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AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
Manifest destiny, 2025 is apparently manifesting itself. Not so crazy after all.
A fun-filled MAGA shopping spree!
They all laughed at Seward’s Folly, mocking our acquisition of Alaska back in the 1860s. Greenland? Taking back the Panama Canal? Trump’s “Folly?” Who’ll have the last laugh?
UPDATE 1/8/25: In reaction to the impending Trump restoration, the lies are suddenly piling up like reeking, stacked corpses amidst dialed-up hysteria. One still requires the cast-iron stomach refusing to ingest more of what has been fed us for years, but it’s just the high price of very good news, heralding an end to being force-fed the indigestible for years.
Somehow, despite this tidal wave of malicious mendacity, a respectable majority of the electorate has sensibly restored America to herself.
1/8/25: More happy news from Argentina. News flash! Capitalism and freedom works!
1/7/25: John Fetterman has proven to be that rarest of animals, a reasonable Democrat, a stroke victim thinking more clearly than virtually any other member of his Party.
UPDATE 1/8/25: Hopes run high because all sensible people can relate. Two simple words have emerged as our most precious, a RE-discovered natural resource: COMMON SENSE, a treasure totally lost on the strict ideologists. One writer suggests Trump is “the most libertarian President ever,” live and let live, whatever works to people’s benefit.
Just because. Grandpa DJT. It matters. Family for him is sincerely not just one big political prop as it has been for certain “others.”
DOGE-Dept. of Government Efficiency (Major Work In Progress)
UPDATE 1/7/25: Try looking away from the consequences of DEI, environmental “Green” hysteria, identity politics, COMMON SENSE displaced by NONSENSE.
The brutal reality can no longer be ignored when seeing LA in literal apocalyptic meltdown and the UK devolved into savagery mistakenly believed by the blind to be the province only of the Third World.
Blame it on “right wingers” in the clueless manner of the stupidly Leftist British PM. Actually, California and all of Europe and, for that matter, the rest of the civilized world would be wise to celebrate Biden’s demise and Trump’s return. The only comfort for the damage done is that when things hit rock bottom, the only way is up.
Time for a little re-evaluation.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Deep State Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 1/9/25: The Dem Party persists in the fantasy of prolonging the “insurrection/destroyers of democracy” myth against the Trump/MAGA segment of the nation. The odious Merrick Garland provided the latest edition of this particular Big Lie, decrying the non-existent MURDERS! of police on that dastardly day that never happened. It remains a shock to the just universe that perfectly innocent, peaceful Trumpers that day were rounded up by BrandonWorld goons and SWAT teams across the nation and imprisoned in Stalinist fashion with nary a formal charge of “insurrection” or “MURDER!!” in sight. Pearl Harbor!! 9/11!! J6!!!!! to go along with the CONVICTED FELON!!! FASCIST!!! HITLER!!! hot air that just didn’t quite work. A slew of monstrous lies and tyrannical outrages that must be addressed and fully, truthfully clarified immediately after January 20.
UPDATE 1/8/25: LA ON FIRE (LAOF)!!! is the overriding story of the week, tidily bringing together the fatal consequences of the Left’s most prominent scams, “Climate Crisis” and DEI chief among them, the No-Longer-Golden State now Wokeness incarnate. Take it from what your own two good eyes and ears tell you, easily validated by the blunt, most positively transformative figure of our age:
Common sense vs. nonsense. Take that from another powerful, VERY welcome presence on the scene. None of this had to happen; it was all easily avoidable.
A little basic forestry maintenance, full reservoirs, governors, mayors, fire departments chosen for competence and good judgment, not ideological fancies. All very complicated for those on the Left but obvious to the commonsensical. If anything is to be gained by this disaster, perhaps AWAKE will displace WOKE as the prevailing narrative of the realm.
Not to rub it in to those still stuck in their Woke ways, but perhaps leadership from a hard-nosed businessman accustomed to demanding and getting real, beneficial results might be the answer.
This from the now-fabled Rogan interview, just before Election 2024.
And this from 2018. When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?
