UPDATE 9/8/20: Some of us knew in the beginning (see the original post from months back below) this unprecedented shutdown of the world’s motor on …
What a week!
Quite the week, here, in Israel and in the UK. How dare we Deliverance Deplorables act on the notion that LESS CONTROL from the One …
Leftism: Filling the void.
UPDATE 12/23/21: Beware when Leftists praise the virtues of “democracy” and wring their hands at “threats to our democracy.” They do NOT mean a de-centralized, …
MBGA, Making Britain Great again. On the road to Brexit courtesy of Boris.
It’s good, great, stunningly wonderful news for Great Britain, and delivering it is wild & wooly messenger Boris Johnson, now officially the British Donald Trump …
The Tyranny of the Weak Links
If a family is a tyranny ruled over by its weakest member (attributed to G.B. Shaw), a society can just as easily be tyrannized by …
Truth the ultimate catastrophe for the hard Left. Exploding brains, exploding cigars.
Breathes there a Conservative who has not had to deal with the hatred and irrationality of a Leftist friend, neighbor or relative when confronted with …
The Anti-Semitic Left: Hate most definitely has a home here…in the Democratic Party.
In response to cries & concerns about anti-Semitism from “the Right,” one must point out that a Leftist need look no further than his own …
D-Day, 6/6/44-6/6/19, 75th Anniversary Observance: honoring those who served and sacrificed.
UPDATE 6/6/24: The 80th anniversary observance of D-Day has come and gone with the usual suspects disgracing themselves, co-opting the noble American ideals …
Armistice Day Centennial-A Watershed and Gateway to Modern Times
6/9/19: WWI black & white silent footage brought to jarring colorized, audible life in Peter Jackson’s masterpiece “They Shall Not Grow Old.” If one cares …