AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 11/25/24: The ordeal of winning a war (and we ARE in a war) is not a cakewalk. Like all stalwart heroes in our history facing impossible challenges (from Washington & Churchill on down), the negative along with the positive must be addressed in order to vanquish the enemy.
Trump’s monumental agenda is already taking shape, but two of his appointments carrying significant baggage feel like major missteps:
The nominee for Surgeon General, Janette Nesheiwat, is setting off alarm bells, taking us directly back to the days of mask/vaccine mandates imposed by “experts.”
Likewise, AG nominee Pam Bondi was an active party in the politically expedient persecution of an innocent George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin disgrace that set the stage for the George Floyd disaster, another Big Lie begging for full exposure. In both the Trayvon and Floyd incidents, criminals were somehow elevated to folk hero status while a citizen’s self-defense and official policing became crimes.
The nominations of Nesheiwat and Bondi, if approved, put us precisely on the wrong side of two major lies from the Obama/Biden regimes. These disasters MUST be exposed with the full truth told for the legal record: the Covid pandemic panic locking down the world on the advice of BigGov “experts” and the Trayvon Martin narrative setting the stage for the even bigger George Floyd lie, rationalizing/normalizing the spread of the BLM/DEI/reparations cancer into our social bloodstream.
God willing, lessons have been learned, and Trump’s authority and common sense will prevail.
UPDATE 11/29/24: An American renaissance, made possible by a highly unusual figure who’s come along at precisely the right time.
UPDATE 11/18/24: Flash Mob Grand Opera for the Psychotic! Thanks be they took it to some remote spot like Lake Michigan where we can just enjoy them at a distance forever on YouTube.
11/28/24: Immensely wealthy, land of gorgeous fjords, THE very proper Nordic model of “Scandinavian socialism,” ailing Norway shows no signs of remission/recovery from its deadly TDS/anti-Zionist symptoms.
Beautiful and bonkers, oil-rich, a disturbing, cloying combination of Edvard Grieg and Anders Breivik.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Deep State Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 11/27/24: The prevailing narrative of the J6 “insurrection” is right up there with a multitude of BrandonWorld Big Lies (George Floyd, the Covid “pandemic,” etc etc etc…) begging for full exposure and legal retribution. Trump’s personal lawfare exoneration(s) is a good start. For J6, this must begin with pardons and freeing of those unjustly, unconstitutionally imprisoned in the DC Gulag, and the full, undeniable, factual narrative told of what actually occurred. The doors opened wide by Capitol guards? The real causes of death of those Capitol police who mysteriously succumbed in unusual number under unusual circumstances days after the event? And what of Ashli Babbitt’s fate? Just the beginning of a thorough inquiry that must be authoritatively done.
UPDATE 11/27/24: Within the first 3 minutes of this interview: a newly pregnant mother excitedly announces to a friend she’s “expecting a boy!” The friend answers, “Shouldn’t you let the baby decide that?” This is followed by a second jaw-dropping anecdote: the doctor asks a child to open her mouth and say “Aaah.” She won’t do it. Doctor asks mother to help him out. Mother replies, “Her body, her choice.” Yes, it’s come to this.
UPDATE 11/28/24: Trump’s victory is a thrilling miracle, but it must include a look back and an official correction of the Big Lies that continue to be accepted as gospel by millions. What has been a greater abuse of power than the Covid Hoax, arguably the biggest (in size and severity) crime ever perpetrated on an entire world? This is not revisionist history but simply getting the full truth on the books.
UPDATE 11/27/24: Of all the travesties of BrandonWorld, the Covid anvil dropped on us sits atop the list of those destructive policies demanding full exposure and legal retribution. Has DJT duplicated the major error of his otherwise admirable first term and hired another Fauci/Deep State stooge inclined (as indicated by her history) to put us back in masks and push vaccines?
Hopefully overriding or at least neutralizing that potentially disastrous choice, a sane & sober professional , Jay Bhattacharya, co-drafter of the Great Barrington Declaration, has been selected as head of the NIH. Thankfully he is there to remind future Faucistas about SWEDEN’S SINGULARLY RATIONAL HANDLING of what needn’t have occurred.
From this post-7/25/22: Frantically, deliberately overlooked [by the Nobel Prize committee] will be one little-known hero: Anders Tegnell, top epidemiologist of Sweden. To summarize his heroism: “Swedish children and adults went on with their lives, following Tegnell’s advice not to wear masks as they continued going to schools, stores, churches, playgrounds, gyms, and restaurants. And fewer of them died than in most of the American states and European countries that delayed medical treatments, bankrupted businesses, impoverished workers, stunted children’s emotional and cognitive growth, and stripped their citizens of fundamental liberties.”
Below, a 2021 post from Trump’s Surgeon General appointee. Floating cooperatively along with the bureaucratic tide, her poor judgment extended to universal Covid vaccinations and masks for children. By the time she posted this, a majority of Americans had already realized the mandates guided by “the science” (Fauci) had nothing to do with science and everything to do with political control and covering up the criminal mistake committed.
