Call us xenophobes. Call us racist. Call us whatever you please about choosing a way of life that’s free, robust, open, hopeful, tolerant over a way of life that’s NOT any of those things. Europe has been way ahead of us in its suicidal pursuit of a multicultural society overrun and infected by Islamic Sharia.
America is now doing its utmost to catch up with Europe’s dissolution by putting a committed AmeriPhobe in the White House: open borders, unchecked immigration, all those millions & millions of new, permanently Democratic voters on the rolls, music to the ears of your average short-sighted Democrat.
For today’s committed Democrat, it’s ABAR: Anyone But A Republican, even the demise of all personal liberties and the carefree, frivolous way of life allowing such lack of foresight.
Liberal friends: listen to Europe. Listen to this woman. Disregard at your own risk.