UPDATE 5/17/20: We find ourselves beset by a worldwide plague of destroying hundreds of millions of healthy lives to save (maybe) thousands of the sick. …
Celebrating Israel at 70
With boundless admiration and gratitude, we salute one of the true living miracles of our world, Israel on her 70th birthday. Along with the United …
Refreshing news for Israel and the Middle East in the Trump-Pence era.
UPDATE 2/7/21: Among Trump’s worst mistakes have been trusting a number of the wrong people in key positions-the execrable Fauci being just one of the most obvious …
In praise of Israel,
Christmas Day, 2017.
UPDATE 3/22/18: Even paradise can always use some improvements. UPDATE 1/29/18: Daily Israeli log, appropriately titled VeryGoodNewsIsrael.blogspot.com, subtitled “News of Israel’s Achievements and Heartwarming Stories …
Dump the UN: Obama’s final travesty against Israel
throws glaring light on another Leftwing assault on America, Israel and freedom in general.
UPDATE 12/31/17: The cuts have come! US finally refusing to pay for the privilege of being kicked in the face. UPDATE 12/23/17: In response to standing up for …
Obama’s hatred of Israel & Netanyahu high on his list of final travesties
UPDATE 7/21/21: For Israel admirers: AISH.COM is an uplifting destination. Don’t miss this helpful Here’s How! video for those dimwits seeking to clear their consciences …
Israel: still making the desert bloom.
For those Western Progressives intent on its destruction, we direct them to Riyadh and Damascus for their next medical checkup…and glass of clean water.
The problem is easy to describe if not easy to solve. UPDATE 2/4/25: Once again, Israel and worldwide Jewry have a friend in America, …
America/Israel vs. Our Enemies:
War Is Peace, Ignorance Is Strength
UPDATE 6/21/21: A German company draws the line with its Woke (anti-Semitic) employees objecting to its visible pro-Jewish stance. Don’t like the Israeli flag flying …
Israel’s enemies within
As if Israel doesn’t have enough problems surviving the permanent threat of extinction from its Muslim neighbors, she also must fight the poison of anti-capitalist (Marxist) forces …