UPDATE 8/18/19: On the 50th anniversary of Woodstock, today’s dewy-eyed Progressives still insist it was a triumph of harmonious socialism at work when, in fact, …
Kevin & Maureen’s America: Another Happy Dowd Family Thanksgiving
For years, columns have abounded with advice about maintaining civility at the Thanksgiving table when Trumpers have the nerve to spoil everything by showing up. Following …
Thanksgiving: gratitude for America.
Dennis Prager has released a new Prager U video correctly naming the key to happiness in this challenging world. And that key is…Gratitude. Agreed. In a …
A reckoning for The Clintons: “They lie so easily.” But be wary.
Today, the Clintons, tomorrow Trump.
UPDATE 11/21/17: She and her partner in crime are on the way down. The only question is “How far down can these two go?” When …
Observing Veterans Day and Happy 1st Anniversary, Mr. President. We appreciate you bigly!
In a combined observance of Veterans Day, upcoming Thanksgiving and the first anniversary of what many of us look upon as the reprieve of a lifetime, we reaffirm our …
Manliness: ordinary, good men being men.
UPDATE 12/15/19: Joe Biden, circus clown POTUS aspirant, applying his own special logic and that of the political Party he calls home, has decreed it …
No good guys: Brazile’s expose just a call for Dem image change.
If only the internal rumblings within the Dem Party were truly a sign of political suicide. Alas. It’s still, basically, Bernie vs. Hillary, (thieving paper-pushing …
Suicide of the West-
Installment #11,763:
The American Left sings the praises of their own murderers.
UPDATE 1/3/21: We are faced with the nightmare of a Harris-Biden regime, full-bore continuation of Obama transformation. As is always the case, it’s not the …