Death fears of the Boomer Left

“Back in the Sixties,” sighs an ex-hippie lady I know, “everybody was happy. Really. Everybody.”

Gosh, that wasn’t what other people remember. Most teenagers go through a lot of ups and downs, and in the Sixties the Baby Boomers were rollercoastering through their own adolescence. (Some still are.)

Shut Up, He Explained

Last Tuesday, standing in front of the Statue of Liberty, New York mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke on the subject of the proposed mosque at Ground Zero. His remarks will be read with curiosity by future generations of Americans, who will look back in astonishment at the self-deluding pieties and self-destructive dogmas

When it was no longer sweet or noble to kill for the cause

If the great history lesson of the 20th century is that socialism does not work then the watershed event in that tragic enlightenment was the one that took place in Moscow 50 years ago this month – the so-called “secret speech” delivered by Nikita Khrushchev to a closed session of the 20th congress of the Soviet Communist party on February 25 1956, in which he mounted a devastating attack on Joseph Stalin, then not quite three years dead.

The Great Guy Theory of History

We consider today the sad case of Charlie Rangel, the beloved 20-term Congressman from New York City.

You’ve probably heard of the Great Man Theory of History. The Charlie Rangel story can be explained by the Great Guy Theory of History.

Men have a shorthand way of sorting through the torrents of human behavior. They’ll say someone is a “great guy.”