Repeal ObamaCare & Save American Healthcare

Whether ObamaCare is struck down in the Supreme Court or legislatively in 2012, we must lay “the political and intellectual groundwork” for what is to replace this government takeover of healthcare and with it one sixth of the private sector economy. Failure to deliver a clear message as to the possibilities for constructive change will result in more of the same Federal Government and bureaucratic distortions of the healthcare system.

President Obama Shuns Lech Walesa

Lech Walesa was once a trade-union activist. He was often arrested for speaking his mind against Communist oppression behind the Iron Curtain in Poland and for defying the Soviet Union. He was an electrician who, with no higher education, led one of the most profound freedom movements of the 20th century — Solidarity. He became president of Poland and swept in reforms, pushing the Soviet Union out of his homeland and moving the country toward a free-market economy and individual liberty. And President Obama doesn’t want him to set foot in the White House.

This Week’s Exploding Cigar: Obama, the Dog Eater

This week, the campaign, aka Acme Cigar Corporation,decided it was time again to try to paint Mitt Romney as personally dislikeable by trotting out a 30 year old tale about his putting the family dog in a carrier on the family station wagon for a trip. Seamus, the dog, protected by a jerry built wind screen, survived, but the story was touted once again by Acme and its press buddies in the belief that as history proved, one can with media helpers knock out Republican candidates on silly externals.

Justices may not stop at dashing Obamacare

The Obama administration’s defense of Obamacare before the Supreme Court on Tuesday was reviewed as stumbling and bumbling by news reporters, foreshadowing the Big Government clumsiness and ineptitude a universal health care system would offer the public. Justice Anthony Kennedy ripped through the argument that because Congress has the constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce, it has the power to regulate anything. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli was overmatched and ill-prepared, displaying once again why socialism fails: It leads to the appointment of unemployable nephews and political hangers on to positions for which they are ill-suited

That’s Weird?… Forbes Article Calling Obama the ‘Manchurian Candidate’ Disappears Down the Memory Hole

Earlier today Forbes posted an excerpt from the book Hope Is Not a Strategy by John Mariotti and D. M. Lukas. The author provided an excerpt from the book for the article where he describes Barack Obama as a “manufactured candidate” whose history remains sealed. Mariotti then calls Obama the “Manchurian candidate.”