Eric Holder’s liberal racism

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. should resign. He is a disgrace to his office and to his country.

Mr. Holder is a race baiter. On Tuesday, he testified during a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing on the voting rights case involving members of the New Black Panther Party. In the 2008 election, Black Panthers – dressed in military fatigues and wielding a club – threatened voters at a Philadelphia polling station. They denounced the voters as “crackers” and vowed those voters would not be allowed to help defeat then-candidate Barack Obama. Their goal was to bully and intimidate. This was a clear case of violation of voting rights. Such behavior may occur with impunity in banana republics – not in the world’s leading democracy.

Top 10 Labor Union Outrages

With labor unions seeing a decline in membership, their agenda is becoming ever more desperate. Public-employee unions, with their lavish taxpayer-funded pensions, are driving governments to insolvency. No wonder approval ratings for unions are at an all-time low. Here are the Top 10 Labor Union Outrages.

Post Traumatic American Syndrome

I have noticed fewer people around town this past weekend. First I thought it was because of the Presidents Day holiday. Then I realized it was because anarchists were being bused into Wisconsin! More for them, and less for us!

The Midwest is getting a bit of a taste of Berkeley life. I’m guessing they are not liking it one bit. The violent, hostile vibe wouldn’t sit well with decent Midwestern folks.

Wisconsin Becomes Front Line in Battle of Obama vs. Budget Sanity

Wisconsin’s growing war over public-employee benefits is becoming a major battleground between President Barack Obama and grass-roots conservatives who say the time has come to restore sanity to state, local and federal budgets. As the drama unfolds in America’s heartland, other states are paying close attention and may follow Wisconsin’s example in an effort to restore fiscal discipline.

Read more on Wisconsin Becomes Front Line in Battle of Obama vs. Budget Sanity
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama’s Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Who’s Polarizing America?

American politics just keeps getting more polarized. Be assured that Obama wants it that way. I argue in Radical-in-Chief that Obama’s long-term hope is to divide America along class lines (roughly speaking, tax payers versus tax beneficiaries). Obama’s attack on the Supreme Court at his 2010 State of the Union address, his offensive against the Chamber of Commerce, his exhortation to Hispanics to punish their enemies, and several similar moves were all efforts to jump-start a populist movement of the left. Like his socialist organizing mentors, Obama believes that a country polarized along class lines will eventually realign American politics sharply to the left. Yet the entire strategy is based on the need for an activated, populist movement of the left. So far, Obama has failed to create such a movement. His expensive economic agenda has provoked a populist counter-movement of the right instead: Obama’s nightmare.