Most of us these days have the unpleasant task of fielding insults, slander, threats, snubs, social ostracism from our Lib friends terrified at the loss of …
Obama Age mewlers & pukers carry on at the horrifying prospect
of ALL Americans REALLY rising.
Gotta love ‘em. It’s mass tantrum time for millions of the most privileged brats in history. Obama Age Mewlers and Pukers. Safe spaces on college campuses. Play-Doh, coloring …
NY Times almost outdoes parody with actual post-election headline
The headline below is NOT a parody, just an embarrassingly obvious display of the MSM’s unabashed bias. The NY Times on the morning after a Presidential election? Oh my, the despair. Wonder if …
Post mortem:
Hillary’s Positively Absolutely Patriotic American concession speech disrobed:
Every word including “and” & “the” a lie.
UPDATE 10/17/20: A fond, optimistic look back at the surefire prospect of a Hillary Presidency…that went somewhat awry. The “gracious lady” wearing funereal mourning purple …
Welcome to a Clintonless America!
What the @%^&$($#)#_#@$!!!!!! UPDATE 10/20/17: Is it too much to ask this public nuisance to…go…away? UPDATE …
Think positive, think ahead:
The Great American Uprising has just begun regardless of who wins.
UPDATE 11/9/16: The American Uprising has begun, mercifully minus the Clintons and the Obamas. Whatever the outcome of this election, one thing is certain: something …
Clinton Foundation: Charity Fraud/Money Laundering 101
UPDATE 6/18/21: Let’srevisitthat wonderful “charitable” Foundation that never was anything except a pay-for-play boondoggle that not-so-mysteriously closed its doors once Hillary was history. UPDATE 6/26/17: If these …
ObamaCare, stillborn, still a rotting, stinking corpse and the perfect Obama Legacy.
For more of same, vote HRC.
The predictable marvels of socialism, UNaffordable Obamacare in particular, continues apace and guarantees more of the same and worse with the promised delights of HillaryCare. Now in its …
Obama’s hatred of Israel & Netanyahu high on his list of final travesties
UPDATE 7/21/21: For Israel admirers: AISH.COM is an uplifting destination. Don’t miss this helpful Here’s How! video for those dimwits seeking to clear their consciences …