UPDATE 1/9/25: Knowing now from where the butter for his bread will come, Facebook’s Zuckerberg is now a Trump/MAGA satellite, suddenly all in for free speech and the end to censorship.
The Prodigal Son, updated.
UPDATE 1/7/25: Remember “Covid?” To jog your memory, it was the day that America and the rest of the free world suddenly tried to become Red China and North Korea. Just a bat in a wet market? Or maybe a leak from a Chinese lab doing “gain-of-function” research directly subsidized by the very same American government organizations headed by (coincidentally) the very same “experts” tapped to oversee the response to this “unforeseen” pandemic aka “plandemic?”
Luckily, it was only temporary, but many, many questions remain that must be answered to avoid a repeat in what now appear to be better times for America as most of us Boomers have known and appreciated it. But too late for all those businesses ruined, millions of both young and healthy lives literally poisoned and destroyed, children robbed of their childhoods, friends and neighbors and families driven apart by State-sponsored propaganda worthy of the worst Orwellian nightmare. Pity about all that. And now, let Congress summon a few individuals and get a few pertinent questions answered.
UPDATE 1/8/25: Trump’s NIH appointee, Jay Bhattacharya, promises to be the un-Fauci. His heroic, courageous alliance with those real medical professionals drafting The Great Barrington declaration is excellent recommendation. In addition to handling any replay of Fauci’s nightmare plandemic, Bhattacharya is also to be Trump’s general in the war on barbaric “gender-affirming care.”
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
New lawfare tactic threatens all Israelis who serve in IDF By David Isaac
UPDATE 1/7/25: Perhaps the only appropriate spot to contemplate BrandonWorld, now in its final manic stages of dissolution, is Alice’s Wonderland. Even the historically “progressive” The Nation admits we are being treated to a prolonged, vertigo-producing, upside-down roller coaster ride as Biden and his Dem Party’s assault us in its final glorious moments. It’s quite enough to have participated in the folly of the last four years, a manure pile of lies designed to annoy at the very least, if not to destroy, Trump and the commonsensical movement he created. Ergo, the medals of honor to some of the most dishonorable individuals available as BrandonWorld gasps its last breath. Let us be done with all of them as we climb back up and out of this rabbit hole.
Bye. History can decide who was The Worst.
UPDATE 1/7/25: Glad tidings as the poisoning of American culture through a Leftist MSM seems to be slowing down and turning around a bit. Time will tell if we are securely awake from the nightmare of permanent civil war.
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 1/9/25: Hopefully, the LA fire is the final straw, spelling out the disastrous consequences of hiring people on the basis of their Victim Group Identity status as opposed to actual ability to do a job. Californication is just the canary in the coal mine. Elected solely on the basis of her race and sex over a competent businessman, the LA mayor has proven herself beyond stupid and useless, but the seriously stupid ones are those virtue-signaling ideologues who voted for her intersectional make-up, not her competence. Ditto the fire chief.
Is there no one on her staff to tell her about this new thing called “The Internet” and strange words like “website” and “URL?”
Entirely relevant to both the recent election, RBG’s replacement on the Supreme Court and, bringing things right up to date, the LA Apocalypse, here for the record is a classic takedown of the absurdity of hiring a black lesbian (triple intersection!!!) as spokesperson for the President of the United States only because she’s a black lesbian (or whatever), not because she’s any good at the job. Here is warning of the lethal consequences suffered in bestowing power on people on the basis of all the right Woke “ticked boxes.”
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 1/10/25: To the West within our very own United States, California is serving in dramatic fashion as the canary in our coal mine. One should also look East to Great Britain as further warning of what’s in store for us with regard to unchecked immigration, particularly of foreigners with zero interest in assimilation and total interest in conquest.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic UniParty Majority
UPDATE 1/8/25: The story is the same on all fronts as the Left is going certifiably mad as Trump 2.0 approaches. The governors of deep blue MA and NY have doubled down on proclaiming themselves sanctuary states, come one, come all ye illegal migrants. If the newly prevailing common sense sweeping the nation in response to the consequences of this folly happens to seep somehow into these pockets of insanity, we may soon be witness to a dramatic political shift from blue to red in such blue outposts as these two NE states. And don’t forget the Golden State facing facts in the aftermath of LAOF (LA on fire).
