Economics 101-Steve Forbes

“The truth is, there is a moral basis for free markets,” Heritage Foundation trustee Steve Forbes said earlier this month at a Heritage event in Dallas. Free enterprise, he explained, creates wealth through voluntary exchange. This wealth creation, in turn, allows for the great philanthropic enterprises that have improved our lives: higher education, medical research and more. “We have to find our voices and not be on defense” against those who attack free enterprise, he argued.

The Great Thanksgiving Hoax

Each year at this time school children all over America are taught the official Thanksgiving story, and newspapers, radio, TV, and magazines devote vast amounts of time and space to it. It is all very colorful and fascinating.

It is also very deceiving. This official story is nothing like what really happened. It is a fairy tale, a whitewashed and sanitized collection of half-truths which divert attention away from Thanksgiving’s real meaning.

Sarah Palin: On the Money in Anaheim

Sarah Palin’s speech on Saturday at the Republican National Committee’s get-out-the-vote rally in Anaheim, Calif., was a prime example of what Palin does best: slam the Obama Administration’s lies and toxic policies with down-to-earth humor, optimism, and a no-nonsense confidence that drives the Left wild.

Palin boldly honored President Reagan’s approach: “What this great country needs to get back on track is just that Reagan common sense, those principles, those time-tested truths that he applied, Reagan common-sense solutions—lower taxes, smaller, smarter government, less overreach and intrusion, strong, unapologetic national defense—remember, it was ‘we win, you lose’.”

She flashed the media some signature palm writing so they’d “have some easy takeaway” and didn’t hesitate to let them know that, “Yes, I shall be invoking Reagan’s name again. And again. And again. And again. You won’t be hearing me invoking or quoting Alinsky or Mao. We’re kind of a Reagan kind of crowd around here.”

Breitbart Confronts Paid Union Thugs

The Right Nation 2010 convention has been going on in Chicago. Andrew Breitbart was a featured participant, along with Glenn Beck and others. Obamabots from OFA and paid union thugs were bused in to create the illusion of a grass roots opposition to the conservative gathering. Breitbart, with typical boldness, didn’t just walk past the paid union members who had no idea why they had been ordered to attend. Rather, he confronted them. In the end, they retreated sheepishly.

Why “Atlas Shrugged” is flying off the bookshelves

According to a Library of Congress survey, Atlas Shrugged, published in 1957, may be second to the Bible as the most influential book read in America. It is required reading in management training at BB&T, the 12th-largest bank in the U.S. and one that resisted taking TARP bailout funds. Since the Obama administration took office, Atlas Shrugged has been making a renaissance with rising sales and library waiting lists, partly because it explains our current economic woes more straightforwardly than most of what we hear from today’s experts.

The Mosque’s Imam Is A “Moderate” But Abe Foxman Is A Bigot?

I trust the Imam and the Muslims at the new Ground Zero “Cordoba” mosque to tell me the truth of what they think about Israel and the United States. After 9/11, the Imam said America shared responsibility for the destruction of the World Trade Center. Now, that same imam refuses to condem Hamas. And he supported the anti-Israel flotilla that led the international political ambush of Israel. This imam is honest. He’s just anything but “moderate.”

Booker T and the Reparations Hustle

Former slave Booker T. Washington, in a 1901 autobiographical book Up From Slavery, made the following poignant statement: When we rid ourselves of prejudice, or racial feeling, and look facts in the face, we must acknowledge that, notwithstanding the cruelty and moral wrong of slavery, the ten million Negroes inhabiting this country, who themselves or whose ancestors went through the school of American slavery, are in a stronger and more hopeful condition, materially, intellectually, morally and religiously