UPDATE 9/14/20: For “Truth,” ask Dan! Washed-up faux phony talking head Dan Rather tries floating more of his special brand of jetsam on the subject of the latest Trump hoax. Stops …
Just asking…The Conservative Mirror Offensive (CMO):
UPDATE 9/9/20: Long my contention: know your friends, know your enemy. Two articles, one topic: Lincoln’s Gates of Hell speech from 1838, warning us of …
Holding up the mirror to
Dem Collusion:
Kennedy, Clinton, Obama.
UPDATE 8/2/17: Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders pushes back hard on fully fake Russian fable. Turns the mirror on the Clintons. Tens of millions of once loyal, now outraged Lefties immediately …
UPDATES 11/14-21/21
DITTOVILLE.COM AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing! UPDATE 11/20/21: Parents and intact families are still the indispensable building blocks of a free society, and the …
Updates 10/25-11/1/20
DITTOVILLE.COM American Spirit UPDATE 10/27/20: “Remember Poland circa early ’80’s when it was said: “we took to the streets and realized for the first time there …
Lies Of The Week=Perennial Lies Of The Left.
LIES OF THE WEEK One could simple write a column listing “Lies of the Week” and thereby accurately lay bare the essence of …
Updates 9/13-20/20
DITTOVILLE.COM Amy Coney Barrett UPDATE 9/19/20: Now that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has shuffled off her mortal coil, the way is clear for another woman on the …
Updates 9/6-13/20
DITTOVILLE.COM Americans Refuse Not To Work UPDATE 9/8/20: Some of us knew in the beginning (see the original post from months back below) this unprecedented …
Hoax Folks: A moving feast of Leftist lies, fakery and fraud.
UPDATE 9/20/20: Like a stomach-churning carnival ride you’d love to get off, politics leading up to (hopefully) Trump’s re-election has become a daily stomach churner …