Dreams From My Real Father

Now that it has been established that a candidate’s teenage years help define the man to come, it might be time to take a new look at the adolescent Obama and his then-mentor, the late Frank Marshall Davis.

I would guess that not one Obama voter out of one hundred could identify Davis by name, and I doubt if one media person out of a thousand has read his memoir, Livin’ the Blues. This is unfortunate on any number of levels. For one, Davis’s book captures the ebb and flow of 20th-century black American life as well as any ever written.

The Spirit of Geert Wilders

When I was asked to write a foreword to Geert Wilders’ new book, my first reaction, to be honest, was to pass. Mr. Wilders lives under 24/7 armed guard because significant numbers of motivated people wish to kill him, and it seemed to me, as someone who’s attracted more than enough homicidal attention over the years, that sharing space in these pages was likely to lead to an uptick in my own death threats. Who needs it? Why not just plead too crowded a schedule and suggest the author try elsewhere? I would imagine Geert Wilders gets quite a lot of this.

Elian Redux: Barack & Hillary caving to the ChiComs?

If anybody, anybody with sense, actually believes that Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng is happy to be staying in China, or that he and his family will be safe for longer than a few months, that person is, in the old terminology, a “useful idiot” for the Communist cause. The American agreement that sends Chen back from the U.S. Embassy is a craven capitulation to Chinese Communist thuggishness.

This Week’s Exploding Cigar: Obama, the Dog Eater

This week, the campaign, aka Acme Cigar Corporation,decided it was time again to try to paint Mitt Romney as personally dislikeable by trotting out a 30 year old tale about his putting the family dog in a carrier on the family station wagon for a trip. Seamus, the dog, protected by a jerry built wind screen, survived, but the story was touted once again by Acme and its press buddies in the belief that as history proved, one can with media helpers knock out Republican candidates on silly externals.

“Hollywood Hypocrites” by Jason Matera

Jason Mattera, 28, is a New York Times bestselling author, the youngest editor of a national periodical, Human Events, and the host of “The Jason Mattera Show” on News Talk Radio 77 WABC in New York.

Mattera’s brand-new book, Hollywood Hypocrites: The Devastating Truth About Obama’s Biggest Backers (Simon & Schuster) is already creating buzz. Mark Levin hailed Hollywood Hypocrites as “eye-popping, exhaustively, researched, and absolutely hilarious” and the late Andrew Breitbart called it a “barrage of body blows to Hollywood’s holier-than-thou limousine liberals.”

Global Warming and National Suicide

Beginning in 1856, the Xhosa tribe in today’s South Africa destroyed its own economy. They killed an estimated half-million of their own cattle (which they ordinarily treated with great care and respect), ceased planting crops, and destroyed their grain stores. By the end of 1857, between thirty and fifty thousand Xhosa had starved to death — a third to a half of the population. The British herded survivors of the once-powerful tribe into labor camps, and white settlers took much of their land, as reported by Richard Landes in Heaven on Earth: The Varieties of the Millennial Experience.