UPDATE 1/13/25: Who would you choose for practical advice…or a reliable forecast of things to come, weather, wildfires or otherwise?

Pick one.

UPDATE 10/23/24: Xi Van Fleet survived the horrors of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, came here thinking that nightmare was a thing of her past only to see America playing out the same suicidal scenario. Ignore her and the clear signs of our own nightmare in the making at your own risk.

Her book.

UPDATE 5/6/24: Nothing and no one lasts forever. There was Rome and Greece and the Brits, the Ottomans, the Hapsburgs, and all share the same signs & symptoms of decline. Europe is well on its way down, and America is showing serious signs of following suit Forewarned is forearmed.

ORIGINAL POST 5/1/24: One of the challenges of being a political conservative living in these unusually turbulent times is the refusal of at least half of American voters to see the truly dire consequences of their electoral choices. Modern day Cassandras, making their way here from tyrannies abroad to what they have assumed remains THE land of freedom and hope, are finding an America corrupted by the same lies that have led to the enslavement of their native cultures and homelands. Their warnings about what they have witnessed and what it almost certainly means for America’s future go mostly unheeded, so powerfully embedded are the false promises of smiling tyrants to a gullible public.

Like our “Alice In Wonderland” post or “mass psychosis posts, we sadly expect too much material over time to fill this new CASSANDRA post detailing the warnings of modern-day prophets AND the folly of those who will not listen.

YEONMI PARK, North Korean refugee

MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF, son of Islamic terrorist and Hamas founder, now converted Christian and American citizen

XI VAN FLEET, survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution



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