UPDATE 11/26/24: The Surgeon General pick is decidedly a very bad one unless one still thinks the prolonged mask & vaccine mandates were beneficial, especially for children-needlessly masked, socially isolated for years and injected with experimental, untested “vaccines” despite being minimally at risk to the virus. The damage done to them and the entire adult population by this politicized medical malpractice cannot be exaggerated and must be addressed and those behind it held accountable. That certainly is not going to occur under a head administrator probably wishing to forget an embarrassing history of culpability in what can accurately be assessed a scandal of unprecedented historical proportions. If Trump and MAGA are to prevail, the whole Covid debacle must be a first priority in telling the truth about all that went severely south in BrandonWorld.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 11/28/24: On the Must-Do list starting January 20: Drill, Baby, Drill aka restarting the Keystone XL Pipeline project. The Left will be shocked! shocked! at the coincidence of gas prices suddenly plummeting.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
UPDATE 11/29/24: Two among many happy changes that the election has already effected: the sane decision of corporate America [Walmart being one] to give the old heave-ho to ridiculous, rotten Woke/DEI policy; and the realization that ID Politics, the “Black Girl Magic” integral to BrandonWorld-flattering/hiring/conferring power on people as symbols, not talented individuals-is over.
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic UniParty Majority
UPDATE 11/29/24: It’s nice to see Notre Dame restored, clean and about to open again to the public. But there’s the touchy issue of the fire having been set by “an asylum seeker.” No doubt being accused of xenophobia explains why this isn’t common knowledge and a source of focused outrage on “root causes.”
UPDATE 11/28/24: There’s a debate within the GOP over use of the military to deport millions of illegals. Rand Paul thinks it’s a domestic issue, requiring only the police and “illegal” expanding the use of force to include the military. Short-sighted assessing the enormity of the task at hand.
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 11/25/24: The NPR CEO openly stating that “truth might be getting in the way of things” concisely, precisely explains why and how the Left manages to destroy everything it touches.
UPDATE 11/28/24: Point/Counter-point. NY Times scold Maureen Dowd once again carries on her wise Thanksgiving tradition of turning her column over to her sensible, conservative brother, Kevin Dowd. It’s always refreshing to hear common sense in response to nonsense, and Kevin doesn’t disappoint. This should also serve as a face goose to those malcontents counseling their fellow TDS sufferers to disown their Trump-supporting relatives. This is a lesson yet to be learned by those on the delusional Left who will simply never stop projecting their innate hostility, intolerance and divisiveness on anyone less than thrilled with their worldview.
UPDATE 11/26/24: Rob Reiner, formerly Archie Bunker’s meathead son-in-law-turned-major-Tinseltown-director and severe TDS sufferer, has checked himself into a “wellness facility” to handle “things.” He, Barbra, Ellen, Sharon, Alec and all their insanely rich & famous pals under special duress these days need to start an AA-type of support system offering daily meetings to vent…or they could make regular pilgrimages to remote places like Lake Michigan and just scream.
In a word…
UPDATE 11/27/24: Pitiful, demented, infinitesimally small Joe Biden is determined to leave Israel and the Middle East in shambles, get more Ukrainians and Russians killed, the final glorious touches to the worst Presidential tenure within memory. It would be giving him too much credit to believe this cretin could think through and hatch an orderly plan to destroy anything thoroughly. It’s more likely an affirmation of Obama’s assessment of Joe’s overriding talent “to f–k things up.”
The Brandon legacy.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
UPDATE 11/29/24: Hillary, 2028, the thing that still won’t leave, nevah, nevah, nevah. Note absence of exclamation points.
Still dreaming of that glorious comeback. The first book, the fifth book, the umpteenth book…still the same Grand Finale.
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 11/26/24: Oh, right. That’s it! If only the MSM hadn’t asked her dumb questions like the ones the better ones DID ask: like about the economy, jobs, gas/grocery prices, the border, Israel/Hamas. It’s so glaringly obvious the answers she did offer up were totally illuminating and substantive like “…love the American people, their ambitions, their aspirations, the dreams unburdened by what has been, haven’t been to Europe….and all in a veritable rainbow of regional/ethnic accents! And then that goofy “power” video for her supporters…
No question: the Dems MUST run her again as their candidate. Kamala, 2028!!!!
And to think I always thought these DC/Hollywood people all really, really loved one another.
UPDATE 11/29/24: How can a legacy so corrupt and malevolent in its original intention (“fundamental transformation” ie permanent civil war) ever be considered “tarnished” as some have recently chosen to describe the waning of The Magic One/Sorta God?”
An overly generous appraisal of The Legacy.
UPDATE 11/26/24: The Wokest Pope ever has now gone yet deeper down the well to hell taking sides against Israel in its war on its mortal enemies. In a world that seems quite ready to discard both politicized theology and science, there should be little mourning and much relief when this Pontiff passes on.
Delighting the Left, betraying humanity.