UPDATE 8/2/17: Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders pushes back hard on fully fake Russian fable. Turns the mirror on the Clintons. Tens of millions of once loyal, now outraged Lefties immediately …
Charlie Gard: ObamaCare,
Death Panels and the Lethal Price
of “Free” Socialized Healthcare.
UPDATE 9/27/17: New darling of the ObamaCare Left, comedian Jimmy Kimmel seems to have forgotten the pronounced downsides of socialized healthcare as demonstrated in the …
Trump goes for the Fundamentals: America and Western Civilization are exceptional.
While Leftists of all stripes continue to spit out their rage at their shocking setback last Election Day, serious Conservatives are watching, with cautious but growing optimism, Donald …
“Trucker” Trump flattens CNN:
Slow death by 1000 tweets.
Fake News, R.I.P.
A certain personal favorite quote, summing up Donald Trump’s appeal, has several things going for it. First, it heralds a startling new day in American …
Civil War vs. Preserving The Union: A Return to States’ Rights
The American Civil War (during Lincoln’s time, not Trump’s) has been described by some as a battle between those wishing to preserve the Union (the North) versus …