UPDATE 6/14/2020: Now more than ever, a symbol of what EVERYONE’s fight is. No, it’s not the non-existent, unattainable “equality” that drives the Marxist scam of “sharing the wealth,” “reparations” and the like. It’s FREEDOM.
ORIGINAL POST 6/14/2015: The Red, White & Blue, Stars & Stripes, Old Glory, the Star Spangled Banner: indelible symbol of what is at least the Second Greatest Story Ever Told, the First having laid the groundwork for the Second two millennia before.
America, the realization of mankind’s noblest aspirations; free individuals living out our destinies in freedom underpinned by God-given rights stated in our Constitution: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Please visit Dittoville’s Singing Sister Site, FredGrams.com. Sweet Land of Liberty, Of Thee I Sing!
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