6/9/19: WWI black & white silent footage brought to jarring colorized, audible life in Peter Jackson’s masterpiece “They Shall Not Grow Old.” If one cares …
U.S. Constitution: The Preamble-“We the people….”
The text and some explanation of The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. For the full text and further explanation of the entire U.S. Constitution-the Preamble, the Articles of …
U.S. Constitution: The Articles of Confederation, 1-7.
The text and some explanation of the 7 Articles of Confederation of the U.S. Constitution. Article I: Legislative Article II: Executive Article III: Judicial Article IV: States Article V: Amendment …
U.S. Constitution: The Bill Of Rights-Amendments 1-10
The text and some explanation of the Bill of Rights (Amendments 1-10) of the U.S. Constitution. I: Establishment and free exercise of religion; freedom of the press/speech/assembly/petition. II: To keep …
U.S. Constitution: Amendments 11-27
The text and some explanation of Amendments #11-27 of the U.S. Constitution. XI: Suits against a State. XII: Electoral College. XIII: Abolition of slavery. XIV: Citizenship; state …
Trump goes for the Fundamentals: America and Western Civilization are exceptional.
While Leftists of all stripes continue to spit out their rage at their shocking setback last Election Day, serious Conservatives are watching, with cautious but growing optimism, Donald …
Free speech vs. the anti-Trump Fascists
To the surprise and relief of 60 million Americans, the election of Donald Trump reassured us that power can still be peacefully transferred in this …
Released from the suffocation of Political Correctness:
Not so much “an eagle soaring over prison walls…as a dump truck that…has smashed our prison gate off its hinges”
“A Trump presidency was not how most conservatives imagined we would escape the soft-totalitarianism of our PC jail. I imagined the liberation movement as an …
Teachers Unions 101: “A” is for “Agitation”
If public school teachers spent more time teaching in classrooms and less time community-organizing in political war rooms, maybe taxpayers wouldn’t feel as ripped off as they do. Before the Big Labor bosses start complaining about “teacher-bashing,” let’s be clear: An increasing number of rank-and-file teachers feel exactly the same way.