From Joel Gilbert, the director who gave us “Dreams From My Real Father”: it’s now 2014, and at last, people are paying close, unflattering attention to The Man Behind The Curtain. The good news is that the curtain is being drawn back. The bad news is that so many people continue to believe in The Dream, Obama’s Dream of transforming the USA into the USSA.
By: Fred Posted on
Categories: *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, *HOT BUTTON ISSUES, American Culture, American History, American Immigration, Atheism, Ayn Rand(1905-1982), Bill Ayers, Bureaucracy, Communism, Crony Capitalism, David Horowitz, De Tocqueville, Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Environmentalism, F.A. Hayek, Fascism, Film, Franz Kafka, Frauds & Scoundrels, HealthCare, Socialized, Islam/Ground Zero Mosque/Muslim Brotherhood, Jack Cashill, Legal vs. Moral, Liberal Friends/Family/Spouses, Liberalism, Michelle-Antoinette/ObamaLouie, Milton Friedman, Multiculturalism, National Defense, Newspeak, Obama, Barack & Michelle, Orwell, Political Correctness, Private Property/Eminent Domain, Saul Alinsky, Self-Defense, Socialism, Taxes, Tea Parties, Totalitarianism, Uncategorized, Unions, Useful Idiots, Utopia, Voter Fraud, Voter Fraud
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