AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing [aka WINNING!]
UPDATE 12/14/24: There are at least 70+ million of us holding our breath until January 20 when we once again have a Commander-in-Chief and a loyal, competent staff working with him to serve and protect the American people. Posing a purely hypothetical scenario: just imagine if there was a sudden invasion of unidentified flying objects filling the night sky throughout the NJ/NY/CT metropolitan area, and a BrandonWorld flunky is sent out to tell the public that no one knows nuthin’ about what’s taking place, but there’s absolutely no reason for concern, just our lying eyes making something sinister out of what must surely be some routine air traffic…just hypothetically, of course…Oh, wait a second….
One breathes a little easier (but still anxiously), knowing that there IS a Commander-in-Chief-elect already providing some sense of leadership in a VERY concerning situation that has the VERY real potential of being something dire. Speaking plain American prose unlike the frauds and scoundrels currently in power:
UPDATE 12/9/24: Just too much fun not to watch at least a few times a week, and the song’s author is fully on board.
UPDATE 12/11/24: The best news coming out of Trump’s restoration is a whole “vibe shift” that seems to say, on one issue after the next after the next and on a global level, “Enough of the madness! Common sense is again the coin of the realm, not political pandering!”
UPDATE 12/9/24: Thanks to DJT, there is a future for The Special Relationship between us and the once-great nation from which we independently sprang a few centuries back. Another win! With the unfortunate exception of a rather questionable “climate crisis” project, William appears to have avoided being the 100% sorry stuff of a hopelessly Woke milksop King, PM or spare heir. Simply by being their naturally charming selves, he and Kate may be England’s future if there is to be a decent one just as Orange Man Bad promises to be. No such thing as too much winning.
The weeping has just begun.
UPDATE 12/11/24: What the Trump Nominees Have Not Done—And Will Not Do – Victor Davis Hanson…to the quailing dismay of the establishment Donkey/Elephant brigade.
UPDATE 12/12/24: Our forced confinement in the Left’s loony bin about to be over.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Deep State Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 12/12/24: In the wake of the United Health CEO murder, screams of outrage for healthcare insurance injustices fill the air, but somehow the word “Obamacare” never comes up.
“If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” Never mind about those millions of canceled plans rendered illegal and useless for people who liked [and needed] those plans….
UPDATE 12/11/24: The standout story of the week is that of two young men, each 26 years old. One of them is Daniel Penny, an authentic hero, courageously embodying the best masculine virtues and, consequently, vilified and persecuted by the Left.
Free at last.
The other is a once-promising academic star ruined by his mindless embrace of the Left’s warped, grandiose, politicized notion of heroism, a Millennial version of the execrable 1960s rich kid/political psychopath Bill Ayers. Unfortunately for us, Ayers still functions in respectable society, the conman who helped create the pure myth that is Barack Obama and instrumental in taking a farseeing cue from Mao to launch the insidious Long March through our educational institutions that ultimately helped create a Luigi Mangione. Yet more proof that the Left ruins everything it touches.
Bill Ayers’ handiwork, a once-golden boy reaches his pitiful, frightened dead-end in an Altoona PA McDonald’s, his sick fantasies of being an internet star/globally hailed revolutionary folk hero in tatters.
A third man merits mention here, and that’s Brian Thompson, Mangione’s murder victim. It’s noteworthy that both killer and victim were valedictorians of their respective high school classes, but there the resemblance ends. The murderer sprang from extreme privilege on the sophisticated, largely secular East coast and went bad thanks to coming of age in an era dominated culturally by the Woke, progressive Left. The murder victim, by contrast, was the son of a farm grain elevator operator in Iowa who, raised amidst the stabilizing, religiously based norms of the American Midwest, became a classic self-made captain of industry, rising to the top of the healthcare insurance business.
Just the sort of successful, self-made American loathed by the Left.
UPDATE 12/5/24: It’s hard to pinpoint just when American politics descended fully into mass insanity, but the moment the mutilation of sexually confused kids became mainstream “gender affirming care” is a safe guess. The recent electoral mandate dispatching this madness thankfully is already taking shape before the Supreme Court. What has happened to us that we need to go to court to legally forbid this particularly vile form of child abuse?
