UPDATE 3/7/21: I refrain from stimulating the WorldWideWebAlgorithmWhatchamaCallit by putting the actual name of a certain MSMer out there, so just read one more article about what has become …
Never Again! Never Forget! The ongoing COMMUNIST Holocaust well documented…yet still ignored at our peril.
A decent Liberal type recently holding forth in grand manner on the world’s great evils: “The Communists were [sic] bad, but the Nazis were worse.” …
The most ominous sound I’ve ever heard…Sharia, Sharia, Sharia, Sha-reeeee-aaaaaaaah…Islam’s camel nose inches into the tent.
Scary enough for you? Yet there are none so blind as those who will not see. Denial on a cataclysmic scale. UPDATE 1/10/25: To the …
Armistice Day Centennial-A Watershed and Gateway to Modern Times
6/9/19: WWI black & white silent footage brought to jarring colorized, audible life in Peter Jackson’s masterpiece “They Shall Not Grow Old.” If one cares …
Out-of-power Dems desperately selling “socialism” and, inevitably, resorting to force if The People aren’t buying.
Socialism/communism of the past century-Russia/ Germany/ China/ Cuba/ Venezuela/ N.Korea/ Indochina-has an uninterrupted history of violence, murder, torture, tyranny: something on the order of 100 …
The Obama Years: “Not a hint of a scandal…”
A little refresher stroll down memory lane with Joe Biden.
One can call it by many names, so widespread and prevalent among a certain segment of society is this pernicious malady. For now to be …
Suicide of the West-
Installment #11,763:
The American Left sings the praises of their own murderers.
UPDATE 1/3/21: We are faced with the nightmare of a Harris-Biden regime, full-bore continuation of Obama transformation. As is always the case, it’s not the …
U.S. Constitution: The Preamble-“We the people….”
The text and some explanation of The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. For the full text and further explanation of the entire U.S. Constitution-the Preamble, the Articles of …
U.S. Constitution: The Articles of Confederation, 1-7.
The text and some explanation of the 7 Articles of Confederation of the U.S. Constitution. Article I: Legislative Article II: Executive Article III: Judicial Article IV: States Article V: Amendment …