UPDATE 3/7/21: I refrain from stimulating the WorldWideWebAlgorithmWhatchamaCallit by putting the actual name of a certain MSMer out there, so just read one more article about what has become …
Manliness: ordinary, good men being men.
UPDATE 12/15/19: Joe Biden, circus clown POTUS aspirant, applying his own special logic and that of the political Party he calls home, has decreed it …
U.S. Constitution: The Preamble-“We the people….”
The text and some explanation of The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. For the full text and further explanation of the entire U.S. Constitution-the Preamble, the Articles of …
U.S. Constitution: The Articles of Confederation, 1-7.
The text and some explanation of the 7 Articles of Confederation of the U.S. Constitution. Article I: Legislative Article II: Executive Article III: Judicial Article IV: States Article V: Amendment …
U.S. Constitution: The Bill Of Rights-Amendments 1-10
The text and some explanation of the Bill of Rights (Amendments 1-10) of the U.S. Constitution. I: Establishment and free exercise of religion; freedom of the press/speech/assembly/petition. II: To keep …
U.S. Constitution: Amendments 11-27
The text and some explanation of Amendments #11-27 of the U.S. Constitution. XI: Suits against a State. XII: Electoral College. XIII: Abolition of slavery. XIV: Citizenship; state …
Happy Birthday,
U.S. Constitution!
A birthday has recently passed without much notice or fanfare, but without said birthday celebrant, still very much alive, there would be no America. Nor …
Charlie Gard: ObamaCare,
Death Panels and the Lethal Price
of “Free” Socialized Healthcare.
UPDATE 9/27/17: New darling of the ObamaCare Left, comedian Jimmy Kimmel seems to have forgotten the pronounced downsides of socialized healthcare as demonstrated in the …
Trump goes for the Fundamentals: America and Western Civilization are exceptional.
While Leftists of all stripes continue to spit out their rage at their shocking setback last Election Day, serious Conservatives are watching, with cautious but growing optimism, Donald …