RUSH UPDATE 6/19/21: Friday was a sobering occasion for millions of Dittoheads as Rush’s final broadcast was publicly aired. The full inspiring significance of his …
After the Russian collusion farce; after Obamaic Transformation; after the yearning to make America Venezuela: from whence & whither cometh the reckoning?
We grow impatient for a reckoning. We are sick of being on permanent trial for the dual offenses of breathing and not voting for Barack …
MSM/Fourth Estate=Bad Joke:
“…Not since Florence Foster Jenkins…”
UPDATE 3/7/21: I refrain from stimulating the WorldWideWebAlgorithmWhatchamaCallit by putting the actual name of a certain MSMer out there, so just read one more article about what has become …
Are American Jews both the brightest and dumbest people on earth?
UPDATE 11/20/24: The end is nigh for Leftist American regimes (going back at least to the Clintons) deliberately undermining Israel and actively propping up its …
Election Day: Referendum on the Trump Train vs. the Obama/Clinton Plantation
America has A CHOICE: GOOD IDEAS that actually benefit people, not theoretically but in actual practice. Record high employment (and record low unemployment)! Strength as …
“Cause a crowd!” + “Open Borders”=”New Democrats”=Permanent Democratic Majority=Official Dem Party policy
Unpopular? Not winning elections legitimately? Can’t force self-reliant voters to surrender their liberties? More and more, finding yourself out of power? Try The Democrat Way! …
Out-of-power Dems desperately selling “socialism” and, inevitably, resorting to force if The People aren’t buying.
Socialism/communism of the past century-Russia/ Germany/ China/ Cuba/ Venezuela/ N.Korea/ Indochina-has an uninterrupted history of violence, murder, torture, tyranny: something on the order of 100 …
The Left and The Children: trotting out another Victim Group…and political pawn.
UPDATE 6/13/21: Good advice for parents who want to regain possession of their children and fortify them to become real leaders and masters of their …
From Woodstock to Winning.
UPDATE 8/18/19: On the 50th anniversary of Woodstock, today’s dewy-eyed Progressives still insist it was a triumph of harmonious socialism at work when, in fact, …