Remember way back when every prominent Leftist on TV seemed to be regurgitating the words RICHARD MELLON SCAIFE as the Mighty Me lurking in the shadows behind every horror the Right had in store for America? If the Left’s embarrassing power-behind-the-scenes was to be GEORGE SOROS, then the Right would have to have their own Evil One too. The hypocritical, disingenuous silliness begins and ends with the glut of leftwing, Nanny State billionaires like Michael Bloomberg buying influence everywhere and getting lauded for it. And then there’s billionaire Tom Steyer who decided the Keystone Pipeline isn’t in his own personal interest. Notable how baby-faced and clean-cut these billionaire Leftwingers are these days. No more bearded bomb-throwers. They’re looking more & more like everything horrible those odious Rich Republicans are rumored to be.
In this lamentable Age of Obama, no one would be able to repeat all 3 of Richard Mellon Scaife’s names because the script has changed, and presumably, he’s no longer dangerous. Now the new marching orders for Useful Idiots like Roseann, George Clooney & Co. to bring up is: THE KOCH BROTHERS. For emphasis, it bears repetition: THE KOCH BROTHERS. It’s been going on for a few years, and only just lately, the eloquent & elegant Harry Reid chimed in during his memorable ObamaCare-Horror-Stories-Are-All-Lies screed before Congress that it’s all about THE KOCH BROTHERS.”They’re buying America! America is not for sale!” trumpets the Congressional Cassandra…unless, of course, Harry thinks he can get a piece of the action. He’s been known to take quite a few pieces of the action. For further Dirty Harry fingers in dirty pies, look a little more deeply at Nevada’s recent BLM travesty.
So, the next time THE KOCH BROTHERS come up, answer briefly with all these horrible things they’ve done. It’ll ruin their day, and the Left will have to come up with a fresh new brimming batch of bogeyman bs.
2 Replies to “Leftist Bogeymen:
Remember when it was Richard Mellon Scaife?”