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 12/10/24: Business is bad for the race hustlers these days, judging by the public’s support of Daniel Penny’s innocent verdict and the conspicuous absence of the hoped-for BLM-generated riots after George Floyd’s fake martyrdom. Blessedly, a rapidly growing number of Blacks are totally wised up to the grift and damage done to THEM by the race industry. When Black women on that subway car get up and thank Penny for protecting them against a drugged-out garbage head threatening them, the most guilt-ridden White apologists are forced to look in the mirror and be ashamed of what they have stupidly, destructively advocated.
Going out of business.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 12/13/24: London’s West End, once the glorious center of the live theatrical universe, has devolved into a petri dish of radical Islamic subversion, presenting plays condemning western civilization as the intolerant oppressors of Muslims. The reality is that the UK is the head on the Islamic chopping block, the sign of a widening self-created cancer enveloping all of Europe.
UPDATE 12/11/24: Beware when it becomes fashionable to celebrate the overthrow of a tyrant like Syria’s Assad, especially when those fomenting the regime change are former Al-Qaeda terrorists. Come back in a year and ask Syrian Christians just how beneficial this “happy” development is.
Looking for all the world like Fidel, Cuba’s “liberator” and “savior.”
UPDATE 12/11/24: Who doesn’t love Paris’ Notre Dame as a glorious incarnation of Christianity at its greatest and the civilization such powerful faith has underpinned for a thousand years? All the more reason, to establish truthfully, “Who set the fire almost destroying it in April, 2019?” It is known and publicly admitted that an African “asylum seeker” deliberately set the fire that nearly consumed the classic Gothic cathedral in Nantes a year later. The wider question is, “How long before France and the rest of the continent allows itself to be likewise consumed by fires of Islamic invasion, an alien culture that intends to destroy Europe?
The fire next time.
UPDATE 12/12/24: Amazing how rational self-interest and common sense ultimately provide the key to successful living, including the Muslim world. Clear heads throughout the Middle East sense that Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran and the whole Arafat/”Palestine” scam are decidedly bad for their health. Ask any rational Arab in the Middle East who regrets not being able to become an Israeli citizen.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic UniParty Majority
UPDATE 12/12/24: Biden quietly auctioning off construction parts intended for Trump’s border wall is just one part of a bitter, vengeful, demented old man’s final evil spree. Spoiling the nasty old coot’s fun, Texas has announced it will buy everything at the fire sale prices and donate it back to those who will put it to good use.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 12/9/24: It’s a privilege to learn the finer applications of GirlMath from NY Gov/ BigGovLib Kathy Hochul. Recently, she got New Yorkers all excited about the $6 they’d be saving from a brand new $9 commuter fee that she originally had planned to be $15! Do the math: a 40% savings!! Now she’s offering up a $300-500 Inflation Rebate to every NY resident that she’ll pay for with…what else!…raised taxes! Who’s dares argue with all that “free” money?!
UPDATE 12/13/24: For a perfect sample of the Dems’ SHAMELESS, ROUTINE PROJECTION of their own dirty war on their opposition, check out this ridiculous bit of outright lying from MSNBC, sounding the alarm on…ready?…Trump’s [aka Hitler! Fascist!] coming persecution of all those good, good people on Biden’s last-minute pardon list. We are compelled to assume that any and all of those targets of Trump’s Revenge & Retribution Tour are, without question, the quintessence of innocence.
UPDATE 12/12/24: One more of many examples showing the extreme ends to which the Deep State rot extends, check out West Point’s outright lie that DefenseSec nominee Hegspeth was never accepted there. Except he was and went elsewhere, and…oopsie!…sorry! Just a clerical error. Either they’re incompetents or liars (most likely both), neither a good look for what used to be our most prestigious Army officer training ground.
UPDATE 12/11/24: We are now privy to the mad ends to which prominent Woke/TDS sufferers in the MSM will stray to vainly fashion a fake reality justifying their own psychotic hallucinations. Social media whore Taylor Lorenz went last week on Piers Morgan’s podcast to describe the “joy” she feels at the death of the United Health CEO. Topping even that, the awe-inspiring Rachel Maddow, investigative journalist nonpareil, consistently evoking the descriptive adjective “brilliant” from some of what must be the planet’s dumbest people, has forged a solid link between Trump and the hot preppie CEO killer. Not.
