AMERICAN SPIRIT-Not just surviving but prevailing!
UPDATE 8/22/23: Are we to remain Americans as we have identified ourselves since 1776 or are we doomed to extinction?
A corrupted legal system weaponized to persecute the current regime’s most powerful opponent and the ongoing existence of a J6 Gulag made up of his most vocal supporters make it alarmingly clear that we are living in the early stages of totalitarian, UniParty dictatorship. It all looks like nothing so much as Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia and their subsequent imitators in the phase before the real mass terror of concentration camps and Cultural Revolutions began. What else could be the logical next step after destroying all political opposition?
Admittedly, this is about as dark a view as possible, but one has to consider what actually is taking place before our eyes. The hopes of real Americans lie almost solely in a legitimate election, and even there, word has it the regime is already planning Covid 2.0 to effect another stolen election via mass mail-in voting, no doubt extended for days, even weeks if necessary to get the desired numbers and electoral votes. They did it before, and they’ll do it again.
It’s hard to be cheerful, given the circumstances of the last 3 years and fanatic resistance to turning things around to the genuine benefit of Americans. Minus Trump, is there anyone else of sufficient mettle to lead the way back?
Babylon Bee reports that the Deplorable Subject of The Mug Shot has come off looking so heroically attractive that a fourth indictment has been handed down. May vengeance be his in the form of a second term of truly making American great again…and keeping her that way. Let his detractors rot in their impotent envy.
UPDATE 8/22/23: Rapidly replacing De Santis as the crown prince of MAGAdom, Ramaswamy is already creating controversy within conservative ranks issuing a statement about cutting aid to Israel within five years.
On the face of it, this places him in the camp of the Israel haters on the Left. Some supportive of Israel and familiar with the intricacies and flaws of our greatest and most productive ally disagree. And then there’s his peculiar, rather useless obsession with 9/11 conspiracy theories at odds with what most of us have taken away from that day.
His debate performance was good as predicted, and his presence dominant. Ultimately, all that matters is what he actually does, given the opportunity to serve in political office.
UPDATE 8/20/23: Sorry to say the De Santis campaign is seriously floundering, and he’s showing understandable signs of battle fatigue. Like Marco Rubio before him, he might be wise to limit his political ambitions to Florida where he has performed admirably as governor. The reality is that Trump has set almost an impossibly high standard for national office that, in this moment in time, will be fiendishly difficult for anyone else to match.
One gets the distinct impression that we need more states that are conservative strongholds while an historic warrior personality wages war on Washington to keep it at bay and run interference for the states and the citizens within them. There is real truth in Trump’s assertion that he is all that stands between us and Them.
UPDATE 8/24/23: Nowadays no word is more ignorantly misused and wasted than “fascism,” nowadays the catch-all word for Leftists dismissing anyone or anything they don’t happen to like. But who does the term really describe?
Note this dictionary typically considers totalitarian control strictly a “right-wing” phenomenon as if there couldn’t possibly be Leftwingers fitting the bill.
ELECTION FRAUD-America In The Balance
JANUARY 6-Tyranny vs A Nation of a Trillion Sparks
UPDATE 8/22/23: The horrors of the J6 Gulag in America’s capital proudly run and perpetuated by the current administration stands out as among the most un-American, shameful, criminal features of BrandonWorld. Those on the Left famous for their passionate championing of human rights have selectively decided this isn’t a problem.
UPDATE 8/23/23: An article entitled “The China Century is over” runs a distant second in importance to a bigger question involving the whole world: “Is the American Century (the 20th) our last good one?”
It’s no surprise that internally China is less than the paradise it claims to be. Being totally focused on swallowing up the rest of the world, it cares nothing for the well-being of its own citizens. Who could ever claim that communism has ever been good for anybody, especially its most religiously devoted practitioners and those millions of the faceless subjected to its control. This is a monster hollowing itself out in pursuit of absolute power.
UPDATE 8/23/23: Big mystery that there was almost “no flu” during the Covid debacle. “Experts” are amazed, and some even call for a repeat to wipe it out again!
Even the CDC, is scratching its head on the “unusually low” flu numbers during 2020-2021. Maybe, just maybe, the flu was just going by a different name that had great advantages for the Democrat Party and its cronies Big Pharma.
“The Flu did not disappear, it was simply rebranded as Covid.” There was no “once-in-a-century pandemic”.
Amazing analysis by @JordanSchachtel in the link below 👇
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) June 24, 2023
UPDATE 8/25/23: Business is booming for the barbaric craze of “non-binary” surgeries, removing the genitals and breasts of confused young boys and girls.
Follow the money. Lots of it to be made.
