UPDATE 7/17/16: It just keeps getting nuttier and nuttier. Some of us, hopefully most of us, will just stick with the good old pronouns that …
Minimum wage scam: working person loses, unions & Dem politicians clean up!
UPDATE 4/1/18: Real, sensible working person schools ignorant A-List celebrity snots (not parting with a dime of their own) on the damage done by raising …
Deal with the Devil, come up empty-handed:
The pitfalls of crony capitalism.
UPDATE 8/14/24: Big Business, once boasting the show pieces of free market capitalism, has become freedom’s foremost enemy in its collusion with Big Government. Remember …
Bill accidentally provides Hillary with a Sister Souljah moment.
Will it help or hinder?
Bill Clinton’s unplanned candor in dressing down Black Lives Matters should reflect well on him. However, his immediate apology in response to the backlash (in particular one …
An inquisition for our times: Al’s Greenshirts crack down
UPDATE 2/2/25: Oil-gas behemoth Shell has abandoned plans for a windfarm off the NJ shore, one more blow to the whole Green boondoggle. Guess they’ll …
Free men dream and create. Slaves just try to survive.
To those rich champions of the Left (like the current POTUS) always claiming to be on “the right side of history,” we counsel the most …
Obama is a classic fascist, not a socialist.
ORIGINAL POST 4/1/16: There is no clearer analysis of what Obama is than this 2012 piece by Thomas Sowell. Obama is not a socialist. …
Spengler/Goldman: Cruz is our last best hope.
We are in a critical place, and the choice of one Barack Hussein Obama as POTUS has put us there. After 8 years, we can …
Erasing history just another aspect of Leftist totalitarianism.
Apparently, Orwell’s prophecy has reached critical mass when young people and their older enablers who should know better decide they will obliterate the specially chosen …