UPDATE 8/30/24: Poor Little Sir Keir, the latest PM clearly no friend to the average Brit shunted aside in favor of unassimilated immigrants, is feeling …
Rush Limbaugh, American.
RUSH UPDATE 6/19/21: Friday was a sobering occasion for millions of Dittoheads as Rush’s final broadcast was publicly aired. The full inspiring significance of his …
What a week!
Quite the week, here, in Israel and in the UK. How dare we Deliverance Deplorables act on the notion that LESS CONTROL from the One …
The Myth of “Palestine”
UPDATE: 2/4/20: For the difference between a legitimate state and decent way of life (Israel) and a fraudulent, fictitious one (“Palestine”) made up solely for …
Judicial Watch: on the road to real social justice.
Minus our Constitution and the legal system it spearheads, we are helpless serfs, subject to the savage whims of barbarians unbound by The Law. We …
After the Russian collusion farce; after Obamaic Transformation; after the yearning to make America Venezuela: from whence & whither cometh the reckoning?
We grow impatient for a reckoning. We are sick of being on permanent trial for the dual offenses of breathing and not voting for Barack …
MSM/Fourth Estate=Bad Joke:
“…Not since Florence Foster Jenkins…”
UPDATE 3/7/21: I refrain from stimulating the WorldWideWebAlgorithmWhatchamaCallit by putting the actual name of a certain MSMer out there, so just read one more article about what has become …
The most ominous sound I’ve ever heard…Sharia, Sharia, Sharia, Sha-reeeee-aaaaaaaah…Islam’s camel nose inches into the tent.
Scary enough for you? Yet there are none so blind as those who will not see. Denial on a cataclysmic scale. UPDATE 1/10/25: To the …
Armistice Day Centennial-A Watershed and Gateway to Modern Times
6/9/19: WWI black & white silent footage brought to jarring colorized, audible life in Peter Jackson’s masterpiece “They Shall Not Grow Old.” If one cares …