SUPREMES-Different faces, still a Leftist Weird Sister act
WAR & PEACE: LENIN’S (and fellow Socialist HITLER’S) HEIRS
UPDATE 8/22/23: The Ukraine War has claimed countless lives and trashed a country for no other purpose than the political and financial gains of its corrupt leaders. It’s far past time that this horrific fraud be called out and stopped.
Hey, man. We’ve really got a good thing going here, haven’t we?! How many billions are we up to now? And those dunces think it’s about liberating a country!
8/20/23: The song “Rich Men North of Richmond” is being touted as a “conservative anthem,” but to these ears it could just as easily be interpreted as a typical Lefty jab at those capitalist meanies keeping the Little Guy down. The singer/songwriter has made it clear it’s about ALL those Washington types bent on “control” which resonates at least to these ears. The musical quality of the song and singer’s voice do not resonate, and the hoopla surrounding the pseudo-folksy/blue collar lyrics is just another invented news cycle topic. The question remains, and every rational citizen needs to answer it correctly: who are the real bad guys and what’s their plan?
But he’s got the location right.
UPDATE 8/20/23: We’re assured by the best authorities (BrandonWorld and its alien inhabitants) that Bidenomics is working!!! From the top of this garbage heap, Joe himself persuasively asserts that cutting corporate profits is wiping out inflation and making the economy soar. In other words, kill the very thing that creates jobs, opportunity, innovation and prosperity from top to bottom, and you’re creating more jobs, opportunity, innovation and prosperity.
Who could argue with that?
THE GREAT RESET-The Clocks are striking 13? Can you live with this?
UPDATE 8/26/23: A totally digitized life of 24/7/365 surveillance awaits us, and even Red States are jumping on board.
UPDATE 8/21/23: Have a yen for a hamburger? Some pork chops? Don’t count on it if you’re living in one of those virtuous U.S. cities with a stated goal of banning meat by decade’s end.
GREEN MONSTER-Environmental Tyranny
UPDATE 8/24/23: The fundamental premise of the Greenies is that humans are a blight on the earth deserving of punishment for the sin of taking up space and utilizing the resources of the planet. Humanity is to be conquered and controlled, not the pitiless forces of nature. Naturally, those special humans enforcing this will be the privileged few spared the inconveniences of starving and succumbing to the elements.
UPDATE 8/23/23: Proterra is this year’s Solyndra: a scam paid for by taxpayers, touted as The Next Big Thing by Joe & Kamala, pushed by the likes of heavy investors Al Gore, George Soros and Jennifer Granholm, all of whom dumped their shares at hefty profits before…you guessed it…Proterra went bust.
ID/WOKE POLITICS, Obama’s Permanent Civil War of Transformation
IAVT-I’M A VICTIM TOO! (Successful Black division)
BLACK LIVES MATTER…but only selectively to the race baiters.
ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/ OPEN BORDERS-Creating a Permanent Democratic UniParty Majority
AMERICAN JEWRY-Brightest & Dumbest People On Earth
JEXODUS-Sensible Jews leaving the Dem Party
UPDATE 8/26/23: Naturally the Hollywood love letter to Robert Oppenheimer glosses over the toxic presence of communists and their sympathizers in high places, very possibly including Oppenheimer himself.
UPDATE 8/26/23: For those familiar with Ayn Rand’s novels and essays, a world plagued by arbitrary lockdowns and absurdities galore (gender spectrums, climate change) is no surprise. One longs for our very own Galt’s Gulch where free, clear-thinking individuals thrive in independent harmony far, far away from the tyranny of centralized Big Government and the intellectual/moral midgets voting repeatedly for it. For now, we can only hope for an honest election giving voice to decent people guided by their own rational self-interest.
UPDATE 8/23/23: Young people are slowly waking up to the sensible idea that, without a specific reason for career advancement, “going to college” is a waste of time and money.
UPDATE 8/24/23: In a fair, just world, Joe & Hunter would at the very least be gone from public life if not in jail. But these are not fair and just times.
UPDATE 8/22/23: Leave it to Joe Biden to strike just the right congenial note with Hawaiians reeling from a fire that has taken possibly 1000 lives and laid total waste to an entire city and the lives of all its inhabitants. This stand-up comic is just “warming up” by making jokes to the firefighters about their boots and the hot ground. The hilarity reaches its peak when comparing the Maui disaster with a [reputed] home kitchen fire years back chez Joey/Jill: “To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ’67 Corvette, and my cat.”
“All kidding aside….” Dementia doesn’t fully explain this. We simply become more ourselves when we grow old.
C’mon man! He lost his wife and kids to a drunk driver [not] way back when. And did he mention that his son Beau died in Iraq [not]? America is blessed with a warped genius of diplomacy and a thoroughly empty approximation of a human being.
An appreciative Hawaiian Hail To The Chief.
CLINTON (The Thing That Wouldn’t Leave)
FAUCI and the curse of the “EXPERTS”