Federalism and the New Conservatism: Reagan2020.us-Clear Vision for the 21st Century

“We, the members of the New Republican Party, believe that the preservation and enhancement of the values that strengthen and protect individual freedom, family life, communities and neighborhoods and the liberty of our beloved nation should be at the heart of any legislative or political program presented to the American people.” —Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911 – 2004)

Owning Your Own Healthcare Plan

As a Certified Nurse-Midwife with 35 years experience in the American health care system, I have a very different perspective than do politicians on what is needed for effective health care reform. The new reform bill is, at best, misguided. The usual suspects, doctors and the costs generated by the amazing advances of the last several decades, have not made health care and health insurance unaffordable and restrictive for many Americans. Government regulation has.

Health 101: How We Lowered Our Costs

I just got my health insurance renewal premium for 2011, and our family’s cost went down 19 percent. Yes, down! — and all because we did the opposite of ObamaCare for our family.

Now I am not an Ivy League grad; nonetheless, I figured out how to dramatically lower my health care costs two years in a row. And by costs, I mean both insurance premiums and overall expenditures for health care — without sacrificing anything.

‘Go watch this video. It’s enlightening, it’s enraging.”: Gov Christie Raves Over O’Keefe’s ‘Teachers Gone Wild’

Well, the left and the mainstream media came to bury James O’Keefe. And I guess they failed. His latest Project Veritas ‘Teachers Gone Wild’ — New Jersey teachers union members exposing their institutional arrogance and lack of seriousness and accountability — is now a huge story in New Jersey politics, according to straight-talking Governor Chris Christie’s own mouth.

Vivian Schiller and the Party Line at NPR

The Juan Williams/NPR flap isn’t going away — and shouldn’t. Basically, Williams was fired for not toeing the party line at NPR. A number of observers, including Williams himself, are protesting the hypocrisy of NPR not dismissing the likes of Nina Totenberg for wishing AIDS upon the family of the late Jesse Helms. Of course, that’s no surprise. Totenberg’s hate speech doesn’t qualify as hate speech in the liberal lexicon. Totenberg toes the party line at NPR. She’s a good apparatchik, safe among the party hierarchy.

NPR CEO Vivian Schiller Key Architect of FCC Govt Takeover of the News

Last week, National Public Radio CEO Vivian Schiller took a break from her crusade for a government takeover of the media to swat a fly. With now-former NPR analyst Juan Williams suitably splattered across the evening news after politically incorrect comments he made on Fox News, Schiller can return to her real passion – the creation of a national network to ensure that in the future, you get your news from the government in general and NPR in particular.

Brass Oldies

Classic songs from years past are sometimes referred to as “golden oldies.” There are political fallacies that have been around for a long time as well. These might be called brass oldies. It certainly takes a lot of brass to keep repeating fallacies that were refuted long ago