Who dares deny the children anything? I/we deserve ______________. Plug in your entitlement of choice, say “No you can’t have that,” and see what happens. A riot of The Deserving bussed in from all over the country perhaps? In front of your statehouse? At the private home of the politician/corporate executive who is denying them what they “deserve?” On the streets where you happen to be walking? At your house?
By: Fred Posted on
Categories: Abortion, American Culture, American Thinker, Arizona, Bureaucracy, California, Communism, Conservative Women, Crony Capitalism, Fascism, Gay Marriage, HealthCare, Socialized, Islam/Ground Zero Mosque/Muslim Brotherhood, Liberal Friends/Family/Spouses, Media Bias, Obama, Barack & Michelle, Psychology, Public Education, Right To Work Laws, Robin of Berkeley, Saul Alinsky, Self-Defense, States Rights, Taxes, Tea Parties, Totalitarianism, Uncategorized, Unions, Useful Idiots, Utopia, Wisconsin/Teachers Union Demands