AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 2/23/24: “Christian Nationalism” is the currently invoked bogeyman of the Left, the first line of accusation against pro-Americans, realists holding fast to the ideas and concepts that make healthy, free life thrive. Minus these ideas and concepts, we are reduced to savagery and, in the inevitable chaos that ensues, totalitarian dictatorship.
UPDATE 2/20/24: American spirit is a universal gift animating all humans who thrive on freedom. The dark side of this ultimate goodness is evil which is most visibly demonstrated by individuals and whole political regimes that define themselves by their hatred of freedom. Putin is just the latest in at least a century-long line of Russian tyrants. His latest foray into unabashed evil is his murder of courageous dissident Alexei Navalny. Bari Weiss, of the adnirable Free Press, has paid eloquent tribute to him and recently interviewed celebrated refusenik Natan Sharansky in Israel only a month back. Navalny’s letters to Sharansky are now available.
“…a passage from one of Sharansky’s fellow dissidents and Navalny’s political ancestors: Alexander Solzhenitsyn. In his 1976 book Warning to the West, he wrote this: ‘Human nature is full of riddles. One of those riddles is: How is it that the people who have been crushed by the sheer weight of slavery and cast to the bottom of the pit can nevertheless find strength in themselves to rise up and free themselves first in spirit and then in body, while those who soar unhampered over the peaks of freedom suddenly lose the taste for it, lose the will to defend it, and, hopelessly confused and lost, almost begin to crave slavery?’
Navalny was in the darkest pit. And yet he remained free. May his example live for all time. God knows we need it in ours.
Last month in Israel I was honored to interview Natan Sharansky live in Tel Aviv. Watch our conversation here:
UPDATE 2/19/24: Our great American forefathers, targets of those who would erase mention and memory of them, continue to speak to us from two and a half centuries back.
UPDATE 2/19/24: Considering how his life began, he should have been a high-level race hustler like Claudine Gay at best or, at worst, a dead rap street artist. Instead Roland Fryer is an eminent Black economist. There’s room up there alongside Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas and the swelling ranks of distinguished American Blacks whose success is a giant gut punch to those perpetuating their racism of “low expectations.”
UPDATE 2/20/24: The Democrat Party’s full message to the American people has devolved to a quick, easy slogan: GET TRUMP! Let’s call it “assassination by lawfare.”
UPDATE 2/21/24: Of all things, the Czechs of Kafka’s oppressive Castle and 40 years of communist occupation have gone Woke and must fight again for basic rights. As usual, the fools have voted themselves into this same old cage again, all falling for the same Leftist lies, this time the “Climate Crisis.”
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
UPDATE 2/21/24: As usual, the Left projects onto Trump and MAGA its own actively “fascist” tactics and goals in taking over our elections and imposing its own totalitarian agenda onto an unsuspecting America.
UPDATE 2/20/24: If the South Carolina voting (Trump vs. Haley) goes as one hopes, it may provide a real indication that state referenda, left relatively uncorrupted unlike our national elections of late, reflect an overwhelming MAGA undertow about to sweep BrandonWorld out to sea, no more to be seen in our lifetimes. Ditto purple states such as Michigan. Fingers crossed.
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 2/20/24: With the J6 DC gulag in full operation, Navalny’s murder now mirrors our own descent into Stalinist tyranny.
UPDATE 2/21/24: Removing the Reconciliation Monument from Arlington Cemetary indicates our transformation into a chilling, Orwellian society where memory is erased and newly minted sanitized history takes its place in the void.
UPDATE 2/18/24: Sad day for those still wed to the bat soup theory of Covid’s origins. A Japanese study reveals that every strain of the virus that put Joe Biden in the White House and ruined millions upon millions of lives in a socially engineered lockdown is manmade. The good news is that it dispels the myth of all this being something accidental or an unfortunate act of God. The bad news is that this IS manmade, that certain people of great power and influence would like to see us all dead or at the very least under their absolute control.
UPDATE 2/18/24: A new book has been released entitled “Tell Me When It’s Over: An Insider’s Guide to Deciphering Covid Myths and Navigating Our Post-Pandemic World” by Paul Offit, a Philadelphia pediatrician and until recently an unquestioning vaccine advocate. Now he’s having second thoughts. He is not alone. Herewith, testimony from another brave, principled pediatrician in Oregon.
The first comment on the latter article: “Who can we trust?”
