UPDATE 10/13/20: It’s catching. A good, brave soul named Joe Collins is challenging Maxine Waters and the wildly hypocritical, long term permanent-poverty scam being pulled on urban Blacks by their so-called “leaders.” Is the worm turning? Is real Blexit in real numbers a reality? Votes will tell, one election at a time.
UPDATE 9/24/20: If you thought the original ad was good, the sequel is out of the park. Watch this refreshing new voice say all the things Conservatives want to hear said, what all rational people genuinely desire for themselves and their fellow citizens. Kim Klacik=Dynamite! Walk with her!
ORIGINAL POST 8/26/20: There is cause for real hope when new, young outstanding Conservative personalities enter the political fray. Within a few days, Baltimore’s Kim Klacik has become a real player. First, a hot, high-heeled walk on the wild side through blighted Inner City Baltimore followed by an appearance at the Republican National Convention. We are watching, eagerly.
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