Undecided Candidate/Retired Benghazi Heroine/Everyone’s Grandmother Mrs. Bill Clinton tells the disgruntled, dissatisfied, disaffected and brain-dead that businesses don’t create jobs! Trickle down economics don’t work! …
Leftism: Religion Of Choice For Millions
…the very people most hostile to traditional Judeo-Christianity or anything essentially American & freedom-based have their very own Holy Sacraments.
“There’s No Place Like Utopia”-Movie To See
From Joel Gilbert, the director who gave us “Dreams From My Real Father”: it’s now 2014, and at last, people are paying close, unflattering attention to The Man Behind …
How Demos Rig Elections:
How We’ve Gotten To Where We Are.
America has become one big Community To Organize, headed up by the Windy City’s Most Famous Community Organizer. It’s the Chicago Way. Vote early, vote often and …
Israelis For Hamas:
Glorifying their killers, killing their friends.
One of the downsides of offering freedom and opportunity to everyone in a society is that some of those fortunate recipients of freedom & opportunity will use …
Yes, recently I’ve been ashamed of America for the first time in my adult life.
But enough of that.
After the 2012 re-election of the most poisonous political quantity ever forced down America’s throat, I confess to invoking Michelle-Antoinette’s odious assertion, but turned on its head: “For the …
The Supremes, 2014:
A 3 Weird “Sister Act” that isn’t Diana, Flo & Mary.
UPDATE 3/20/24: She baaaack! Christine Blasey Ford, the seriously ditzy woman recruited by Dianne Feinstein to derail Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, has returned, this …
Leftist Bogeymen:
Remember when it was Richard Mellon Scaife?
Remember way back when every prominent Leftist on TV seemed to be regurgitating the words RICHARD MELLON SCAIFE as the Mighty Me lurking in the shadows …
Obama’s Munich? Bad analogy:
Chamberlain feared his enemies. Obama identifies with them.
UPDATE 12/23/17: Obama calling off investigation of Hezbollah drug trafficking in pursuit of his stellar “Iran Deal?” The jaw can drop no farther as time passes and …