We’re all on the defensive now.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 2/24/24: The Ukraine debacle drags on. What are the legitimate reasons for continuing to send $billions there and what are the legitimate reasons not to?
UPDATE 2/21/24: Witness a total brain smash-up as an intersectional trio of runaway ideologies (gender, race, climate) collide in central downtown Wokeville. This cerebral calamity stars the former Richard Levine, now Admiral Rachel, holding forth on climate change’s specific impact on Blacks.
UPDATE 2/24/24: Like never before in our lives, we are expected to accept new absurdities on a daily basis as gospel truth, only one of which is proposed training in the treatment of “all birthing people, including nonbinary persons and persons of transgender experience.” Furthermore, training must include “all persons who may interact with perinatal patients, including, but not limited to, receptionists, housekeeping, orderlies, physician assistants, [and] medical assistants.”
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 2/20/t24: For those on the Globalist Left pushing the fake Climate Crisis and forcing us all to abandon gas-powered cars for EVs, the worst thing that can happen is that the sun is shining, the air is perfectly breathable, the water is drinkable, polar bears are multiplying, and people are going on with their daily lives as they have for thousands of years.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic UniParty Majority
UPDATE 2/22/24: On display in Times Square: “Hey Joe! If cops aren’t safe because of your open borders, nobody is!”
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 2/22/24: The Democrat Party has forged a 21st century Axis of Evil, an alliance of the growing radical pro-Hamas Squad in Congress and those Party “moderates” [from Joe on down) who persist in secretly subverting Israel at every turn. Quarrel as they might appear to do, this is minor contention between two like-minded predators after the same innocent prey.
UPDATE 2/19/24: The slow assassination-by-lawfare of the Deep State’s most fearsome foe is One Huge Lie for the history books, unprecedented in its outrageous abuse of the legal system. Should there be no comeuppance for those intent on destroying Trump and MAGA, magnificent America will be no more, just a lawless banana republic indistinguishable from those hapless shitholes on every continent, hanging on by a thread.
UPDATE 2/22/24: In all things but most dramatically in the Leftist media’s reporting on Trump vs. Biden, the “fact-checkers” are the foxes guarding the henhouse, beyond the reach of the law. That’s fair play to those who have no taste for debate or anything resembling a pluralistic, open-minded society. Nowadays, a reliable measure of what is true or not is taking virtually any position of BrandonWorld and looking at the diametrically opposed position.
UPDATE 2/23/24: TROUBLED, a recently published memoir about coming up the hard way, coins the insightful term “luxury beliefs,” proletarian views publicly held by the rich and/or famous while privately enjoying the elitist lifestyles of capitalist fat cats.
Such is the case of one recently deceased Progressive Norwegian, a prominent globalist who lived high on capitalism while working all his life to deny its benefits to the entire world.
UPDATE 2/23/24: A recently released hagiography video about folksinger/political activist Joan Baez lays bare an entire life and career image based on hypocrisy. “My relationship with money has been sketchy,” she says. “I gave much of it away.” But not so much that she doesn’t continue to live like royalty, cushioned from any criticism by utopian “luxury beliefs” that still include an end to national borders, capitalism, all military forces, fossil fuels ( of course!) without all of which she and most of the rest of us would be living in impoverished squalor and obscurity or not living at all.
Taking nothing away from her great musical talent, Baez comes off in her final years as one more New Age Left Coast navel gazer unwilling and/or incapable of accepting life as it actually is rather than as her fanatic Quaker/Gandhian ideology dictates it should be…but never can be. Everyone longs for a better world, devoid of violence, but brutal, objective reality has proven that “good men [such as rich, famous folksingers and the rest of us regular Joes & Janes] sleep peaceably in their beds because rough men stand ready to do violence [against evil] on their behalf.”
UPDATE 2/20/24; How long must the charade continue: a pathological, serial liar, now degenerated into a physical/mental wreck pretending to be POTUS? Do the Democrats really still think he’s their best bet to fend off the return of THE DONALD?
Still as entrancing as he was in 2020.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”
UPDATE 2/24/24: Obama cast a long, deep dark shadow on this country when he managed to divide us all into a nation of Whites and non-Whites, the antithesis of a diversified yet United States of America. Rather than E Pluribus Unum, his Identity Politics has transformed our motto into E Uno Plura. We are well on our way to the disintegrated fate of those punished for building the Tower of Babel.