UPDATE 5/29/18: Now a monument to fallen canine heroes of other conflicts and comfort for their grieving human masters. For who loves dogs, loves liberty, …
Ted Cruz stands firm in a field of mush.
Ted Cruz’ continued principled presence, particularly at the Repub Debate, 10/28/15 is cause for real hope. There has been no wavering from him in the last couple …
A Palestinian State already exists, and it’s called Jordan….
Can Jordan’s ruling Hashemites accommodate all the rival Muslim factions?
UPDATE 12/20/24: There is something that can be done for the Arabs in and around Israel who aren’t Israeli citizens, and that is convincing them …
SCOTUS Gone Wild! Waiving citizenship for voter registration
Why, asks today’s Democratic Party, should one have to prove citizenship to vote? Why indeed, answers today’s activist SCOTUS. No need to prove citizenship, the …
Today’s Left: shaky narratives built solely on lies and manufactured mantras
Because many or most of today’s Progressive views are built on lies, it’s easy to understand the fanatical response one faces when the lies are exposed. The …
The Curley Effect
UPDATE 8/27/20: Referring back to The Curley Effect, the Leftist politicians actively supporting the laying waste to their own cities again makes sense. In a rational …
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) as Original Sin
The Liberal/Progressive’s desperate longing for enslavement and control by Big Brother approaches new heights of madness in vilifying CO2, that which we exhale following every breath we take. Talk …
The Clintons made “Unpalatable” ok.
Obama has made “Unthinkable” mainstream.
Before Billy Jeff’s shameless shenanigans in the Oval Office with Monica, a politician’s careless sexual escapades and lying denials spelled the end of a career [“…spending more …
SCOTUS Gone Wild! AFFH-Forced residential “diversity”
Great news from the Fed regarding the equal distribution of misery. It’s snappily coined “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” or AFFH. Now suburban communities are by law …