Ah, Rachel, $30 million for one hour weekly of pointless blathering, now desperately filling that ponderous 60 minutes with little but slander, recently forced to take a pay cut down to a measly $25 million due to…um…some necessary budget adjustments (aka vanished audience).
There is some post-election faith that this normalized abnormality in our culture has lost its appeal and that rational, old-fashioned commonsensical thinking and decency are back. The appeal of a Rachel Maddow or Taylor Lorenz is just one of the countless things from the last few years that would make a visitor from Mars immediately book a return trip ticket and prod the rest of us to stampede over one another for one-way tickets on the same astral conveyance out. God willing, there will be fewer and fewer reasons for us Normies to leave the planet.
UPDATE 12/14/24: Canadian psychologist and insightful social commentator Jordan Peterson has finally had enough and moved himself to the U.S. Although it’s said Tyrant Trudeau’s political days are numbered, Canada does not seem likely to change its suicidal course, judging by its taste for censorship and the general Wokeness infecting a majority of its electorate. Very likely, JP sees Trump’s (and America’s) restoration as too good not to enjoy firsthand.
UPDATE 12/10/24: We saw Australia’s bigtime taste for tyranny during the Covid crackdowns. Unfortunately, that was no fluke but apparently a permanently settled, sooty black cloud hanging over what used to be one of the world’s great lands of liberty and proud individualism. And now, violent acts of antisemitism, that omnipresent handmaiden of Leftism, has reared its ugly head in the form of burning synagogues in Melbourne.
UPDATE 12/13/24: If the drone invasion of our skies and BrandonWorld’s studied lack of involvement is as sinister as it appears, it’s shaping up to be just part of a catastrophic Biden home stretch, one big trail of filth deliberately left behind for the incoming administration. Joe’s incontinence involves more than a common, undesirable symptom of old age. There is the unprecedented tidal wave of blanket pardons being issued, historically establishing Joe in a degenerate, corrupt political class uniquely his own.
He is most likely on the verge of pardoning key figures in some of BrandonWorld’s most egregious crimes such as Fauci’s Covid calamity, Liz Cheney’s J6 inquisition panel and Mark Milley’s incomparably disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.
And then there’s the $10Billion in sanctioned assets gifted back to Iran, just days after the election. And mercy for a kids-for-cash judge and bigtime embezzler. And the commuted sentences for some Chinese spies. (That’s what a drug-addled son selling influence to Beijing can get you!)
The company he has kept and the unsurpassed gaslighting effected.
Headline: Pardon denied begging, crooked politician by plainspoken turkey. “C’mon, man! I’m a big f—in’ deal! Mt. Rushmore material!!”
UPDATE 12/10/24: Rot begets rot. From his communiques on The Laptop, we have known that lowlife Hunter was more than willing to live off The Big Guy’s position while resenting mightily being the family’s loser stooge tapped to do the Biden Syndicate dirty work. Not just a dutiful son, he has always known he had the power to expose the whole nest of Biden vermin. Oh yes. A father’s love for his son. A son’s sense of loyalty to his father. Touching.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 12/10/24: Examining this Krugman post back to its beginning in 2012, one is struck by the consistent silliness and senselessness of EVERYTHING spouted by this so-called sage. We’re now informed he is retiring, his final column headlined “We’re in a grim place.” Wrong again, Paolo! With the electoral dispatch of your progressive pals and Trump re-installed, we’re in a wonderful position to correct the multitude of problems created by the phony likes of you and your compadres in the Dem Party Elite.
Happy days are here again, made happier yet by the departure of this intellectual charlatan from the scene.
UPDATE 12/13/24: Few announcements could lift a weary heart more than those confidently proclaiming an end to the Obama myth/fantasy. When first saddled with him, we hopefully prophesized this Ozymandias’ exile to desolate obscurity. Exceptionally glad tidings for this and all seasons. A lie dispelled, a fraud and accomplished social menace face down and forgotten in some God-forsaken wasteland.
Let it be.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 12/14/24: One last time, serving only to reassure us that fate can be merciful, often doubly so considering what else came with this rancid package.
We dodged a bullet of exploding, foul-smelling goo. Yuck.
Forever relieved of Mr. Happy Hands. Does not speak well of the state that elected him their governor.