Wisconsin Becomes Front Line in Battle of Obama vs. Budget Sanity

Wisconsin’s growing war over public-employee benefits is becoming a major battleground between President Barack Obama and grass-roots conservatives who say the time has come to restore sanity to state, local and federal budgets. As the drama unfolds in America’s heartland, other states are paying close attention and may follow Wisconsin’s example in an effort to restore fiscal discipline.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Wisconsin Becomes Front Line in Battle of Obama vs. Budget Sanity
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama’s Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Google and the Government

That the advocacy group Consumer Watchdog is accusing the Obama administration of a “cozy” relationship with the Internet behemoth Google is hardly a surprise. I remember there were two Google executives on the speaker’s platform in Chicago when Barack Obama appeared after winning the White House, a tribute to Google’s assistance in helping his campaign raise millions of dollars in small contributions online.

Climate change: A new religion complete with evangelists, tithes, indulgences and superstitions

Last night BBC Four aired a documentary which took a look at climate change sceptics and in particular one of the movement’s most prominent poster boys, Lord Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount of Brenchley.The programme, like climate science itself, attracted controversy before it even came on air. James Delingpole, a vocal climate change sceptic who appears in the documentary, yesterday called the programme “another hatchet job” on his Telegraph blog.

How to Get Rich from Liberal Delusions

The secret to instant wealth is to spot a mass delusion and bet against it. The Tulip Craze. Florida swamp land.

Getting the timing right is tricky, but we are blessed with an overload of mass delusions. You can pick your own favorite. Delusional bubbles have to pop at some point, because the people who are paying for them eventually figure out that they’ve been had.

Warmists: ‘We can’t win the game, so let’s change the rules’

Willis Eschenbach’s recent guest post at Watts Up With That? on the current state of ‘Climate science’ should be made compulsory reading in every classroom, every university science department, every eco-charity, every environmental NGO and in every branch of government. They won’t like it up ‘em, that’s for sure.

What Eschenbach says is so pure and simple and obvious you’d need to be as dumb as Chris Huhne not to get it:

A Banner Day For Junk Science

Corruption: A study debunking vaccines by a scientist in the pay of trial lawyers was found to be “an elaborate fraud.” Meanwhile, the “Great Garbage Patch” turned out to be a sea myth. Science has some explaining to do.

Scientific inquiry, once perceived a noble redoubt of objective truth-seeking and enlightenment, is doing a bang-up job of dragging itself down to P.T. Barnum-style snake oil-elixir hype, given the amount of fraud being exposed almost daily.