UPDATE 5/7/24: Kristi Noem’s latest exposed blunder, making up a story about meeting Kim Jong Un, is a major tell. Like the stomach-churning dead puppy/smelly …
BITA(Bitten In The Ass): Epitaph of “Nice” Leftists
UPDATE 9/26/23: Clueless Libs and hardened Leftists have successfully created their wished-for mad, mad, mad WokeWorld. The problem is they suddenly find themselves living with …
The Gaslighting of America
UPDATE 9/4/24: That joyful cackler is, in real life (not Fantasy Land) a nasty entitled Karen with no use for The Little Guy except for …
Withstanding the onslaught of the Master Planners
What keeps a person going in difficult times? It varies from person to person, but clearly a daily sense of purpose, underpinned by a long range view of …