almost certain bloodbath at the hands of infuriated voters. P.S. A Democrat loss is still not in the bag.
UPDATE 1/22/22: As November elections approach, there will be nothing new in the Dem strategy playbook, just more projected accusations of their own “illegitimacy” and “conspiracies.”
UPDATE 1/9/22: Beloved Electorate: how can we steal thee/Let us count the ways. Way #1 at the moment is nationalizing the electoral process rather than leaving things to the States as fundamentally proscribed by our Founders. Let’s hope those two renegade Democrat Senators continue to hold the line against what would spell the end of the American vox populi and the rise of a totalitarian UniParty society.
UPDATE 12/4/21: It was apparent well before Election 2020 that continuing MAGA and all its proven benfits hinged on preventing voter fraud. The corrupt installation and dramatically toxic effects of the illegitimate Brandon Presidency proves the point. Having succeeded in 2020, nothing will stop those intent on doing it again and with even more sophisticated tricks. On an optimistic note, there are high tech patriots savvy about the computerized chicanery, foiling the scoundrels, plot by plot.
Perhaps we can look forward this year to the equivalent victory and sense of relief of a Rittenhouse acquittal on the election/voting fraud front. This includes not just the integrity of computers a decisive stop to illegal immigration flooding both the welfare and voting rolls. No one battle wins the war, and no war is ever permanently won without focused, permanent vigilance following victory.
UPDATE 11/20/21: When asked if a written vote on a cocktail napkin would be legal and acceptable, a Washington State Voting Board official answered in the affirmative. Toto, I don’t think we’re in America any more.
UPDATE 11/16/21: It began the minute Trump won and achieved its ultimate purpose with a rigged election. Now at last, there are hints of postponed/denied justice finally being served. Is it too much to hope that Durham is really making some inroads toward exposing the 4 year coup and its perpetrators, starting from the obscure outsiders and slowly, slowly, slowly, inexorably moving inward to the very recognizable figures at the rotten core of it all?
UPDATE 12/12/20: Now that the Supreme Court has begged off looking into the suit filed by Texas against the corrupted battleground states, it has come down to the state legislatures voting along Party lines to set things right. According to some, this is possible if Trump refuses to concede. Hope against hope….
UPDATE 12/8/20: As predicted in the original post here(5/17/20), the central issue of this election always was voting fraud. So it has transpired, BIGTIME. The best news for Trump would be that, spurred by Justice Samuel Alito, this will go to the Supreme Court where, hopefully, millions of provably illegal votes are declared invalid or, alternatively, the election is declared invalid and the decision rides on a House vote. At that point, things are looking very good since the House vote is NOT one vote per House member(where Democrats are the majority) but one vote per state legislature (29 of which are Republican-controlled, 19 Democrat, 1 [Nebraska]”unicameral, non-partisan”). If this pans out, we have four more years of Trump and some semblance of the rule of law holding sway. Minus such a victory accomplished via Constitutional lines, we are in deed and fact a lawless, one-Party banana republic.
UPDATE 10/6/20: A continuation of all aspects of the free American way of life hinges on Trump’s re-election, and the usual suspects are focused entirely on thwarting that, whatever the means.
UPDATE 10/1/20: Nothing to see here, move along as Congress’ most slickly vicious and money-hungry anti-Semite finds her chicly turbaned visage planted facedown in voter fraud muck.
UPDATE 9/25/20: Finding thousands of mailed-in military votes in a Wisconsin ditch, ALL for Trump, ditto in Pennsylvania, bears out real concern for bigtime voting fraud. But not for Democrats trying anything within grasp to sabotage the election.
UPDATE 9/12/20: Reassuring news for anyone interested in preserving the Republic: there’s a plan for putting down the threatened post-election insurrection by the Dems. In answer to the fed-up public wondering why Trump hasn’t already sent in the National Guard: “(1) Democrat governors rejected his help; (2) Democrats are just dying to have proof that Trump is actually a Nazi and they imagine that using the National Guard will provide that proof; and (3) the logistics of sending troops into a hostile state are challenging.”
Once past the election, POTUS promises to invoke the Insurrection Act and stop the destruction. And to the great aggravation of his enemies and delight of his supporters, Trump keeps his promises.
UPDATE 9/11/20: The Woke Left and NeverTrump scoundrels are gearing up for major Resistance come Election night, 2020. Forewarned is forearmed, but how will this be fought, except in the courts? Calling all conservative lawyers and litigators! Then again, the Silent Majority may roar so loudly in a landslide and be so omnipresent that the wolves will retreat…for the moment. Evil never sleeps.
UPDATE 9/8/20: In light of Dem Leftdom’s stopping at nothing to attain absolute power, mail fraud is seeming more and more likely. The list of creepiest scenarios is currently topped by the idea of the sudden appearance of “lost” or “recovered” ballots by the millions despite what appears to be a clear victory for Trump on November 3…all leading to the courts and ultimately, John Roberts. This so-called Conservative has an ominous history of veering Left in the crunch. Call us Conspiracy Nuts, but the plausible question long ago posed arises again: “What do they have on him?”
UPDATE 5/17/20: Ah, so now it’s to save senior lives that elderly Hollywood Liberals call for mail-in vote. And goaded on by none other than a public-spirited Never Trumper brigade led by Bill Kristol. Hell, let’s keep this virus thing going forever until the economy is in total Depression or the November election, whichever comes first and whichever gets Trump out!
ORIGINAL POST 5/17/20: They’ve tried the Russian collusion thing, impeachment, destroying the economy “to save lives.” The last great hope is stealing the election. O the enthusiasm and good will surrounding mail-in votes! All those poor shut-ins who can’t get out! All those suppressed minorities and illegals who can’t produce an ID at the polls! We’ll mail you a ballot. And you. And you. And you. And you. No problem if you’re underage, not an American citizen, mentally incompetent, even dead! And all those votes coming out of predominantly red districts and from veterans abroad? Mysteriously bound for dumpsters.
Hillary thinks it’s tops. She cares about the disenfranchised. Would it be a Dem world without Michelle going high for the stay-at-homes? The journalist foot soldiers for the Dem cause are in. The MSM message? Voter fraud is just one more whiny Repub talking point. Those votes are just inadvertently “lost.” Pelosi porked it into the stimulus some weeks back, albeit unsuccessfully; but the lady persists.
THIS is Issue #1 for her and The Party. Fortunately, a recent California election demonstrates that vote harvesting and falsely inflating voter rolls via mass fake mail-ins do not necessarily provide a magic bullet for the Dems. Conducted in her home state precisely as the estimable Ice Cream Queen would have it, the Dem lost badly.
Encouraging news, but beware. The tally of lost votes from the last four elections? Almost 30 million. When people won’t vote in the proper numbers for a USSA, monkeying with the ballot box is definitely the way to go.
Fred….this is the exact subject I’ve lined up for a future article. I believe it is the ONLY issue of importance in the upcoming election. As always, you did a great job, including your signature humor!
All the best….