The text and some explanation of Amendments #11-27 of the U.S. Constitution. XI: Suits against a State. XII: Electoral College. XIII: Abolition of slavery. XIV: Citizenship; state …
Happy Birthday,
U.S. Constitution!
A birthday has recently passed without much notice or fanfare, but without said birthday celebrant, still very much alive, there would be no America. Nor …
Stop apologizing for American sovereignty and exceptionalism…and yourself.
Unless we’re George S. Patton or The Great Santini, most of us would prefer not to be engaged in combat full-time, so we make certain …
The Sinatra Factor
UPDATE 10/17/17: DJT: The right man at the right time. How our society has devolved from the late, lamented time when the most popular singer in the land, possibly the world, could be …
The Harvey Girls! 2017 update!
UPDATE 10/19/17: The #Me Too! hashtag and phony victim craze goes viral, as predicted below. Being perceived as a victim is just too profitable and …
The Geisha Girls of Elite Feminism: A cry for help from the Dem Party’s most prominent HandMaidens.
Elite Feminism’s reaction to Deplorable America! Hostage crisis! Bring back our girls! Although claiming like Big Sister Gloria they need a man like sushi needs a rickshaw, …
The New Stalinists: PC Informants in today’s America
The free market of association and ideas, like the one of goods and services, is feeling the lethal tentacles of Stalinist Political Correctness. A notable [White] …
The Betrayal of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Character not color. Truly a noble dream, transcending race or anything else. Unfortunately, it’s a dream betrayed by the rapacious Racial Grievance Industry, headed up most prominently …
Fashion flashback:
Compassionate Lady Bountiful Michelle-Antoinette
“tastefully” dressed for distress and disaster
Remember when Melania wore what appeared to be an outfit splotched in Texas crude to comfort Gulf oil spill victims? Oh, wait… Remember when Melania dressed like she was on her way …