There IS a good reason to blog and make our Liberal friends/neighbors/relatives crazy over coffee.
Kermit Gosnell-The Banality Of Evil(revisited):
Abortion Profiteer, Murderer, Monster…
MSM? Human Rights Activists? Ho hum.
The shocking but not surprising fact that the MSM and easily addled Human Rights Activists on the Left aren’t screaming for Kermit Gosnell’s head is The Issue.
Boston Terrorists ID’ed as Islamists.
MSM & Liberal Intelligentsia In Mourning.
The first thing out of a [Liberal] friend’s mouth, post-BostonBombing: “It’s some conservative group, like Oklahoma City.”
The Perfect Obama Age Anthem:
Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay…Wastin’ Time…
Perfect anthem for the Age of Obama: a song about being homeless, jobless, friendless, goin’ nowhere, just wastin’ tiiiiiiiiime…
The Golf Shot Heard Round the Academic World
An articulate, self-confident, successful Conservative is sick and tired and not going to take it any more, providing undeniable, hard factual documentation of the illiberal nature of today’s “Liberal” Arts Universities
Margaret Thatcher(1925-2013):
A Woman Of Unparalleled Consequence
Without hyperbole, historian Paul Johnson describes Baroness Thatcher’s influence on modern human affairs as one unmatched by any other woman since Catherine The Great.
Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator (R-Texas): The Great Conservative Hope
Looking better all the time for his clear, uncompromising Conservative stances, including full repeal of ObamaCare.