To those rich champions of the Left (like the current POTUS) always claiming to be on “the right side of history,” we counsel the most minimal study of said history. In so doing, one finds that those societies founded on the freedom of individuals and NOT a master-planned (and mythical) “equality” of the masses have been the creators of true progress and achievement.
By: Fred Posted on
Categories: Adam Smith, American Constitution, American Culture, American History, Authors of Yore, Ayn Rand(1905-1982), Capitalism, Christianity, Conservatism, Conservative Men, Conservative Women, De Tocqueville, Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Eminent Domain, Eric Hoffer, Founding Fathers, Frauds & Scoundrels, Gun control, HealthCare, Socialized, Heroes & Heroines, Internet "Neutrality", Islam/Ground Zero Mosque/Muslim Brotherhood, Judaism, Legal vs. Moral, Liberal Friends/Family/Spouses, Libertarianism, Newspeak, Obama, Barack & Michelle, Occu-Pod People, Orwell, Political Correctness, Private Property/Eminent Domain, Right To Work Laws, Saul Alinsky, Self-Defense, States Rights, Tea Parties, The Clintons, Uncategorized, Useful Idiots, Utopia
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