10/5/19: Surprise, surprise. Solar plants increase pollution. A little problem about the chicken and egg: one needs energy to operate these “energy-savers.” ORIGINAL POST 9/22/19: …
The Dems go all-out Brave New 1984: Big Brother dispensing Soma.
As the Dem Party 2020 wannabes continue to scramble over one another for the most insane, impossible $MultiTrillion promises to the masses, one can only …
The Anti-Semitic Left: Hate most definitely has a home here…in the Democratic Party.
In response to cries & concerns about anti-Semitism from “the Right,” one must point out that a Leftist need look no further than his own …
Destructive Dem Years, Johnson-Obama. Constructive Trump Years: Take your pick.
UPDATE 1/18/20: Going back to examine LBJ’s Orwellian construct called “The Great Society,” one is brought face-to-face with the corruption of a political party …
Moral License: Rationalizing Leftist hypocrisy
Guilt-free, proud Americans (known in some parts as “conservatives”) gratefully celebrate the myriad benefits that come our way daily: work, money, property, security, comfort, free …
The Left: “Please, no facts or reality.”
A Liberal friend once responded to this writer’s citing historical evidence of her chosen (Leftist) faith’s failure by saying, “Don’t give me that ‘History tells …
Gun Control is about control, not guns.
UPDATE 9/21/24: It’s certainly no surprise the hollow gourd tapped to replace the equally ethereal Wilmington ghost declared during Oprah’s Kamala Infomercial that she plans …
MuellerDammerung: Another Lefty hoax circles the drain. And America can go on…until the next one.
One recurring, reassuring thought about today’s politics is that the Conservative side is focused on swinging wide the doors of opportunity offered ALL Americans while …
Democratic Party suicidal? Stupid? No. Just gambling on the mass stupidity that will enable their Permanent Majority.
The Obama legacy is one of the Democratic Party hurtling toward a one-party, totalitarian America. Welcome to the U.S.S.A…unless. Trump appears to be the one …