One of the downsides of offering freedom and opportunity to everyone in a society is that some of those fortunate recipients of freedom & opportunity will use …
What’s up with
Israel/America-hating Obama
and his newfound love for Israel?
When Barack Obama suddenly starts telling Israel “we have your back,” you know Israel should watch its back.
Throwing America and Israel Under The Tank
Last week, Reza Kahlili, a former Revolutionary Guard member wrote that Iran had reached a deal with the Obama Administration to preserve portions of its nuclear program.
Obama: No Time For Israel, Plenty of Time for Pimps
A busy 9/11 anniversary for Obama: stiffing Netanyahu and murderous attacks on two embassies. Have a nice day, Mr. O.
What Israeli security could teach us
THE SAFEST AIRLINE in the world, it is widely agreed, is El Al, Israel’s national carrier. The safest airport is Ben Gurion International, in Tel Aviv. No El Al plane has been attacked by terrorists in more than three decades, and no flight leaving Ben Gurion has ever been hijacked. So when US aviation intensified its focus on security after 9/11, it seemed a good bet that the experience of travelers in American airports would increasingly come to resemble that of travelers flying out of Tel Aviv
UPDATES 1/5-12/25
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 1/8/25: COMING TO A 51st (52nd? 53rd?) STATE NEAR YOU!! TRUMPLAND TOWERS!! Manifest destiny, 2025 is apparently …
UPDATES 12/29-1/5/25
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 1/3/25: As of January 20, we eagerly welcome the New Normal, that Normal being actual news of …
UPDATES 12/22-29/24
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 12/29/24: “Cometh The Hour, Cometh The Man.” TRUMPMEDIA-MAGA restored UPDATE 12/26/24: Is America about to double/triple/quadruple its square …
UPDATES 12/15-22/24
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 12/16/24: Bad things will inevitably continue to happen, but a sea change has occurred, hopefully overriding any …