AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 12/6/24: For the last four years when asked what was wrong with BrandonWorld, one could confidently reply, “Everything. Name an issue.” With Trump’s re-election, people are optimistic again on all fronts, and he hasn’t even taken office yet. Only those smug types who won’t stop projecting their own disconnect from reality onto MAGAWorld remain mired in despair. One senses big changes are afoot, and things look good. On Everything. Name an issue.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Deep State Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 12/3/24: De-Wokeing schools, from kindergarten thru college, is just one more bloody front in this war of retribution, accountability, dispelling lies, replacing those lies in the general consciousness with the truth.
UPDATE 12/6/24: The murder of the United Health CEO is bringing out predictably unsavory cheers from the Left, calling this revenge of the Little Guy against BigMed insurance. In the wake of the widespread fraud and exploitation that took place during the Covid episode, there IS legitimate reason to take a closer look and demand reform. Millions of unfortunates have discovered there are some huge industries out there heavily invested in financially screwing its customers and keeping America sick, for profit. No applause here for murdering executives, but this should be a wake-up call.
UPDATE 12/3/24: Jay Bhattacharya, Trump’s appointee to head the NIH, admirably displayed his colors, courage and integrity in helping to draft that brilliant blaze of sanity, the Great Barrington Declaration, at the height of the Covid insanity. He is precisely the sort of real expert with guts that the diabolical Faucistas never were. Another win, another reason to be optimistic.
UPDATE 12/4/24: The findings and facts on the vaccine/mask mandates are there to take or leave. But then, some of us always knew it was about politics and not about people’s wellbeing. Meanwhile, there will be those who continue to hail it all as one big, wonderful humanitarian gesture by a benevolent government and why wouldn’t they? Who wants, in uncomfortable retrospect, to be exposed as total fools and willing participants in perhaps the ugliest, most oppressive, long-term mass crackdown on American rights in our history.
UPDATE 12/2/24: The Covid pandemic and ensuing panic created was a lie from the start, a sick joke, the very unfunny kind that hurts people intentionally and deeply, the kind weaponized by those power-hungry sadists eager to intimidate.
UPDATES 12/2/24: In disturbing counterpoint to Jay Bhattacharya’s NIH appointment, Trump’s DEA nominee [now wisely self-withdrawn] is another one that showed his true BrandonWorld bureaucrat tyrant colors, cracking down on a pastor conducting religious services in defiance of lockdowns. Another one who should never show his control freak/BigBrother face in public again.
On a more satisfying note, those punished for standing firm against Covid tyranny such as a NJ gym fined hundreds of thousand$ are getting their much-deserved, long overdue amnesty, pardons and, presumably, all of that extorted money back.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 12/3/24: The “Climate Crisis”/Green energy scam is yet one more Leftist/Marxist stab at world domination, and who better to implement this noble crusade than that nest of aspiring global tyrants at the UN? We eagerly anticipate that august body’s latest “global warming” conference to be a swan song for the whole phony boondoggle.
And to think this “emergency” is nothing but an old political ploy to scare the masses into dependent submission! Follow the money, follow the power.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 12/4/24: Spirits soar in anticipation of eliminating the hydra-headed monster of ID politics. Woke, as nicely defined below by both Sowell and VDH, is the Marxist’s newfound substitution of racial/gender divisions for class/economic disparities. In mobile, thriving societies, the latter (poverty) is changeable while the former (skin color/sex) is forever, the perfect ingredient for Obama’s legacy of permanent civil war and division.
UPDATE 12/2/24: Race divisions, Obama’s satanic legacy, have proven to be much more encompassing and sticky than class differences. Poor people who become prosperous are unlikely fans of Marxism and “permanent” class struggle. On the other hand, you’re White? Forever an oppressor! You’re Black (or “other”)? Forever a victim, no matter how rich and famous you are. Think the Obamas, Oprah, Whoopi and the rest. Without the luxury of playing the race card, these public nuisances would have to content themselves with being simply rich and famous, not uninvited meddlers in people’s lives.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
UPDATE 12/7/24: It will be quite the historical watershed when the Iranian people can return to the genuinely progressive Persian days before Carter betrayed the Shah and doomed Iran to decades of Ayatollah terror. One other rather significant bit of Carter’s legacy is a destabilized Middle East and organized terror that gave us 9/11 and Israel a stepped-up war of survival. MPGA! (Make Persia Great Again!)
UPDATE 12/4/24: The Arab world is showing healthy signs of distancing and separating itself from the Islamic terrorism of Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran. Trump’s artistry with The Deal will only improve that situation and surpass what he already accomplished for the Middle East in his first term.
Not so sensible is the stubbornly Woke West, specifically Germany, still stupidly providing a haven for Islamic murderers and terrorists. Sane souls shake their heads, looking askance at the once-brilliant nation that gave us Beethoven and the VW bug. Now we have stumbling, bumbling, suicidal MerkelWorld.
Reality-based Germans are not happy.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic UniParty Majority
Unfortunately for some, the World Wide Web does not forget things.
UPDATE 12/5/24: Although one of Trump’s primary goals is closing the southern border, the parasite/host relationship we have with Mexico will not make the process easy. Without us, the Mexican government is stuck vainly placating a population hungry for the opportunities the escape valve of northern migration provides. From our end, there are the benefits of cheap, imported labor and, ideally, new loyal Americans as long as immigration is controlled. Don’t count on Mexico abandoning this arrangement quickly.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 12/3/24: Woke, progressive Leftism-a religion, a fanatic cult-is predictably losing its appeal, and contrary to its boastful prophecies now finds itself on the WRONG side of history.
UPDATE 12/3/24: Honest, decent Joe’s pardon of his precious boy is a surprise only to the sightless unable to recognize a lifelong serial liar. This is just the latest load, and we are numb to it.
