In the 1945 film “Leave Her To Heaven” Gene Tierney, insane over losing Cornel Wilde to Jeanne Crain, perversely commits suicide and makes it appear to be murder in order to frame Crain for the crime. Now that’s hate!
Is it safe to ask if the Democratic Party is fashioning a similarly bizarre self-immolation for itself (and the rest of the world), embracing Death and Hate at every turn?
What is one to make of a Party nearly unanimously voting in the Senate to kill crying, kicking, fully breathing newborn babies that survive abortions? How far into the darkness has a human gone when a transgender activist sets his/her own house on fire with 5 pets inside in an attempt to blame a fake hate crime on political opponents? What collectively delusional frame of mind is at work that wishfully obsesses on the imminent End Of The World, the folly of having children, pinning impending Armageddon on no less than capitalist western civilization? What of the American Left (many of whom are female AND Jewish) that champions unabashed anti-Semitic hellcats in Congress and leadership in mass movements, finding common cause with them in their fire-breathing Trump/America/Israel hatred?
One can only encourage the Dem Party, with the full consent of an electoral majority, to take a cue from Miss Tierney and do themselves in to prove how righteously, passionately they despise anti-communist Conservatives and the freedom that empowers us all. Such a twisted approach would surely prove that totalitarian longings are triumphant, sweet and satisfying…from the grave.
Meanwhile, the rest of us choose to live…and let live, including newborn babies and innocent animals.
The capitulation of the universities in the 1960’s opened the door to the nihilists of the Left who, in the absence of principles and faith, have only virtue-signaling compassion as a platform to stand on. In the absence of rational discourse based on principle and social ideals based on faith. they’ve conditioned a generation of the most docile among our college youth in 1960’s politics of demand and confrontation,
All of this would be entertaining theatre if these docile disciples of the left weren’t in control of the major mainstream news outlets, preaching classical nihilist inversion: killing babies as compassion, self-righteous rage as love, totalitarianism as freedom.