Sanctified but at a comfortable distance. Get too close, the virtue-signaling Woke are in for a cruel awakening.
UPDATE 1/7/25: When Israel is allowed to take full command of its destiny despite long-standing American Dem Party obstruction, the sane world rejoices. The end of BrandonWorld and its 16 year reign of Israeli subversion restores faith in a merciful God, relieving Israel and the rest of the free world dependent upon its survival. That said, Israel also has the misfortune of IDF bureaucracy, internal red tape providing obstacles to full conquest of its enemies geographically surrounding them.
Know your friends, know your enemies.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 1/7/25: One needn’t be a Lefty to admire and enjoy the songs that came out of the heavily politicized, Left-leaning Folk Music Revival of the 50s & 60s. Good music is good music. Tellingly, the Bob Dylan film just released incorrectly cites his use of electric instruments as outrageous heresy to the Folk Establishment, ruled over by political activists/ideological scolds Pete Seeger and Joan Baez. This allows the filmmakers to ignore the cult-like pressure and criticism brought on Dylan for his wish to side-step politics in personal, creative activity. THAT was the heresy they condemned, not Fender guitars, especially to that kindly old Stalinist Pete, a staunch apologist for Uncle Joe right up until nearly the end of his life.
UPDATE 1/9/25: The deluge of lies coming in the final, death throes of BrandonWorld leaves one with a bit of vertigo and its accompanying nausea.
UPDATE 1/7/25: Ireland is shaming itself with even its archbishop foaming at the mouth at Israel, a blood libel with a charming brogue in sympathy with “Palestinians.”
UPDATE 1/6/25: Antisemitism seems to go with the Woke American Left like soft butter to bread, perhaps most disturbingly coming from radicalized Blacks. From Black members of the U.S. Congress, we will continue suffer through diatribes that might as well be coming from the Whiter-Than-White Klan at its Jim Crow peak a century back.
Knowing the radically Left record of the Congressional Black Caucus, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Totally unexpected in the last year is the mental meltdown of the once-admirable Candace Owens, now going overtime to seek out dirt on Israel and make anti-Zionism the centerpiece of her political podcast presence.
UPDATE 1/9/25: Wherever legally possible, Trump will reverse every one of Joe’s spiteful little turds dropped on us in these last few dying minutes of BrandonWorld. Check milk cartons for mention of one very nasty, demented old man, reported lost forever in his own delusions of importance. But hurry. By January 20, he’ll be a unlamented bit of regrettable history.
8 days and counting.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 1/7/25: For some good, somewhat guilty laughs, revel in the YouTube comments section of Meghan Markle’s trailer launch of the utterly ridiculous “new” ME-ME-ME-ghan. The derisive shrieks of laughter generated by the Daring Doings Of A Delusional Duchess provide the benefits totally missing from anything this silly phony has or ever will “cook” up. This is relevant to the happy turn of our political/cultural fortunes as the general public is proving itself capable of recognizing total fraud when it sees it, in politics or in the gossipy pages of celebrity-watching.
One more magnificent face plant from the rich & famous Left.
UPDATE 1/8/25: See Californication.
UPDATE 1/8/25: The Prog Pope is mirroring his decrepit, dying counterpart in the White House by installing a Trump-hating cardinal right in D.C. Just asking: how has Catholic church attendance and collection plate revenues fared since the installation of St. Franny The Woke?
If one could only mind read…
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 1/7/25: Like Biden’s imminent and most welcome departure and in the grand tradition of The Big O and Leftist demagogues everywhere, Trudeau’s exit leaves a country at war within itself. Will people remember the next time the Left offers all sorts of the same suicidal, lying poison? He did his best to ruin the country, but hopefully the nasty little package has failed, and there’s a happier chapter ahead for Canada.
Elect a self-adoring, dumb version of the Joker and expect chaos and tyranny.