Hi, folks! I want you to meet my good-for-nothing, dimwit loser spawn who one day will be the pitiful patsy for a bigtime influence-peddling scheme I’m going to hatch. To top it off, the dumb little s–t will serve to cover my ass when the law comes after us. Hell, what’s family for?!!
UPDATE 12/5/24: Rita’s latest Lefties Losing It provides a satisfying summary of BrandonWorld rot, now thankfully headed permanently for the egress. In its place, MAGA roars joyfully above the din of the Trump-dancing crowd.
UPDATE 12/3/24: At last a chance to fling open wide the foul, running sewer that DC has become and restore justice and truth to our way of life. Biden’s Big Lie about always telling the truth as he pardons Hunter and himself stand in perfect counterpoint to the cleansing hurricane about to blow through DC and the country as a whole. Unfortunately, a disturbing percentage of the country will never give up the hate and lies attuned precisely to their ideological sensibilities: Trump, MAGA, Trump, Russia! Russia! Russia!, Trump, climate “crisis,” Trump, gender “affirming” care, Trump, the “compassion” of open borders and…almost forgot, Trump.
Hercules’ seemingly impossible labor of cleaning out the Augean stables: the perfect, ancient metaphor for draining the swamp.
UPDATE 12/4/24: Aside from rescuing America from ruin, Trump’s restoration provides us with unintentionally topflight entertainment by those overpaid Hollywood sages lamenting what a bunch of disconnected, uneducated ignoramuses WE are.
UPDATE 12/4/24: Poor George Clooney must have been positively high as a kite, living out his fantasy of being a bigtime political operative and Barack’s BFF. Sadly for him, he now finds himself bitten bigtime in the ass, set up to take the rap for the whole Kamala fiasco.
Happier days, close confidantes, bosom-buddy collaborators and colleagues on Big Things!
UPDATE 12/5/24: Notwithstanding Paula Walnuts Pelosi’s reverential Mt. Rushmore assessment, it’s official, unquestionably and now settled, leaving no room for doubt or debate: Joe is the worst POTUS in our 249 year history.
UPDATE 12/4/24: Joe Biden was always a creep…but I repeat myself, repeatedly, again and again, going back down this post 11 years to the final paragraph of its first entry on March 23, 2013:
“A new book, “The Payoff,” goes beyond the big red nose and floppy shoes, describing Biden as an “egomaniacal autocrat…determined to manage his staff through fear.” Certainly squares with the sneering bully we all saw sitting next to Paul Ryan, and a career spattered with shameless lying, plagiarizing and smash-mouth tactics further identifies anything but a nice guy behind the clown mask. Ronald Reagan had his sinister number back in 1987. And now the agita of a possible Biden Presidency.”
UPDATE 12/4/24: This is anything but a nice guy. Speaking of which, there’s that blanket amnesty provided for himself and his relatives, all tidily accomplished in pardoning his profligate dirtbag, deadbeat, drug addict, otherwise worthless son shamelessly tapped as the useful flunky bagman doing all the dirty work of selling The Big Guy’s influence for big bucks. Oh yes, it’s all about a “father’s love.” The GOAT (greatest of all time) of influence peddling.
UPDATE 12/3/24: Let’s go back to that assessment in 2015, almost as far back as the beginning of energy expert Hunter Biden’s Burisma grift and suddenly burgeoning career as the Biden Crime Family bagman doing the dirty work. The loving father was in fact continuing a pattern of exploiting his children for his own gain. In the case of dead son Beau, there was the constant play for pity preying on the public’s emotions. In the case of drug-addled dirtbag son Hunter, it was putting an otherwise unemployable reprobate to work doing the dirty work necessary to rake in the millions to be gained from peddling Big Guy influence.
UPDATE 12/2/24: Ol’ Joe swore up and down he’d NEVER stoop to pardoning Hunter, so firm was his respect for the integrity of our Justice system. HOWEVER, he just did that, in so doing letting HIMSELF, THE BIG GUY, off the hook as a party to the treasonous, influence-peddling scheme that yielded Biden Crime Family, Inc. million$. Yet one more stinky pile left behind as the legacy of this “consequential” (and how!), Mt. Rushmore-worthy Presidency. We’ll miss them all terribly.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
May we pour you one more for the road?
UPDATE 12/4/24: Anyone doubting the darkness of George Soros should be apprised of his concerted campaign to install soft-on-crime DA’s nationwide. His hatred of America and dystopian vision of epidemic lawlessness are well documented and backed up by many, many million$ in those many, many places where it might do the most damage. Trump’s MAGA threatens to end the crazed defunding of police and is already proving to be a problem for Soros’ “open society.” Prosecution of hard crime in the bluest and most crime-ridden cities is rapidly gaining the support of citizens suffering directly from the George’s grand plan.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
UPDATE 12/5/24: Black, female, non-biologist, DEI hire Ketanji Brown this week drew a made-on-Mars comparison between banning confused children from undergoing sex-change mutilation and defunct laws banning racial intermarriage. Got that? Only from the mind of the religiously Woke.
On a lighter, rather fun note, Sonia Sotomayor is still channeling RBG and not budging, opening the door to yet another conservative-leaning Trump appointment in the near future. In order to maintain this deliciously short-sighted thinking, the Wise Latina finds herself regularly undergoing a ritual gavel bonking on the head by her conservative Court colleagues. Ketanji is reportedly scheduled for a similar regimen as more brilliant Woke assertions emerge.
Let there be bonking.
UPDATE 12/6/24: Pocahontas has just taken a page from Kamala’s successful strategy of being the outraged party calling for CHANGE!! while simultaneously being the incumbent responsible for the awful things that need changing. Set the house on fire, then blame the damage done on the fire trucks rushing to the scene.