The Mind of America

It is often said the people of America are her heart and soul. It’s important to understand that they are also her mind.

The mind of America is an unconscious engine of fantastic power and perception. Its nerve endings reach through every cash register and cell phone. Its dreams swell into factories and skyscrapers, burn themselves into circuit boards, and flow across bookshelves.

Human Events

HUMAN EVENTS is the news source President Reagan called his “favorite newspaper” and we still hold high the Reaganesque principles of free enterprise, limited government and, above all, a staunch, unwavering defense of American freedom.

Lifetime cure for Lefties

Scientists have given mankind many blessings, but the discovery of the gene for Left-wing behaviour must be foremost among them. For now there is a diagnosis, there can be a cure. Just think of it – a quick screening of the unborn infant, a mild course of gene therapy, and hey presto! The disease can be eradicated within a generation.

Perhaps we are getting a little ahead of ourselves. But even if science falls short of an outright cure, it should still be possible to ameliorate the symptoms. The gene does not automatically make the carrier a Lefty; rather, it triggers the adolescent brain’s reward mechanism in the presence of novel experiences and viewpoints. The treatment is simple: lock teenage sufferers in a drab room, furnished with the works of Hayek and Friedman. True, their social skills will be somewhat stunted. But the benefits will last a lifetime.

Scientists have given mankind many blessings, but the discovery of the gene for Left-wing behaviour must be foremost among them. For now there is a diagnosis, there can be a cure. Just think of it – a quick screening of the unborn infant, a mild course of gene therapy, and hey presto! The disease can be eradicated within a generation.

Perhaps we are getting a little ahead of ourselves. But even if science falls short of an outright cure, it should still be possible to ameliorate the symptoms. The gene does not automatically make the carrier a Lefty; rather, it triggers the adolescent brain’s reward mechanism in the presence of novel experiences and viewpoints. The treatment is simple: lock teenage sufferers in a drab room, furnished with the works of Hayek and Friedman. True, their social skills will be somewhat stunted. But the benefits will last a lifetime.

The Weekly Standard

The Weekly Standard made its debut on September 18, 1995. Edited by William Kristol and Fred Barnes, the magazine is published 48 times a year by Clarity Media Group. The Weekly Standard is available by subscription.

Canada Free Press

Canada Free Press (CFP) is a proudly independent, 24-7 electronic newspaper, updating several times–and sometimes several hours– a day. More than 100 writers and columnists file regularly to CFP from all corners of the globe.

Although we have been posting to the Internet for more than 12 years, on May 15, 2009 CFP celebrated its fifth anniversary as a daily.

The Centre for Independent Studies

The Centre for Independent Studies is the leading independent public policy ‘think tank’ within Australasia. The CIS is actively engaged in supporting a free enterprise economy and a free society under limited government where individuals can prosper and fully develop their talents. With critical recommendations to public policy and by encouraging debate amongst leading academics, politicians, journalists and the general public, the CIS aims to make sure good ideas are heard and seriously considered.