Climate change ‘fraud’ letter: a Martin Luther moment in science history

Five centuries ago, a German priest challenged the reigning theological “consensus” about the clerical sale of indulgences, unraveling one of the great religious scams in history and inspiring the Protestant Reformation.This month, a senior American physicist challenged the reigning scientific “consensus” about global warming. His action may prove to be the unraveling one of the great scientific mistakes in history and the beginning of a greatly needed reformation of the scientific community.

Sarah Palin: On the Money in Anaheim

Sarah Palin’s speech on Saturday at the Republican National Committee’s get-out-the-vote rally in Anaheim, Calif., was a prime example of what Palin does best: slam the Obama Administration’s lies and toxic policies with down-to-earth humor, optimism, and a no-nonsense confidence that drives the Left wild.

Palin boldly honored President Reagan’s approach: “What this great country needs to get back on track is just that Reagan common sense, those principles, those time-tested truths that he applied, Reagan common-sense solutions—lower taxes, smaller, smarter government, less overreach and intrusion, strong, unapologetic national defense—remember, it was ‘we win, you lose’.”

She flashed the media some signature palm writing so they’d “have some easy takeaway” and didn’t hesitate to let them know that, “Yes, I shall be invoking Reagan’s name again. And again. And again. And again. You won’t be hearing me invoking or quoting Alinsky or Mao. We’re kind of a Reagan kind of crowd around here.”